Generation X

This page list's some of the title's and issue number's of my Generation X Collection. Comming soon picture's of all the cover's listed.
Marvel Line Title Issue Number
Generation X Of Leather & Lace # 1 (1995)
Generation X Third Genesis # 1
Generation X Between The Cracks # 4
Generation X Don't Touch That Dial # 5
Generation X Notes From The Underground # 6
Generation X Nights & Bolts # 7
Generation X Cassidy Keep # 8
Generation X Some Place Other Than Here # 9
Generation X Death Wail # 11 (Part 2)
Generation X The Return Of Emplate # 12
Generation X It's All Relative # 13
Generation X Jubilee's Top Ten Reason's Why Emplate Is A Loser # 14
Generation X Death In The Family # 15
Generation X Out Of Sync # 16
Generation X Our Skin # 17
Generation X Last X-Man # 27

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