Pretty cool yeah?!
That was Number Six as we all remembered him. Unfortunately on December 20th 1996,
Number Six passed away. He was six and a half months old, which is quite old for a
Beta fish with a two-week optimum life span. He had been one of many Beta fish
acquired for centerpieces for the Murdock High School senior prom in May of that
year. However, at the end of the night, Devon Halley befriended him and took him
home. Number Six spent the summer with him and followed him to college where he
became the 11th floor's favourite charity case. Everyone loved him except Laurie
McKenna who called him, and I quote, "your stupid fish" (She has since appologized). However Number Six
was incredibly smart. He could play dead and do other tricks. Number Six also
had a cameo role in the renowed film, Mission: Impossible
which Devon made. It is assumed Number Six died of natural causes although suicide has
not been ruled out. According to Devon, with the approach of the holiday season
Number Six had become more lifeless and desponant than usual, no doubt missing
his fishy brothers and sisters who had already passed on. Condolences can be sent to Devon Halley
Most people have no idea about the origins of Number Six's unique name. They
erroneously believe that he is simply the sixth fish Devon has owned and they are
wrong! Number Six is named for the hero of the British television show The Prisoner.
In that show the character Number Six (played by Patrick McGoohan) is a resigned
secret agent who is taken against his will to a secret place called The Village.
The metaphor was too good for Devon to pass up. The fish is named Number Six because
Devon made him a prisoner and took him away. See, wasn't that easy!
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