The Story of My Life - The Short Version

Hello! I was born. I survived preschool, elementary school, braces, a really bad haircut, getting glasses, flipping my bike over and spraining my arm, middle school, high school, and now I'm in college. Here is a page full of way too much information. :D

This is me:

I go to Iowa State University. I'm in my fifth year here (AH!) For two years I was in computer engineering, but then changed my major to graphic design. While graphic design can be just as challenging as engineering (Teacher: "I want 300 sketches by tomorrow!") it's a lot more enjoyable for me. And I much prefer USING computers to building them. I'll graduate in 2003- a long way off. I'm living in the dorms, and might do it again next year. I'm STILL trying to decide whether or not I'm crazy for doing it! haha.

I LOVE horses and riding. At the moment, however, I'm horseless. If anyone has any horses lounging around that need to be ridden, call me!!! I've been riding since I was 12 years old, mainly taking once a week lessons. I ride both English and western, although primarily English. During the summer of '99 I worked at a ranch in Colorado, which was an awesome experience. I also used to be the webmistress of the ISU Equestrian Club's website.

I like to sail, although I haven't been sailing lately. I learned from my father, who owned a 26' MacGreggor, which they have since sold. My parents are now in the process of overhauling a Southern Cross 32. It suffers from 19 years of little usage and no maintenance.


I currently work at a pizza place in Ames, called Great Plains Sauce and Dough Co. It's a great place, the pizza is AWESOME, so if you're ever in Ames, stop on by and say hi. I'm the quiet, intimidating one scaring away the small children as I chop through some 2 inch thick pizza crusts. :P (I'm only slightly eggagerating.)

I've got some artwork scanned and on the Internet in random places, so I'll link you to some of it... :)
My portfolio page This website originally began as a class project, but it's changed a LOT since I first did it. It's got all my current graphic design projects, as well as some drawings and photography I've done in class.
Webshots This is my webshots page. I ended up with a webshots page a long time ago when I was really into Neopets (ohhh come on, admit it, they ARE cute!) Now I use it just to show my long distance friends some of my sillier artwork and sketches.
My photography This is almost all of the prints I did last semester in photography. I really LOVED that class- hopefully I'll be able to get into the advanced photo class next semester. I takes a lot of time, but the photos are definitely worth it!

I like to chase squirrels. (I'm not so sure the poor squirrels enjoy it, though.)

Other random stuff...

I'm on IRC way too much. Dork alert! Catch me as `Nyara in #crazyhouse on DALnet.
I'm both a cat AND dog person....
I'm also both a Mac AND IBM person. (Wonder if there's a connection?)
I'm single.
I like to play with fire.
I'm easily amused.
I still can't decide what my favorite color is (blue, green, red or brown?!?!)
I like music.
Last night I had a dream that I was trying to play my clarinet but this weird guy on the street kept selling me broken reeds and telling me to use them anyway.
I don't have much fashion sense when it comes to myself ("You mean I can't wear size triple extra large tshirts anymore???")
I don't mind getting dirty. PERMA DIRT!!!
I watch Comedy Central. A lot.
I own copies of Rocky Horror Picture Show, Sixteen Candles, The Maxx, Fight Club, Titanic (it was a gift) and The Black Stallion, among others.
My hands get REALLY chapped in the winter.
I have a sweet tooth.
I have the social capabilities of a hampster, but not the ability to flip over backwards or run forever on a little wheel. Well I probably could run on a wheel but I don't think they make them that big.
Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite books.
Robin McKinley is my favorite author.
I usually skip the little stories in Watership Down but I think I figured out how to say Thethuthenang's name.
I can play the piano, clarinet, and I'm trying to learn guitar but it's not going so well anymore.
I always thought of the green M&Ms as male, not female. That bothers me. It used to be cool to get a green M&M because they didn't make as many, but now they're all over the place. I think orange is the least found now. Do they even make the light brown ones anymore? Why not? Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Brown, Light Brown. Why'd they skip blue when I was little? It's one of the basic colors!
In Colorado I had the nickname "Good News."
Sometimes I wish I was 10 years old again, but with the knowledge that I had now. Kinda like that song on the car commercial....
Driving sometimes makes me anxious. I don't know why.
I have subscriptions to Print Magazine, Practical Horseman, and Horse Illustrated.
I don't really drink much. Nothing against it, I just don't.
I don't smoke either.
I really really wish I had a horse to ride.
My favorite breed is currently thoroghbreds. :)

These are from my test taking spree during spring break!

Take the What Color Dragon Should You Ride? Quiz
Made By: myway and teza

And yes, I HAVE read almost all the Pern books. :P

I've been taking a lot of othe rtests lately. Check 'em out if you're bored. Some are really dumb. :)

Back to the beginning, it's a very good place to be...Does anyone ever even use this link? There's a back button on the browser, I'm sure. Oh well. Just in case.
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