The son of a Latvian potentate, James M. Palmer brought with him to America his encyclopedic mind and dry wit with which to entertain the masses. Kept from a career in Starfleet by a rare tribble allergy and the Green Lantern Corps because of his large knuckles, James instead fights injustice, ignorance and stupidity from his secret lair deep in the earth's crust below Martha's Vineyard. His latest adventure, in which he thwarted a neo-Nazi plot to replace the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System with robotic duplicates, won him the Congressional Medal of Honor. Although he is a recluse, James can often be spotted late at night throwing hubcaps sprayed with glow-in-the-dark paint over Whitley Streiber's house like a frisbee.


My name is James Palmer. I am a 24 year-old college student now attending North Georgia College and State University. My major is Middle Grades Education, and I want to teach English. I would also like to become a writer. I recently began writing reviews for The Outer Rim, the newspaper of the Area 51 community. I enjoy spending time with my fiance' Kelley, playing guitar (although I'm not very good), playing chess, and reading and writing science fiction. Right now, I am the secretary/historian of the NGCSU chapter of SGAE, the Student Georgia Association of Educators. Here are just a few more of my personal favorite links:


If you believe Theodore Sturgeon's maxim that "90% of everything is crap," then you probably also believe that the same holds true for the Internet. Well, I can tell you that there are a few places to go on the Internet to find good writing. Here they are:

The Healing Power of Obnoxiousness. Acid-tongued SF journalist Paul T. Riddell brings us tons of his columns and articles from SF magazines as he "clubs fanboys like baby seals." If you like Harlan Ellison, you'll like this guy.

Speaking of Harlan, It would also behoove you to check out Ellison Webderland. Rick Wyatt is the keeper of Unca Harlan's official presence on the 'Net, and he also has a few clever turns of phrase to share with you in his Rants columns.

Sabina C. Becker is a Canadian writer-to-be who is penning her first novel. Check out her triumphs, problems and pitfalls at The Scholarly.


NEA, the National Education Association.
GAE, the Georgia Association of Educators.

You are the person to enter here since December 12, 1997.

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