Khory Scythe

Jedi Knight & Secretary of Education

At the tender age of seven, I was taken to Tatooine by my mother so she could beg Jabba the Hutt for spice. His reply to her begging was her death by one of his dreaded pets. My father, a man named Kyth Scythe who was originally from Chad III, took me back to his home planet where he raised me the next eight years.

At sixteen, I joined a trader (really a smuggler) and wound up serving the Alliance in a B-wing class ship. I happen to be one of the few humans who flew the Calamarian ships once they were developed and space worthy.

As I traveled with the Alliance (against the second Death Star and the Ssi-ruuk) I've collected as many datacards of Luke Skywalker and his adventures as I could, not realizing that my obsession stemmed from having a need to learn about the Force and become a Jedi. My only goals were to serve the New Republic by becoming a Jedi Knight and fighting the forces of darkness and evil that exist in this universe. Now, I serve a greater power than the New Republic, I serve the Force. My goals have changed as I wish to raise up my sons in the ways I have learned, in the Light.

I've completed my training to Jedi Knight and am studying Jedi Battle Meditation, especially the story of Nomi Sunrider, a powerful Jedi in Battle Meditation. I am also working on my first lightsaber. I have one already, but it was...well, stolen while I was a trader...I mean smuggler. Revel Skagg gave me a teal crystal to help begin the construction of I am called to Eol Sha and Chad III for other components. I will stop at Danok for its final construction, so Barak can assist me. I've been thinking about the silicon armor of a fireworm for plating of the cover the bone of a cy'een from Chad III. I'm truly excited about this.

I've finished my saber and have returned to Tatooine to find the fire of my love for my husband gone and my path as Jedi and lover taking another route. Just recently, I have found someone...who seems to be seeking something important. I tested him with my knowledge of the Force and found him to have the Force with him. I've told him some of my training on Danok and have invited him to go and learn how to control his abilities. *blushes* He's asked me to come with stay by his side. I saw a vision as I looked into his eyes and found that my future is with him.

Several months past in bliss on Danok, Arthur and myself learning about each other while he studied Jedi philosophy. The boys are now 14 and a half and their training is taking new steps now. However, I received a call from the Republic, requesting I join them. The New Republic had fallen due to parties forming and segregating the senators from each other and a new man had stepped in to clean up the government and renew it. I was asked to represent my homeworld of Chad III and head up the Republic's defense force--seeing as I had experience in that area when I served the Rebel Alliance. I agreed, and asked Arthur to watch my boys while I was away, hoping to only be away for short periods at a time, but the Secretary General/Chancellor turned up missing--apparently kidnapped without a trace. Now, I must act in this place until he can be found. If the Secretary General doesn't turn up, I will be placed in his position till an emergency vote can be cast amongst the senators for a new Secretary General/Chancellor.

No trace can be found of Secretary General Kkak and I was forced to call an emergency meeting to inform the rest of the Senate and begin the nominations and votes for the secretarial positions left open. Acting as Secretary General is difficult, especially with suspicions directed at me for keeping Tug Kkak's disappearance hidden for so long. Who knows if I can even retain my position as Secretary of Defense....

After the elections, I find that I now must perform the duties of the Secretary of Education. Already I had begun looking for more areas to place military academies, but back in my mind I am preparing myself to begin getting involved with more Jedi training.

Flaw: Khory fears training someone and having them turn to the darkside because of bad training, therefore she has low confidence in her training abilities, although she tries to cover this by trying to train others the best she can.

Assia Lars
Jedi Praxeum
Arthur Decker

Star Wars Who's Who: A Pocket Guide to the Characters of the Star Wars Triology
