Sci-Fi Obsession is my corner of the web, my place to worship the great works of literature known as Science Fiction. This site is always under construction, and will get better soon. (I hope!) I have Netscape, but I have just seen my site in Mosiac, and it looks pretty good (If I do say somyself :-D ).

I'm currently working on an evil plot to overhaul my webpage. (So it's not overthrowing the government. What do you expect from me?) When I'm done, my page will have a point. Hopefully.

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STAR TREK, the U.S.S. Voyager, the U.S.S Enterprise, Deep Space Nine, tribbles, Klingons, and probably a whole lot else are regestered trademarks of Paramount Pictures and Viacom. Anything related to Quantum Leap is regestered to Belisarius Pictures, Star Wars is LucasFilm, and I don't know what else is regestered to whomever else. No copyright infringement is intended on this page. Also, I am making no profit off of this page (Which means I'm breaking most of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition)
Otherwise, this page is copyright JediTrekker, 1996-2000

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