There are several player maintained sites that I'm aware of. There may be more than this. If you've information on others not listed here please forward me the URL so I can add them to the list.

The pages of House Carnelian (maintained by Andrew Penney) tell the story of the adventures of Jhremai the Scarlet and his companions. The (JPEG format) maps on various regions and his commentary on events make it the best player site IMHO. He also offers his mapping utility, the "Palantir v1.1" for downloading (for Windows; 457kb self-extracting zip file.)
Jhremai is also Chamberlin (correct me if I'm wrong) to the Grand Council of Ambassadors, an association of Olympian alliances. They provide a forum for the airing of grievances, and various other diplomatic activities aimed at maintaining peace and a stable world situation.

There are the TIBS Alliance pages that offers a map of the Drassa region and information on joining them. They also list their charter and offer the means to contact their representative. I recommend checking this site if you plan on venturing into Drassa and environs.

The Travellers Guide is a rather spare page. Some maps and links. He states he maintains a map site with more information on Olympian geography, but it's for contributors only. Contact him if you want to contribute to his mapping effort and gain access to whatever he has available.

The Olympia Digest is right in my own neighborhood and I didn't even know of it. (Must be working to hard... right.) It's a collection of articles from The Olympia Times from both games 1 & 2. He's organized the material into various related groups, and offers reports & rumors he receives from others. Not to bad a site overall.

A relativley knew addtion to the game (or perhaps only recently revealed,)The Shadow Alliance is a "secret society." If you enjoy the "cloak and dagger" plus "vigilante" sort of game, check out their page.

The newest edition to the player maintained sites is House of Lords. They're the rulers of Cragston, a small island nation west of the Free City of Drassa. They offer a map of their kingdom, and tell you who to contact if you plan to visit, as well as a listing of their primary nobles. A well done site.

House of Aekinskald is a very well done site that I recently visited. I particularly enjoyed the chronicles he writes for his faction. They're short and imaginative... and very entertaining. A relatively new faction, but I hope to see more from them soon.

Another site I visited recently is Lord Foul's Domain. He serves up some interesting items for new players, and offers some offbeat links. Worth a visit anytime.

Well the Lords of the Crown have suprised me this time. I think Sir Codric is beginning to learn the benefits of a good PR campaign. Kudos, Sir Codric! Your new found voice will force me to speak better of you, since I can no longer expect silence in response. ;-) Take a look at the new site, I think it's worth the trip. With history from the perspective of LotC, to a complete explanation of what is and isn't permissible throughout Crown lands, and even a picture of the happy couple.

All of the following links are sites I've not looked at in detail.

The Olympia Gossip Page bit the dust before I had a chance to look it over good. Sorry to see you go.

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