The Battle of Ord Farlenx


'It feels like I'm swimming in murk.' Layer by layer she began to become conscious. Her body felt like lead and she could hear a faint buzzing. As time went on, though she couldn't determine how long, she began to feel more refreshed and the buzzing started forming into words. 'Am I lying down or sitting?'  Either way she would rest here with her eyes closed and listen.

"We'll have to make out a report that the subject is comatose and her brain has ceased functioning."

A different voice. "What do you think caused it?"

The first voice again. "It was probably a mixture of everything she's gone through. I've never seen anyone go through so much and not talk. My opinion is the mind control drugs were what finally made her a vegetable."

"That's too bad, she was good looking too."

'Karen... Is that my name?  Yes.  Yes it is. Karen Cross.' She listened but the only sounds she could hear were the two men working. She couldn't tell what they were working on or with. She decided she was lying down and decided that was the best thing right now. Just rest.

She woke with a start. She'd been having a dream about...  'About what?'  Someone who was important but she couldn't remember why. She realized she couldn't remember a lot of things. She opened her eyes and with much resistance they came open. Everything was blurry. She blinked rapidly a few times and it helped. She was in a lab of some sort, lying down on an examining table. On the other side of the room were two men in white coats. 'Scientists. Probably the same two voices I heard earlier.' They had their backs to her so she couldn't see what they were doing. Karen decided to sit up and her head immediately began to swim. She sat there for a moment until her head cleared. Once the dizziness passed she realized that she felt great physically. She wasn't too sure what was going on...  'Wait! Yes I do. I've been captured and tortured. They were trying to get information from me.  Am I right?'  She shook her head. She couldn't remember. She'd worry about that later. Right now she needed to take care of these two.
She slid off the table and started towards them. Not making a sound she crept up behind one, grabbed his neck and smashed his head into the counter he was working on, knocking him out cold.

"What the...?" The other scientist grabbed a needle and started toward Karen. She readied herself as he made a clumsy lunge toward her. Her arm circled around his, trapping it. She brought her other hand up hard against his elbow and it snapped backwards. He barely had a moment to shriek in pain before she let go and pivoted her body sending her elbow into his face knocking him over the table into a crumpled heap.
Karen couldn't remember much but something inside told her that they, whoever they were, would be looking for her if she didn't cover her tracks. There was a computer terminal in the room and her instincts took over. She knew what to do.

She got past the safeguards within the system in only a few moments. It was fairly easy. So there was one skill she knew she had. She searched the records to see how many other prisoners there were. Her search came up revealing only her. She then made false records that she had been transferred to...  'Let's see what would be a good place? Kessel!'  She had looked at the identification tags of the two knocked out scientists and had recorded them as being on vacation. She then shut down the computer and put them in a room with some snack rations she found in a cupboard. She locked the door on them and with no one supposed to be here it should be a while before anyone showed up, giving her plenty of time to escape. She walked out the main door ready for anything.

~Admiral Kanaris,~ said Tess over the intercom.  ~Former Agent Karen Cross has escaped from the Interrogation section of the Analysis Bureau of Imperial Intelligence. You will recall, we turned her over to the Internal Counterintelligence Bureau when COMPNOR's Internal Security Bureau identified her husband as a security risk and demanded custody,"~ she finished.

"Vaguely. Wasn't she one of our out-system intelligence personnel?" he asked. 

~Yes,~ Tessana replied.  ~She was based at Yaga Minor, and had never been to this headquarters facility.~

"Refresh my memory as to her case," he said to the Computer.

"Former Agent Karen Cross received full spectrum prep and anti-interrogation conditioning during her Adjustments training. We used the prepared codes to permanently erase all critical Adjustments data from her memory prior to turning her over to IntCon. You deemed it preferable to avoid the indignity of exposing one of our personnel to COMPNOR thugs at the time. She was permitted to retain all other memories and capabilities, and Lieutenant Fragg specifically warned the IntCon Commander who took custody that she should be treated as extremely dangerous at all times, and was extremely unlikely to be influenced by their neural reprogramming efforts," droned the Computer.

"Hmm. I should think so. Without codes to activate the prep, I don't think even we could do more than break her. And that would take too long to make it worthwhile," mused the Admiral.

'Now, what to do about the situation, if anything,' he thought. "Got it, now. Kindly inform IntCon that we are not amused and that either they delegate retrieval of Former Agent Cross to COMPNOR or we bring their idiocy to the Ubiqtorate," he ordered. 'They will think I am rubbing their nose in it, but I am actually making sure they minimize their casualties on this one. The Emperor would be far better served if any excessive violence was in the vicinity of those ill-mannered ISB thugs. Imperial Intelligence is far more useful,' he thought.

The heavily populated neutral planet Annaj II, capital of the Annaj system, Moddell sector, had little strategic value other than as a source of potential troop conscription. The asteroid belt between Annaj II and Annaj III, however, had an abundance of minerals required for advanced industrial processes and certain military applications. It was substantially untapped because, as a whole, the system was more agriculturally than industrially inclined but still able to afford system patrol craft sufficient to minimize smuggling operations.
Annaj II had full planetary shielding; the minimum required for a planet with its diameter but still enough to require major bombardment. And the planetary militia, though possessing outdated weaponry, was still substantial. The planetary government was a hereditary oligopoly dominated by seven agricultural barons.

"High Councilor Krieger, it is so very good to see you again," said the leader of the diplomatic mission from the Empire. 

Councilor Krieger was short and modestly chubby, with a gray hair cut fashionably long and curled into a pony tail. He glared at the Imperial representative who had finally shown his true colors and donned an Imperial Navel Commander's gray uniform.  'The Empire's success cutting through this sector has changed their tune from negotiation to intimidation,' Krieger thought.

"Now, now. I am here to help. In fact, today I am your best friend. I know we have had our differences over the past two years, but there are a few small details I need to make you aware of," oozed the consul-at-large, since there was no formal consul's office on the planet.

"Say your peace, and then get off my planet," replied Krieger, who had staunchly opposed the Empire's entreaties to join.

"His majesty, Emperor Palpatine, despite your uncooperative attitude, graciously decided to lift all tariffs on advanced agricultural machinery sold into this system. In fact, he directed they be sold for planetary use in this system at a discount. I know you will be delighted to be able to purchase these units, since they will help reduce costs and render at least 85% of your field-hands and current harvester droids obsolete," said the Commander with a toothy grin.

"You're crazy. That would leave over a third of our population unemployed. It would destroy this planet! The High Council will make those imports illegal!" Krieger shot back.

"I'm so sorry, but three other High Council members are taking delivery," he paused to glance at a chronometer, "exactly now. If you are worried about a little social unrest, though, the Imperial Academy is especially interested in new conscripts these days. The Empire has been somewhat busy, lately, you know." Responded the Commander, who three hours later would have the pleasure of reporting to the Empire that the High Council unanimously voted to join the Empire, effective immediately.

Kyra frowned. She was really losing it and she needed to get back on track before she became as giddy as she was in front of Lord Domino.

'As I am in front of Domino...'  There was something about that thought that bothered her, but she pushed it away. Now was not the time, not with Ibran watching. Her thoughts returned to the plans she had in mind to turn him to the Dark Side. "I trust you remember what happened before you got here?" she asked brusquely.

"Of course. Alley. Fight. Grenade. Explosion. Here." Ibran finished up the list with a nod. "Yes, it's all still up there."

"I have in my custody the man who is responsible for the attack." Kyra said. "I was going to interrogate him, but I thought you might want to discuss some things with him as well."

"That was kind of you, but I only have one question I want answered," Ibran said. "You'll forgive me if I refrain from stating it in your presence."

He hadn't taken the bait. "Of course." She wondered what the question was, but she couldn't force Ibran to state it short of taking control of his mind. "I'll lead the way."

The two of them headed to the only door in the room. Ibran quickly picked up his shirt as they passed the nightstand, then reached ahead to open the door for Kyra. She inclined her head as she passed and Ibran followed her out of the room, putting his shirt on as he did so.
They were now in a corridor of varying shades of gray. Steel ventilation ducts and piping protruded from various walls only to be buried in the floor a few meters farther on. The corridor stretched ahead of them for quite a ways with various doors and side passages leading from it.  Kyra was only interested in a single door, however; it opened into a turbolift that would take them to the sub-basement. On the way down, she thought about Domino and how he would appreciate having another servant. For a moment, one of her favorite dreams played itself in her mind and a dreamy look came across her face.
The lift came to an abrupt halt, jolting Kyra out of her reverie. She took a sidelong glance at Ibran to see if he had noticed. His eyes, however, were closed, so her worry dissipated like water on Tatooine. They exited the lift and Kyra turned to her right. She took a few quick steps to the door, tapped in the sequence of buttons that would open it and the door slid open, revealing her contact. He was a dark faced man with a long scar on his nose, indicating participation in dangerous underworld activity. The shackles that kept him in the chair in the middle of the room would open only on Kyra's vocal command.

He scowled at Kyra as she entered, increasing the brooding look on his face. "I see the Gran didn't perform like they bragged," he sneered. "Too bad they didn't get rid of a waste of skin like you."

Kyra's temper flared and her hand darted instantly to her lightsaber. She grabbed it and ignited it all in one smooth motion and then realized that her lightsaber was not in her hands. She cast about for it, surprised, and located it in Ibran's grasp. Her face darkened. "Give it back," she commanded.

"But there's a better way..." Ibran started.

"I don't care!" Kyra hissed between clenched teeth. "Now give it back."

Ibran tilted his head almost imperceptibly to the right. "All right," he said, holding out the weapon.

Kyra grabbed at it, snatching it from his open palm. She turned back to the prisoner.

"I trust you with it," Ibran added.

Her thumb paused on the "On" switch. Was he some kind of idiot, seriously expecting her not to kill this man? Her mind raced while she tried to understand his actions and come up with a suitable reply.
She didn't notice the faint smell of mint that, to her nose, now pervaded the room.

"May I ask my question?" Ibran said.

"Go ahead." Kyra said, still confused. She stepped back, collecting her thoughts.

Ibran walked up to the man and bent down. He looked at the shackles keeping the man in place. "Why do you hate her so?" he whispered to the man.

The man gave a snort of disgust. "I'm a businessman; one of my hottest selling items is information," he said in an equally low voice. "She actually expected to get information for free, just because she works for someone important in the Imperial chain of command. Then she had the gall to threaten my life in front of my own men." He stole a quick glance over Ibran's shoulder at Kyra who appeared to have recovered from whatever had been bothering her. She was now gazing intently at the two of them, her pale blue eyes searching, searching. "She'd be dead right now if they'd done their job."

"I see." Ibran said. "Can I ask what it was she was trying to get from you?"

The man chuckled softly. "Sure. Ask all you want. I don't say a word until I see cold, hard credits though."

"All right," Ibran said after a slow, pondering look had crawled across his face. "If I pay you, will you tell me?"

"300 credits, up front. Otherwise, no deal." It was sheer bravado, considering the situation, but Ibran took the man at his word.

"I don't have that kind of money on me," Ibran said. "But I can get it for you."

The man glanced over Ibran's shoulder again. "Can you get me past her?" he said, nodding at Kyra.

"Yes," Ibran said.

"All right," the man agreed after a moment's consideration. "I was supposed to tell her that a Wookiee and a Twi'lek were seen recently on one of the planets in the inner Innox Sector. They were apparently searching for something. After a quick incident with the king, they left. The informant who told me this gave me the coordinates of a nearby planet they supposedly went to. He couldn't follow them without attracting attention to himself, but from what I understand, their jailbreak involved magic."

"Magic?" Ibran frowned. "Like what?"

"Creating storms and the like. I wasn't able to get a detailed description of what happened. The fight was secondhand info and I don't think my contact entirely believed it himself. Also, the Wookiee was reportedly named Tashannoc, although that's secondhand, too."

Ibran's breath froze in his throat. 'Tashannoc? If it was General Tashannoc, that means that Neb was probably the Twi'lek seen with him.'
"But what were they doing there?" he asked, frowning in concentration.

"Search me," the man said. "My contact seemed to think they were looking for a dagger of some sort. Beyond that..." He trailed off.

Ibran nodded. He stood and turned to Kyra. "Can I speak with you outside?"

Kyra paused, then nodded. She opened the door to the room and preceded Ibran outside. Once the door was safely shut, she turned to Ibran. "Well?" she asked.

"I'd like you to let him go," Ibran said.

Kyra's jaw dropped. "Out of the question, Jedi!" she sneered.

"Let him go. He told me what it was you were trying to find out," Ibran said. "There's no other reason to keep him here."

Kyra smirked. "You do good work, Jedi. Now that we have what we need, we can dispatch this insolent fool and report to Lord de Devastator. I'm sure he will be pleased with you for your assistance, and he may even consider giving you a position of importance. Will you accompany me?"

"Don't kill him," Ibran said.

"Oh, I won't kill him. You will. Kill him and make an example of how scum like him are dealt with." Kyra put her hand on her hip, almost daring him to disagree.

"You're missing the point," Ibran said. He looked at the closed door, then back at Kyra. "The guy in there is harmless to you or me right now, but if you kill him then whoever knows him out there may come after us. And," he added with a glance at his abdomen. "I think it's clear we're not invincible."

Kyra's lightsaber again jumped to her hand and she brought the humming blade up to point at Ibran's chest. "Kill him, or I'll kill you."

Ibran regarded her calmly. "There is always a better way," he said.

Kyra could see immediately that if this man were twisted to the Dark Side, he would be infinitely valuable. He had not even bothered to draw his lightsaber to fight against her, knowing he was powerful in the Force. In a way, he was like Domino, 'but far more attainable.'
Where had that thought come from? Kyra didn't know. She returned her attention to the problem of Ibran. Getting him to turn would be easier said than done. Her eyes narrowed and she extinguished her lightsaber. "All right," she said. "What would you suggest?"

"Like I said, let him go. He's no threat to you alive, and he's more useful that way than dead. Try it."

Kyra nodded. "I see where you're coming from, Jedi. You do have a brain beneath all your sappiness." She leaned forward and gave Ibran a kiss.
Ibran's Force perceptions blared a warning, but he ignored them. He had done his best to reach Kyra, and could only hope that she wouldn't harm the prisoner. "Sorry," Kyra said, breaking off the kiss. "But I can't really leave you awake. Can't take the risk that you might interfere, you see."

Ibran's limbs felt very heavy. "I wouldn't... unngh... have interfered," he said. "I... promise..."

Kyra chuckled. "Knowing you, that's probably true. You're so noble you make my hair hurt."

"Don't kill him." Ibran's voice barely passed for a whisper. "Please." He hit the floor with a thud and lay still.

Kyra cocked her head, examining Ibran. The soporific agent she wore on her lips would keep him non-communicative for at least an hour. She toyed with the idea of killing the contact, but she decided Ibran was right. Turning, she re-entered the holding cell. "You're free to go," she announced as the door closed. Her words triggered the unlocking mechanisms on the shackles holding the man and they fell to the floor.

The contact stood while rubbing his wrists, the surprise obvious in his features. "Uhhh..." he said, and coughed.

"Better quit while you're ahead," Kyra warned. The man nodded and stepped over to the door.

When it opened to reveal Ibran's limp body, the man coughed again. "I don't suppose," he said, trailing off suggestively.

"No, he's alive. Now go," Kyra commanded.

The information broker walked over to the turbolift and pushed the call button. He glanced over at Ibran. 'I do wish I could help,' he thought. 'You did get me past her, like you promised. If that vixen wants to get her claws in you, she'll do it. But business is business, and right now I have to go report to my superiors.'
The lift door opened and he stepped in.


Kyra led Ibran, shackled, to the Imperial docking bay in the local spaceport. "I can't wait for Lord Domino to meet you," she said to Ibran as they walked. "You will be perfect for his service."

Ibran said nothing, but watched her face as she spoke. A peculiar kind of ecstasy seemed to come over her when she mentioned Domino. "Can't say I've met him," Ibran replied. He considered her words. "I don't relish the idea of being anyone's servant, either. I serve the Force."

Kyra had to look up to see Ibran's face, but she was still looking down at him, nonetheless. "Lord Domino is the Force. You already serve him, whether you know it or not. All Jedi will one day bow to his glory."

"Or perish disobeying."

"Yes, or perish trying to disobey." Kyra favored Ibran with a small smile. "You have a good grasp on reality. Not like several of the Jedi I've killed. You should feel lucky you saved my life, otherwise I might be more inclined to end your suffering through death."

Ibran turned his head away, trying to hold back tears by keeping his eyes shut. "And suffer I do."

"Then come with me," Kyra turned to Ibran, speaking in her most persuasive tone. "Meet Domino and join me in his service. Your pain will end as mine did."

Ibran choked back a sob as a strange kind of desire washed through his thoughts. "I must do what I feel is right."

"You will see," she said softly, her words to Ibran hurting him as if she were filleting his skin with a dull knife. "You will see."
She reached the computer out in front of the docking bay and touched a finger to the screen. Microprocessors whirred and the screen sprung to life. "Identity confirmed. How may this unit be of service, Lady Kyra?"

"Please confirm the current location of my master, Lord de Devastator," she stated, glancing sidelong at Ibran. He appeared to have recovered from her barbs and was now completely calm.

There was a pause while the computer consulted its' memory. "Lord Domino's last known location is sector 6000-122-8883." The computer then took another moment to translate the technobabble it had just spouted. "He was aboard the Eclipse Super Star Destroyer Deathwail at the planet of Yaga Minor."

Kyra frowned. "Not Deominia?" she asked.


Kyra nodded to herself. "Thank you, computer. We will be departing for Yaga Minor now. Ibran Crissean and I." There was a grinding sound as the door to the bay unlocked itself and the screen blipped off. She turned to Ibran. "Come along now, Jedi. We mustn't keep my Lord waiting."

Ibran nodded slowly, solemnly. "And we shall see what happens there," he said, smiling suddenly. He stood to his full height, adopting an almost noble bearing, and walked past a surprised Kyra into the bay.


Intersteller News Agency Special Report:  The seven member High Council of the Annaj System Confederation today voted unanimously to join the New Order, effective immediately.  Additionally, the High Council requested that the Empire give immediate consideration to their request for an Imperial Garrison on Annaj II.

Sources close to planetary authorities revealed that the High Council is currently in Plenary Session considering a resolution proposed by several High Councilors to require all able-bodied male Confederation citizens, now newly made citizens of the Empire, to be eligible for Imperial service.  The Imperial Diplomatic Service was aware of the request for the Imperial Garrison, but denied knowledge of any further High Council deliberations and was unsure whether Imperial conscription could be implemented without consent by the local planetary governor.  Selection of a planetary governor for the Annaj system is scheduled to occur within the next twenty days.

Alia hunched down in her seat, all too certain that the verbal beating Lavaran was getting could turn on any one at the table at any moment. Marquis was, of course, soaking it all in with a reverence normally reserved for religious ceremony. Rayla did the same. The woman Marquis had pointed out as Domino's cousin just radiated satisfaction with Domino. She probably couldn't help it.
'Ibran?' That was odd. Alia had the feeling all of a sudden that there was something going on somewhere, somewhere close.  'I can't feel anyone else, but Ibran's just beaming like a glowrod. I wish I could get his attention...'  Domino smiled down at Laravan, reverting to the dominating father figure that she had come to recognize him as.
'I was right in my first assumption. Palpatine's Sith Lords are all too much alike for their own good.'

"Here we are," Tyne said, sweeping his arm wide to encompass the view. "Yaga Minor."

'Yay.'  "How long were you intending to stay?"

"Well," Tyne furrowed his brow, "I want to get the hyperdrive totally fixed, so probably as long as that takes. Nothing else.  I take it you just want time away from location?"

Evan frowned. "Not exactly, but that may very well be the gist of it. Queried traffic control, yet?"

"I'm on hold.  Ah." Tyne sat up a little straighter. "That's weird."

"What? Something wrong?"

He frowned. "I hope not. Just this gathering of darker energies somewhere close."

Evan paled. "Can they find us?"

"Most likely not, I don't have that much of a presence. Sensing how much energy there is, they probably aren't concerned with finding me."

Evan sighed and sank back in his chair. 'I'm too paranoid. Nothing is going to happen.'

Captain Sven Nore, a veteran of Imperial Intelligence's Bureau of Operations DiploSer, had been priority transferred to the neutral system of Kujii in the Moddell sector three years prior to the Empire's comprehensive push. He was assigned to the Imperial Consul's office on the system's capital planet, Jukero VI, one of three inhabitable planets in the twelve planet system. Less than a year prior to his new assignment, Kujii had changed from a techno meritocracy to a popular democratic system of government. Although Captain Nore had studied the entries on Kujii in the Imperial Archives, read the Diplomatic Service op-file and a more explicit Imperial Intelligence Scandoc (which additionally stressed the importance the Empire placed on his mission to influence a vote on the system's continued neutrality), he was still stunned by the rapid evolution that had prevailed.

The system had an extensive industrial infrastructure constructed over the prior 90 years through careful planning by organs of the former Meritocracy, and the Kujii System Defense Force (the "KSDF") was far above average for the inner rim, including both intra-system craft and several aged, but still quite functional, Republic Dreadnaughts. Mandatory militia service was required of all able-bodied system citizens, with an option for the wealthy to "buy-out" of their term for a substantial fee ostensibly used to recruit and train a replacement. KSDF doctrine, the Captain had quickly ascertained, utilized a combination of partial planetary shielding and two Kuat Drive Yards v-150 planet defender ion cannon installations to delay and immobilize attackers until more dynamic forces could respond in kind.

Captain Nore was no expert in military tactics, but he could see how the system was in the logical line of progression for the Imperial Fleet. His orders were quite clear.  Under no circumstances was the Empire to risk the scandal of being shown to have unlawfully influenced the Jukero VI based government.  This made his job rather difficult. Yet, his agents had managed to clandestinely influence and assist a number of prominent citizens who otherwise held strong opinions on just where Kujii should fit in the contested Galaxy. Black ops funds had been carefully channeled, using cut-outs and a network of agents, businesses influenced and one or two accidents arranged.

His latest encrypted communication had explained in detail that the system's anticipated decision whether to join the Empire or Rebel Alliance was still close despite his efforts. As he had told his superiors, the Rebel Alliance had a strong diplomatic presence, and once the Imperial Consul had started officially pushing for a vote on joining the Empire, had lobbied to secure Kujii for the Rebellion. The Rebels also appeared to have been actively opposing his clandestine campaign, and he was certain that they had at least two active cells in the capital.


"I've cracked into the local banking records, and there are six hard credit deposits of over 100,000 each for the Imperial lackey's personal account, and no corresponding payments from his employer. This Kujiian is dirty," said the Rebel intelligence slicer. His boss, Colonel Reeves, ostensibly the Rebel Alliance military attached to the Jukero VI embassy, examined the information scrolling across the data pad.

"Pay dirt. See those outflows? The transaction times match declared local citizen campaign contributions to four Congressmen," the Colonel observed. "That should be enough to strong-arm four votes, perhaps more if we give this to the press instead. I'll have to think about that, a bit," the Colonel said.

"If you don't mind my asking, sir, how did you know we should concentrate on this durkii?" asked the slicer.

"I wish I could tell you. Let's just say that not everyone is happy about being part of the Empire these days," Colonel Reeves answered. 'I had better make sure nobody spots me picking up the next drop. That Imperial defector has provided absolutely first class intel on their political subornation activities. Without it, we would have been too late,' the Colonel thought.

The freighter exited hyperspace at Yaga Minor, but Ibran couldn't see the giant, massive, enormous shape of the Eclipse Star Destroyer to which he was being taken. All he could see were the hard, gray walls of his cold cell.
But there was something there... some sensation 'no, sensations' that tickled the back of his memory.  'What is this that I am feeling?'
Then, of course, a giant, massive, enormous wall of the Dark Side settled itself into his view and he couldn't feel anything but the walls of his cell.

In a moment, Kyra entered the room. "We've been cleared to dock with my Lord's ship. Welcome to your new home, Jedi."

Ibran put on his best grin. "Riiiiiight," he said. "New home. Sure. I don't suppose I'll find a family here, too?"
At that moment, the same thought passed through both Kyra's and Ibran's minds.

'If only you knew what I do.'

Domino stood mere inches from Rek Lavaran as the pirate admitted his guilt. "You will find, Captain Lavaran, that your confirmation of the testimony I have received from various eye witness accounts may very well save your worthless life." He gestured to the Julayps. "Take him to Detention."

"As you will it, Lord de Devastator, so mote it be." the Julayps replied in unison as they escorted Rek Lavaran from the room.

Turning his full attention to the table and those gathered around it, Domino smiled. "When the reports begin to filter in from the probes we've sent to Farlenx Sector, Alpha Battle Group will be ready."
The Dark Lord looked at two rather plain men seated only three seats from his cousin. "Gentlemen, I know you have other tasks to attend to, but I suspect you would appreciate a chance to gather information for your own purposes. I will see that you are escorted to Detention to meet with Captain Lavaran."

Smith nodded as Jones responded. "Thank you. We certainly would like to... interview him."

"Indeed." Domino replied before addressing everyone once again. "Now, here is what the Rebel Alliance will have to deal with in Farlenx Sector..."

"Master Tashannoc, you're back!" exclaimed Kimbrr as she saw the Wookiee enter the central compound in Home City.

"You have a wonderful grasp of the obvious, Kimbrr.*" Tasha said with a slight grin. "Now, please find Lerma for me. I need to discuss a few things with him."

Kimbrr hurried out, and Tasha made his way past the security checks to the command center, and found a number of coded messages waiting for him. These were all marked for his eyes only, and as such neither BoShek or Lerma (the only other two people allowed into the command center) hadn't touched them. These consisted of messages from business contacts, smugglers, and operatives that he had in his employ.
He was almost finished with the messages when Lerma came in. He took a seat and waited for Tasha to finish.

When he looked up from the screen, Lerma smiled at him. "How are you feelin', you big lug?"

"Better than I should be, old friend, considering that I have memories from someone who's been gone for thousands of years floating around in my skull. How have things been going here?"

"Extremely well. We just sent out a second group of Zuu Shi to one of the coasts to start a new town there. They should have ample space for growing, and the soil is excellent. The total population of the planet is almost two thousand." The last was spoken with a kind of awe, as there hadn't been a single person living here a year ago. With the exception of Tasha, Lerma, Boshek and Kimbrr, every inhabitant of Home was a Zuu Shi that someone working for Tashannoc had found, and subsequently rescued. That there were almost two thousand left to be found in the entire galaxy was a miracle unto itself.
"So," Lerma continued, "What do you plan to do next?"

"I had hoped to get some time to work with BoShek and Kimbrr, and perhaps even try to determine why you're blocked off from the Force, but I'm afraid that will have to wait. Something's come up in the Farlenx Sector that could have a detrimental effect on my shipping interests there. I'll be taking the Thunder, and I'm having a number of Disks meet me at an ORD in the sector. Hopefully it will be nothing, and I'll be back in a couple of weeks, but I can't be certain of anything."
Tasha got up, as did Lerma, and once again the Wookiee towered over his friend. "I need to leave as soon as possible, and I've already contacted the Disks. I'll let Neb know that I'm okay as I leave orbit. Is there anything else that I need to know?"

"Nothing that can't wait until later. Have a safe trip. I'd see you out, but I have some supply requests to route as long as I'm in here."

"All right. Take care, my friend."

* Yellow text indicates it was translated from Wookiee

"It would have been preferable to follow up chemical interrogation with more traditional means," said Smith, frowning at the black uniformed naval troopers who had joined the guard detail. 'They stuck us with these troopers so we couldn't bamboozle the Sith-spawn into letting us take this Captain for a quick ride to Yaga Minor.'

"Lord Domino de Devastator will make shipboard facilities available if and when he deems it appropriate," responded the senior trooper to the civilian.

"Forget it, Smith," said Jones. "We have a lot more details, now. But if you want something done right ..." Jones started.

"We have to do it ourselves," moaned Smith.

"You know, based on what we have to go on, there is absolutely no reason to believe the information we want is on that Ord," said Smith.

"We've been through this before. There is absolutely the same probability of success if we take a luxury starliner, first class, to Berchest for a working vacation, but only one of those two choices will get us compacted," finished Jones.

"I'll start packing. Maybe we can hustle up a decent ride this time." Smith said.


One of the Julayps looked at the other meaningfully as if to say, human fools, we Julayps are far greater in intelligence than the average Imperial naval trooper. The other Julayp nodded slightly in acknowledgement.

A look of momentary confusion passed over Smith and Jones as they glanced at the Julayps suspiciously. 'I am going to look those things up before this gets any further,' thought Smith.

"Eh, Ambassador Bellows, it is an honor to welcome you to Jukero VI," said the current Rebel Alliance Ambassador to the Kujii system who was meeting him at the spaceport with an honor guard.

"Save it, Felix. I'm not here to relieve you. I do, however, have a priority one message from the High Council of the Alliance that makes clear how absolutely essential it is that this system not be gifted over to the Empire. That is to be prevented at all costs, as you will see in the documents covering potential unfortunate contingencies," said Sergei Bellows as they entered a repulsorlift limousine. When the door closed, Sergei looked at Colonel Reeves meaningfully, who nodded affirmation. Both men knew that an Alliance task force would interdict the system rather than let it join the Empire, and that the kid gloves were now off in the secret dirty little war to persuade the system government to join the Alliance and let them upgrade its defenses.

Colonel Reeves, with a little help from his Imperial source, knew exactly which legislators were in Emperor Palpatine's pocket, and he already had ideas on how to neutralize that little problem. Plus, with a free hand, there were a number of key people the Rebel Alliance would be paying a visit to, whether bearing gifts or the threat of something less pleasant. 'This is one system in the Moddell sector that is not going to fall like a domino,' the Colonel silently vowed.


It was obvious even to the Imperial Consul that the upcoming vote for alignment of the Kujii system was not going to be in favor of the Empire. He was, however, a bit surprised at the response from headquarters at Imperial Center that a Star Galleon had already been dispatched to pick up staff and equipment and that the evacuation was to be completed and the transport safely back to Imperial controlled space prior to the vote in four days.

Captain Nore had received similar orders in response to his negative report, and had already provided some of his agents with special instructions. Those portions of the network that had clearly been compromised were directed to get to a particular on-planet or out-system rendezvous, where they would be further supported. Those agents who might or might not be in danger were given the option of staying or retreating but advised to get going (if they were any good). And as for the rest, well they had special orders on what to do after the vote.

The Captain was now certain that there was a traitor either in his department at the Consul's office or in his local network. It would have been nice to just order everyone to walk to his front door. It was, after all, Imperial soil; at least until the planet became Rebel at which point the Empire would refuse to gratify the terrorists with recognition as an autonomous power. Presumably the turncoat would realize the jig was up and not show. That would be his being a new target for the long, if somewhat frustrated, arm of Imperial Intelligence. Too bad that could not fly. Given the dispersed covert retrievals that he had prudently ordered, it was probable that several agents would be captured or killed prior to reaching safe-houses, and absent luck there would be no way to confirm who fell into that category and who just pulled a voluntary no show.


"It is dangerous for us to meet, but in light of your services to the Alliance I felt we had to do this," said Colonel Reeves. It was mid-day, and they were strolling through the noisy open air market of one of the small urban enclaves that surrounded the capital like the points of a star. The odds were minimal that any Imperial agents or informants would bother with such a non-vital setting, but in any event more than a score of his men were providing security and he fully intended to bring the particular spy in from the cold, whether she was willing or not. It was the logical move. First, they had managed to turn near certain Alliance defeat into what would hopefully be the first of many bruises on the Imperial carcass based on the intel she had provided from within Imperial Intelligence. Data that she, as one of the cell leaders of the Imperial spy ring on Jukero VI, had been able to access. Second, the Imperials were not fools and it was only a matter of time before they would be able to identify who had betrayed them. And third, if he could just make sure she was not interrogated by the Imperials they would be unable to ascertain the exact extent of the damage to their networks in Kujii for a long period of time. It would cripple Imperial covert operations while his men uprooted the cancer. For that reason alone, if no other, she had to be protected. Besides, there was always the chance she would remember more interesting tidbits during a full debriefing.

The diminutive woman nodded furtively, her eyes scanning the crowd. She was extremely nervous because right about now, both Imperial Intelligence and, potentially, the beneficiaries of her info over the past few years had a motive to do something irreversible. 'Was that a blaster barrel over there shadowing her? No. What was he saying now?'

"....have been promoted to the rank of Major in the Intelligence section of the Alliance. Congratulations! ....too valuable to leave you in further jeopardy ....protective custody in the Embassy, effective immediately. and out-system, soon." An armored Embassy repulsorlift car floated up to them illegally, since the market was for walkers only, and before she could argue two sets of hands had gently but firmly pushed her into the back seat. The door was slammed shut. 'Well, that's it then. This assignment is officially over. I'm going to need a new identity or Captain Nore will figure it out and have every bounty hunter in the sector after my hide. Hope it was worth it. At least I won't have to worry about food riots, anymore.' she thought to herself.

"Excellent," said Admiral Kanaris softly as he stared at the screen. It was a chart of the cross-currency spread between the local system currency of Kujii against a basket including the Imperial credit and a number of other major Galactic currencies. The currency had been in a very mild decline prior to the contest between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance for alignment of Kujii, but as the prospects for a Rebel victory had improved, the relative value of the currency had declined. No doubt investors and speculators alike had realized that a visit by, oh say six Imperial Star Destroyers, would substantially re-adjust the economic potential of Jukero VI. He also took a moment to key up the Commodities Research Bureau index for the system. The trickle of inflation in the price of goods had broken overhead resistance and with just a little push, could become a torrent. "Excellent," he said nodding. His secretary Tess realized the comments were rhetorical, and said nothing.

"Now for the next item on the agenda," said the Admiral looking up from the screen. "Computer, this is about you. You are an experimental piece of hardware and I should like to keep your exact nature a secret within Adjustments.  It is uncommon for computers to talk to sentient beings. Droids talk to them - typically in computer gibberish - but not living beings. I do not wish to run into a problem with our auditors," he continued.

"Your operating efficiency would be substantially diminished if I were to behave in such a primitive fashion. And use of a counterpart would increase the risk of security being compromised," responded the Computer.

"I know.  I have considered an appropriate solution, and the simplest in my mind would be to fudge the records and reclassify you as a droid. That should solve 99% of the potential problem. For the last 1%, whenever you talk I want you to create a high-resolution holographic image of a droid or whatever creature or being you wish; but be consistant, once you pick, stick with it.  Then you will need to make sure that your voice emanates from whatever vocal devices or organs that image has. And instead of calling you Computer, you will henceforth be referred to as D-1. Does that work for you?"

A small one-foot high gargoyle-like figure appeared on his desk, spun around and bowed at Tessana. "Would something like this do?" asked D-1.

Tharsis was baffled, and rightly so. The Togorian Gambit firing style required all of the turbolasers in a ship's quadrant to fire at once, focused on one section of the enemy. The risk of the maneuver lay in the intermittent firing of the blasts. While the turbolasers paused, it gave enemy ships a perfect opportunity to trace the shots to their source and destroy the weapon emplacements before they could fire again. It was generally used to cover a retreat.  And what Belgh wanted with the dry firing from the tractor beam projectors Tharsis couldn't figure.
"Helm, face the right side of the Cruiser and move ahead at half sublight speed. Target and fire using the rerouted power." Tharsis ordered, peering out at the battle to see whether the reasoning behind Belgh's suggestions would present itself.
The first volley of shots whipped out from the first quadrant turbolasers. Tharsis could see where they hit the shields of the Star Cruiser in the distance.
It was a totally useless attack for a Victory Star Destroyer to perform. With more powerful turbolasers, the tactic may have proved more useful. As it was, Tharsis was little more than an annoyance. Several turbolaser bolts impacted upon the Banshee's hull. "Damage report?"

"Four turbolasers in quadrant one are completely destroyed, two inoperative."

Tharsis shook his head worriedly. "Fire a volley from quadrant two."  The volley from quadrant two struck the shields, but there was still no serious damage to the enemy Cruiser. 'What,' Tharsis wondered, 'is he doing this for?'
The enemy reprisal was swift. This time, all the turbolasers in the quadrant were destroyed.
"Fire volley three." Tharsis called.

Again the shots lanced out; again they struck the shields. But this time, the Star Cruiser jolted to the left. Tharsis screwed up his face trying to understand what was going on.
The Cruiser jinked to the left again and Tharsis could see the Victory Star Destroyer Insipid below and to the port side of the ship. Tharsis could see their turbolasers lancing out in a similar manner. And strangely enough, explosions were occurring where the maneuvering thrusters were located.  "Lieutenant, magnify the exploding area on the enemy Cruiser Alpha. I want to know what's going on."

A second image popped up on the viewscreen, which depicted the exploding thrusters. In the space near the inactive thrusters several spacetroopers holding personal proton torpedo launchers could now easily be seen. The firing had simply been cover for the smaller force to launch from their ships and move in.
The spacetroopers weren't fools either. They hung close to the hull and the enemy turbolasers could not fire at them without damaging the Rebels' own ship. Thus the thrusters had been almost entirely destroyed when Rebel spacetroopers began filling the space near the underside of the ship.
It wouldn't matter, though. The Cruiser was effectively out of the battle.


Already, Captain Belgh could see the engines of the nearest Star Cruiser flaring to life.  They would be departing soon, leaving chaos and destruction in their wake.  He eyed the Cruiser that had been damaged by the attacks.  His ship's instruments told him that it was unable to turn.  If properly nudged, it would collide with and utterly destroy the repair docks.
"Lord Grissk, how are our boarders doing?" Belgh asked, turning to the Sith Lord next to him.

Grissk turned a baleful eye on his current commander. "The control rooms are being held. The secondary bridge is sealed off and they are starting up the ship. I've already told you this."

"I'm Simply checking to see that circumstances haven't changed in the last minute or so, dear boy.  Things tend to change rapidly during battle." He added. There was a pause while Belgh considered something. "Our hidden forces are in place?"  Grissk nodded, his eyes closed and his neck craned as if he were trying to see something Belgh could not.  "Then please order them to attack those approaching vessels there as they depart." Captain Belgh pointed at a mixture of Star Cruisers and Endurance warships that were almost to the battlefield.
Grissk nodded again. It took a moment, but a smattering of turbolaser bolts suddenly appeared out of the inky blackness towards the rear of the formation. They struck the rear shields of a Cruiser in the middle of the pack.  Immediately the entire set of ships ground to a halt. Some shots had been fired in reprisal, but they were too slow and the cloaked Star Cruiser would already be gone. A quick glance to the other side of the battlefield showed the same situation.  Belgh nodded in satisfaction. "Lord Grissk, once the Cruisers are safely away, please prepare the Scythe's spacetroopers for our departing shots."
Grissk bowed his head.  Coordinating the firing of troops from beneath a cloaking shield would be easy for a Sith Lord such as himself.

The corridors of the Eclipse Super Star Destroyer were an unfriendly gray. This, Ibran decided, must be the Imperials' favorite color. "Love this monotone," he muttered, tugging absently at one of the shackles around his wrists.

"Silence." Kyra did not even look back at him. "My Lord awaits. When we appear before him, you will get down on both knees and show proper respect."

Ibran looked at her, assessing her mood. "Domino attracts you somehow, doesn't he?" He pursed his lips. "Hm."

Kyra paused and launched a backhanded blow at Ibran's face. The blow connected directly on his left cheek and Ibran staggered a bit before regaining his balance. "What was that for?" Ibran asked, a thin trickle of blood appearing at the corner of his mouth.

"You will not speak of such things," Kyra said, a little too quickly, clueing Ibran in as to how right he was.

Still, it wasn't in Ibran to use such knowledge against her. He would respect Kyra's request. "As you wish," he said.
The air in the hallway was slightly stuffy, creating a warmth that did not seem to touch Kyra or her captive. When they reached the door at the end of the hallway, they were forced to wait while some subordinate announced their presence. Ibran examined the area carefully, keeping in mind the route he'd taken to get here. It was full of twists and turns, but Ibran suspected that several corridors had been used simply to make the ship seem even larger than its already massive size and to confuse any escape attempts.
The door in front of them whooshed open and the hot air in the hallway flowed into the cool room. Instantly, Ibran found several faces he didn't recognize. "Hi, everyone," he said.

Kyra's response was instantaneous. A blow to the back of his head made him fall to his knees on the hard deck plating, making an echoing sound beneath him. She also grabbed his hair, pulling Ibran so that he was facing a bald, black-goateed man across the room who radiated malevolence. "Bow to your new master, Jedi."

It seemed as though the meeting was at an end. The strategies had all been discussed, rehashed, compared, cross-examined and rebuilt from the ground up.  Alpha Battle Group had its various tasks laid out into a grand campaign plan. "Thank you for your time my friends and colleagues. Ord Farlenx will serve as an example to the galaxy. The Rebel Alliance is not as strong as they would have the galactic populace believe."
He looked at the various servants, officers, and then at Alia as he smiled. "Drinks!" The human servants immediately brought out flasks and began to pour a sweet nectar from the skins. "Come, drink with me, for the glory of the Empire!"

The door whisked open and everyone turned to acknowledge the two figures standing there. The one who looked as though he didn't belong said "Hi everyone," then the female dealt a blow to the back of his head.

"Bow to your new master, Jedi."

"Kyra, how nice to have you here. I trust your journey here was comfortable and that you are in fine health." Domino said as he approached and took the assassin's hand and kissed it. "I have recently spoken to your family. They send you their regards." The Dark Lord turned his attention to Ibran who was still kneeling on the floor. "But I am being rude. Please, introduce us to your guest."

Kyra nodded. "Thank you, my Lord. I am indeed in fine health, thanks to Ibran Crissean, the Jedi I now present you with."

"A Jedi?" Domino inquired with mock curiosity. He made a grand sweeping gesture to present Ibran to everyone in the room, looking deep into Alia's eyes as he did so. "We rarely receive Jedi Knights at our table. let us make him feel welcome."
'So, Alia knows this one. The Force is playing a hand in this. Crissean has a very strong affinity with the Light.'



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