Oleon's Adventures

Part One....Part Two....

Part One Getting tired of seeing cobwebs and fungus, Oleon notices more of the same sticking to the old wood of the door he finally sees after 4 days in the tunnels. Examining the frame to which the door is attached, he tries the handle, only to find it will not turn. Sighing, he puts his hands on the door and, using all his muscles to push it, he suddenly realizes he can no longer see the frame or handle of the door. "Damn, I'm an idiot! That torch should have lasted longer! Why does it go out now?" he asks himself aloud, knowing full well that, for now, he is alone. Stopping his insistent pushing on the old door, he reachs around to his carry sack still strapped on his back. Fumbling around in the dark, trying to find another torch, was not how he had imagined this adventure. Great, Mete would love this! The Great Oleon, having to stop his heroic adventuring just to light a torch! I can just hear him now: 'Oleon did what? No? I honestly thought he could see in the dark, as many times as that human has been down in the tunnels.' Well Mete,my old friend, this is one time I will not be telling you exactly what happened. Oleon stopped his reminising and put his attention to the torch he pulled from his sack. Looking at the rope wrapped around the old pacified wood (which was used as a handle), Oleon realized he could see the patterns carved into the bottom of the handle. Looking up, straight into the open door, he now sees a soft, glowing golden aura surrounding the frame. Not even realizing that the door opened of its own accord, he starts walking to the light, his eyes fixated on something only he can see.

As he passes the doorframe, he hears, barely, as the old wooden door closes behind him. Off to the left, he hears the soft breathing of someone or something deep in the throes of sleep, dreaming of things no one could imagine. Oleon shakes his head, his long brown hair coming to fall over his dark eyes. Coming to life as if he was a statue before, he grabs his sword tapered to his left side and snaps towards the breathing, holding the sword out in front of him. "Hello? (hello) Anyone there? (there)" his voice echoes back to him as he calls out. Thinking only of the legends heard in stories told to him by his mother as a child, he starts forward, into the light, surrounded by darkness. As he nears the breathing beast (or person, he thinks), the light suddenly disappears, and darkness blacker than the night, falls around him, hiding him from sight. Only as he curses himself for dropping the torch back at the door, he realizes that the breathing has stopped. Now, he can hear a soft, scrapping sound, as if something was pulling itself across the floor. The sound is getting louder, closer to him than before. Swinging his sword in an arc around him, Oleon perceives the creature before he sees it. Thinking only that it will do him harm (after all, he is down in the forbidden tunnels), he waits until the noise stops. Lunging to his right, he stabs with a such a ferocity that even a dragon would be proud of. His first thurst does not meet anything except stone (cursing himself for hitting the wall). As he comes around for a second try, he suddenly feels as if he is hanging in air, helpless like a deer in a trap. He finds himself hanging from the ceiling, his feet wrapped in some sort of web.

Part Two Looking up towards his feet, he realizes that he is stuck in a type of spider's web. At least, that's what it looks like to him. Examining closer, he sees that is isn't a web at all! It's actually part of the creature he was trying to attack! Grabbing for his sword in it's sheath, he realizes that he dropped it when he was trapped. Looking to the ground, he sees the sword, the family sword, which his father had given him when he turned 13, lying in a mud puddle, just out of his reach. Suddenly hearing the scraping sound again, and it coming closer than before, he tries to reach for the dagger kept in his right boot. "I don't think you'll be needing that", a cold voice said. A chill went through Oleon's body. I've heard that voice before, he thought. Where have I heard it? "Moving around in my arm will only make the grip tighter", it said. "You are Oleon, son of Prince Leon, grandson of King Himmeron." A statement, not a question. Do I answer it correctly or do I see how much it really knows? I don't even know what this thing looks like. "Show yourself and we shall talk about Prince Oleon." The trapped Oleon says. "Agreed" the black voice states. Moving ever so slowly so as not to drop it's captive, the creature moves into the dim light of the aura. Oleon, knowing exactly what the creature is when he sees it, swallows the statements he would normally make and only asks, "Why? Why have you captured and held me?". "Why, my prince? Why should I hold the heir to throne against his will? Mayhap I am hungry being bannished to these damp, dark caverns all these years. Mayhap I will kill the chosen heir to get my revenge on the country's king. Mayhap I am bored and wanted company." the creature snarled at his victim. Realizing he was trapped into revealing he was the king's grandson, Oleon starts to reach again for his booted dagger. "Kind sir, if you are going to do something, please do it. You are boring me." he says, trying to distract the creature. As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he was slammed against the wall of the cave, his breath, and dagger, being knocked from him in one great sweep. "Bored, my prince? I shall tell you bored. Bored is being locked down here, away from people, good food, bright light and fresh air. What is bored to you? Not having a girl in your bed at night? Not having enough of your father's money to spend at the races? Bored, he says. Well my king. I shall show your grandson boredom. And this boredom will bring down your precious kingdom." Just as Oleon gets his breath back, he is dropped to the floor, again losing his air. "Follow me, Your Highness, and I will show you my meaning." The creature gestures to the opening behind it. What Oleon mistook for a wall was really a tunnel leading deeper into the caverns. "I will not hurt you. Not now at any rate. You wanted an adventure, sire. You shall have it." Oleon stares around the cavern. Noticing the door which closed on him earlier, he runs for it, grabbing his sword on the way. "Oh, my lord?" the creature calls from within the tunnel, "the door is closed with magic. You cannot open it unless I will it. And right now, I do not will it!" Not seeing any other option, Oleon follows the creature down the black darkness.

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