The Wacky World Of

Sci-fi And Fantasy

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The Wacky World Of Sci-fi and Fantasy

Terry Pratchett

This part is all about my favourite author, Terry Pratchett.  I havn't read all his books yet, 10 so far -- I think --, but now I have some time on my hands I am getting through 1 book every 2 or 3 days (depending on the size).  There are two ways you can view this site. The first way is to simply click on a link and that will take you straight to that area. Alternativly you can choose the tour option and that will take you through each page one by one.  If you want to take the tour option simply click on the link below.

The Tour

If you have decided not to take the tour then simply select where you want to go from the list of links below:

Terry Pratchett:  Who is he?

A short bibliography of his books

What is the Discworld?

The Clarecraft models

Terry's books reviewed at the book store