Welcome to the Domain Registry...for Guardian's eyes only! Here are some comments left by previous Guardians to visit the Domain.

Craig - 09/03/00 14:44:20
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/angelsinamerica/untitled2.html
My Email:maquis@softcom.net
Where did you hear about the Domain?: Return visit
What was your primary reason for visiting the Domain?: Stories.

These are great stories. I keep coming back.

Craig - 05/20/00 08:39:34
My URL:http://discord.friendpages.com
My Email:maquis@softcom.net
Where did you hear about the Domain?: Scarfman
What was your primary reason for visiting the Domain?: Looking at fanfiction sites.

Nice page. I know I'll be visiting often. I envision starting a fanfiction site as soon as I learn how to build a real page.

Matt (aka Doc W) - 06/12/99 11:09:35
My URL:http://travel.to/gallifrey
My Email:doc_w@geocities.com
Where did you hear about the Domain?: Gallifrey One
What was your primary reason for visiting the Domain?: Love fan fiction - see below

Hello! I, like yourself, am and avid fan of Doctor Who, and all I really want to do is to add to the brilliant universe of DW by writing new stuff so that I can say *I did it*. Just an idea, but I'm currently writing to many people like you and myself who have their own fan fiction sites. My great scheme, if it ever comes to a head, would be to gather together a large group of writers like us nad to produce one site with pointers on to our individual sites to direct traffic to us. The point is to make this a high-profile site like the Internet adventures and then to try and reconcile all our fan fiction into the same universe. Just a thought, but please reply if you like the idea, as I'm getting a response already. Thanks for your time! Doc W

Michael Butler - 04/30/99 12:11:47
My URL:http://www.mpbutler.demon.co.uk
My Email:michaelbutler@email.com
Where did you hear about the Domain?: Paul Gadzikowski's Site
What was your primary reason for visiting the Domain?: Have a look at your fiction

Some great stuff here.

Lisa Hooker - 02/18/99 01:36:52
My Email:lisahooker@hotmail.com
Where did you hear about the Domain?: My own investigations
What was your primary reason for visiting the Domain?: Dr Who Fan Fic

Lori, Great page! Please continue to write more of your excellent fiction. Cheers Lisa.

Henrieke - 10/04/98 13:12:31
My Email:hkjassen@tref.nl
Where did you hear about the Domain?: just surfing on the web
What was your primary reason for visiting the Domain?: O/K stories


Cindy - 09/17/98 22:45:05
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Heather - 07/30/98 12:07:02
My Email:Heather.Smith@btinternet.com
Where did you hear about the Domain?: ADWC
What was your primary reason for visiting the Domain?: Read your fanfic

Exellent as ever! Please please please please *please* can we have the next part of Ground Zero? :-) It's brilliant so far and the suspense is killing me! :-)

Sarah - 07/13/98 17:31:49
My Email:SMacIntosh@compuserve.com
Where did you hear about the Domain?: surfing
What was your primary reason for visiting the Domain?: fan fiction

Love your seventh Doctor fanfic. In a world where x-files and Star Trek 'shippers are well catered for, it's great to find someone producing stories which explore less obvious relationships.

Meg - 07/13/98 06:03:33
My Email:mfhenderson@hotmail.com
Where did you hear about the Domain?: surfing
What was your primary reason for visiting the Domain?: fanfic

Didn't expect to like the Yin Yang Trilogy - but I loved it. You've managed to combine a wonderful love story with gripping drama while introducing new characters and staying true to the old ones. Well done!

Dennis E. Go - 07/06/98 06:32:18
My Email:drdgo@bcl.net
Where did you hear about the Domain?: Usenet newsgroup
What was your primary reason for visiting the Domain?: Dr. Who fanfic


Kara Townsend - 07/01/98 21:36:47
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Rahadyan Sastrowardoyo - 06/09/98 22:09:47
My URL:http://www.publiccom.com/web/mike/WFAQ.html
My Email:RahadyanS@CommunityConnect.com
Where did you hear about the Domain?: Ex thou, on Plaids-L
What was your primary reason for visiting the Domain?: Curiosity

Looks cool -- look forward to perusing it more this weekend! Best, Rahadyan

- 06/07/98 18:11:07

Best DW fanfic I've read!!

Teresa Whitesell - 04/24/98 07:14:53
My Email:twhitese@bellsouth.net
Where did you hear about the Domain?: from your sig
What was your primary reason for visiting the Domain?: I wanted to get chp. 4 of Soul Gardens

I just wanted to say that I love what you've written so far and I look forward to reading what you will write in the future. Thanks! Teresa

Janet Worth - 03/28/98 07:48:00
My Email:John_Worth@bc.sympatico.ca
Where did you hear about the Domain?: found it while surfing
What was your primary reason for visiting the Domain?: i got the final part of the ying yang story

i was so happy when i found out you had the entire ying yang story. the page that i got the first 2 parts closed and you hadn't finished the 3 yet so for a year now i've been waiting and hoping to hear the end. thanks

Jeremy Steadman - 03/28/98 00:54:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/9619
My Email:jsteadman@loki.berry.edu
Where did you hear about the Domain?: search on Doctor Who
What was your primary reason for visiting the Domain?: to explore the wealth of info/fiction on DW

Please keep me updated on any changes or additions.

Jennifer Welk - 02/27/98 02:03:14
My Email:welkj@ucs.orst.edu
Where did you hear about the Domain?: alt.drwho.creative
What was your primary reason for visiting the Domain?: The Flashes

Hee hee hee hee....More Flashes! >;)

Heather - 02/09/98 16:53:41
My URL:http://I wish
My Email:Heather.Smith@btinternet.com
Where did you hear about the Domain?: Doctor Who Homepage
What was your primary reason for visiting the Domain?: Read the Yin Yang Trilogy (sp?)

Some of the best Fanfic I have ever read! you get the Doctor and Ace just right, usually I hate happy endings, but for once whenever I read your stories I want one!

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