United Federation of Planets Emblem
Introduction to the Award-Winning series...

The Next Generation crew
  •                More than ten years have passed since Star Trek: The Next Generationfirst aired. Even though on its initial
  •                running the series was not successful, The Next Generation was not repeating the past. It was forging a
  •                new future. The fight to bring back Kirk and his crew that had been waged throughout the seventies was
  •                no longer a battle that could be won. The Star Trek films and the individual careers of the key cast members
  •                were too successful for the Original Series's crew ever to be lured back to the weekly grind of episodic television
  •                production. So with a grand leap of faith, Paramount had agreed to the concept of setting the next series a
  •                century ahead of the first, and going forward with an all-new cast of characters.
