Who is J.M.Shaw?

Well, it's a puzzler and no mistake. But you need puzzle no longer, for this is the page to find out the answer to your questions about me. Don't have any questions, don't care and only came here in the desperate hope that it contains something interesting? Well, okay. Fair enough. Erm. Good luck.

My name, for the uninitiated, is Jonathan Michael Shaw, although people usually call me Jon. I am a 20 year old white male, and look a little like the picture below, except for a minor detail...

My handsome (!) face

I am an undergraduate at the University of Cambridge studying Computer Science. The college I am at is Emmanuel College, and a very nice college it is, too. I come from the county of Shropshire, in the U.K. Hell, is anyone actually interested in this? I thought not. People don't want to know random pieces of information about someone they've never met. Do they? No, they want opinion or facts about something relevant to themselves in some way. Right then, the facts you can get from the other pages on this site (about computer games and Tolkien's works at the moment), so this page will contain opinion.

The first topic of discussion is about the disappointing proliferation of scantily clad big breasted women advertising computer games! Topics to follow include religion and the increase in computer game violence as exemplified in games such as Grand Theft Auto and Carmageddon. Cool and rather hard-hitting stuff, eh? If there's a topic that you'd like me to vent my opinion on, then e-mail me to tell me, and I'll gladly attempt to form an opinion and write about it! I'll also allow you to reply to my diatribes about the state of the world, and will include the replies on the site. If I get any, that is.

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