Welcome to my Guestbook!

Karen - 07/19/00 23:50:38
My URL:http://www.themestream.com/gspd_browse/browse/view_article.gsp?c_id=112564
My Email:zblue@ihug.co.nz

I have popped into your site to let you know about a new site that you can write UFO Articles for. If you have had a Sighting/UFO Abduction or just want to voice your opinions on any of these issues, you now can do so and get paid at the same time! It's a wonderful way of further educating the general public with the knowledge you have gained from your research/study/experiences and get a few dollars on the side.


hippiechic - 06/09/00 10:52:35
My URL:http://www.liespeopletell.com
My Email:hippiechic@liespeopletell.com

Great site! You'll love the secret stories, secret pictures and free private e-mail over at http://www.liespeopletell.com -- check it out!

Kristen - 06/23/99 17:52:00
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~stevie_nicks/index.html
My Email:ScullyX911@ebtv.net

I want to believe!!

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