 The Tome

-== Brief Summary & Goals of the Software ==-

The Tome is a program that is a large ad&d database. It will keep track of characters, NPCs, monsters, treasure, and spells. The monsters, NPCs, and characters will be able to show images. Well, that's it in a nutshell. My goals are to add the following: Dice generator, character and NPC generator, Monster encounter generator, and treasure generator. The last thing is a module helper. This keep track of maps, encounters, treasure, characters, and just basicly everything the DM does on paper.

-== What I need from you ==-

I am looking for feedback from people using it. I want your opinion of it and what you would do or change. Some examples of questions I would like answer to: Do you like the format of the screen? What new things would you like to see? What changes would you make to the screen or subdatabases? Is it slow? Any problems, like crashes when I do this? Any comments, suggests would greatly be appreciated. The more people who can give me feedback, the better this program will be. Send these to xavier@enc-1.com.

-== Computer Requirements ==-

Anything that runs windows and has 4 megs of ram or more. The display is set to 800x600. Any displays lower than that will have to use the scroll bars. If for some reason you do not get the scroll bars please let me know.

-== Mailing List ==-

There is a mailing list available. The primary goal is to provide a note when a newer version is available. The secondary goal is for me to be able to send a message about needing help or etc. Email me if you wish to be put on the list.

-== What does the version Numbers mean? ==-

Well, currently I am using v0.?a. Once this gets to v0.9a, it will mean the next release will be the beta version (v1.?b).

Lastly, the most important part, the Manual can be found in the following path: c:\tome\help\index.htm. That’s right, it is a HTML file. It would have cost me about $100 to $200 for software to write a “real help” file.

The Tome files -- Current Version v0.97 Beta

Extra Utilities and Databases

The Tome does not contain any other utilities, nor anyting in the databases. I have decided to leave the databases empty in case there are those of you who want that. For everyone else, I have made a set of utilities (some still are under consturuction) in which you can trade databases with others, and import text material into the database.


I have begun importing the Great Net Spell Book and the Great Net Priest Book into the database. I have included that text files as well as the databases themselves. You will need to download the database AND the Tome: Importing software. See the directions in the Tome: Importing for details on how to get the databases into your database.


The Tome: Importing will let you import text files into your database and let you trade databases with others. Another feature that will be added soon is the ability to export your database to MicroSoft Word or wordpad (if it works). As always, the help file will be located in C:\tome\help\import.htm.

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