Atria's Strand Of The Web

Recent Updates (last updated => 29/11/2005)

  • I've added a list of books I've read, with ratings and links to reviews if I have written them. I have been too busy/lazy over the past few months to write reviews as I go, so this list will help me remember what I've read so I can write reviews for them later.


For other updates click here.


I really must apologise for my slackness, it seems that I either have no time, or no motivation, to update this site. I'm going to try and revamp this whole site, but I have a feeling that it's going to take quite a while, especially at the rate I'm going so far! Well at least I update the books section regularly, maybe it's just because it is my latest endeavour and so is still fresh and new ;).

My real name is Helen, and I am 26yrs young. My home is in Brisbane, Australia. I lived here while studying Geoscience at QUT, and in Hobart for Honours in Geology, and finally in Japan where I taught conversational English for 2yrs. Now I'm back and at uni again, this time studying to become a high school science teacher.

On this website you will find out the type of books, and the authors that I like to read on the books page. My links page doesn't have many links but I do try to add some every now and then, and to keep what I have up to date. There's also my photos page, which I'll warn you now may take a while to load. I have divided the pics into sections so that there is less of a wait with each. All of the pics that are currently on my site were taken with my Ricoh digital camera, but later on I hope to scan some conventional pics on too. One day I may even think of some more bits to stick on this website, but till then this is all there is.

So now it's up to you whether you stay and browse or decide that it's not worth it. I'm not going to try to persuade anyone with flashy graphics and what not, frankly my computer skills just aren't up to that yet, and likely won't be for the foreseeable future! If you choose to stay I hope you enjoy what is on offer, and if you choose to leave then I thank you for coming my way, and wish you well in your future web wanderings.


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Ok, this is my new guestbook, we'll see how it goes. I imagine I will get around to making my own one day, but I doubt very much that that will be in the near future. I got rid of the last guestbook because I had awful troubles accessing what was in it with my slow dial-up access, I imagine anyone with cable or the like would have no troubles, and if I ever get lucky enough to have a fast connection, who knows I might go back to HTMLGear. I have a faster connection these days, but I think I will stick with this guestbook for a while as I don't get a lot of visitors signing it anyway :(

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