The One, The Only, The Definitive X-Force Quotes Page

Here is compilation of some of X-Force's greatest verbal moments. Since the entire team is made up of smart-mouths, it's kinda long, but worth it! Questions, comments and additions can be sent to me.


...On Feral

Time for sweat and bad breath.

--X-Force #7

...On Cannons

Domino: What kind of $@%# cannon is that?

Cable: A big one.

--X-Force #8

...On Accidents

Boom-Boom: What the heck happened?

Cable: Sauron got in the way of my gun.

--X-Force #9

...On Good Help

You expected maybe someone who cares?

--X-Force #27

...On MTV

Actually, if I found out you wasted generator juice on Beavis and Butthead, I'd be forced to kill you.

--X-Force #29

...On Law School

Cannonball: But you ain't a lawyer!

Cable: Harvard, class of '88. Passed the bar exam a year later. It was pretty easy.

--X-Force #40

...On Metaphors

Shatterstar: I do not wish to rain on anyone's charade, but I have been monitoring Prosh's energy intake.

Cable: By all means, Shatterstar, rain on our 'charade'...

--X-Force #39


...On Male Bonding

Wait--don't tell me--re-enacting your favorite scenes from "Love Connection," right?

--X-Force #1

...On Mortality

Just because he's dead doesn't mean it's fatal!

--X-Force #9

...On Grizzly

Grizzly, you are such a beer-soaked useless bag of meat! Cover me while I reload.

--X-Force #23

...On the Fairness of Life

You said I could kill her!

--X-Force #24

...On Priorities

Wonderful! I'm sitting here waiting to become a fried albino and the two of you are arguing over whose decision it was to incinerate me!!

--X-Force #36

...On Shatterstar

Shatterstar: We do not need to barter with a coward! We have taken this facility from him and shall spit in his face should he try to take it back!

Domino: Uhm... pretty much what he said.

--X-Force #40

...On Murderworld

Okay, okay, forgetting the funky life-sized pinball we can play...

--X-Force #40

...On the Blob

Looks. Charm. And self-confidence. I can't imagine why you don't have a date tonight.

--X-Force #52

...On Aliens Landing in the Backyard

The neighbors are going to love this.

--X-Force and Cable '96


...On Coming Back to Life

What the heck's goin' on?

--X-Force #9

...On X-Force

Lordy, I'm in charge of the looney bin...

--X-Force #24

...On Stereotypes

Warpath: Remind me to tell you sometime how much fun it was growin' up watching John Wayne westerns.

Cannonball: Maybe later, Jimmy, over some schmores an' I'll tell you how much I loved "Hee-Haw"...

--X-Force #24

...On Team 2

Rictor: Waitin' for the word, Sammy--and wonderin' why we're unit two an' not you guys?

Cannonball: Boomer says it's cause we're cuter.

--X-Force #24

...On Free Time

. Bein' an outlaw an' savin' the world takes a toll on your downtime.

--X-Force #38

....On His Accent

Cannonball: Well, this is gonna be a heckuva lot more work than I thought.

Warpath: "Just gonna go reroute the fusion plasma inverters--y'all wanna help out or what, Jimmy? Ha-yuck, ha-yuck!"

Cannonball: Ah never said "y'all" and Ah only used one "ha-yuck."

--X-Force #39

...More On His Accent

Sam: Ah'm not tryin' ta tell you how you should--

Paige: "Live yoah life, Paige, but when Ah was with the New Mutants, we would run off behind the professor's back theah, then we'd get Magneto ta fold our laundry an' we'd zip on up ta Asgard with Bird Brain squakkin' in our ears. Ha-yuck, ha-yuck!"

Sam: Ah never said ha-yuck.

--X-Force #42

...On Boomer

Incredible. Even with a broken jaw she still can't shut up.

--X-Men #15

...On Redneck Metaphors

...all over Forge like wet fur on a hounddog!

--X-Force #38

She shot outta there like greased spit!

--X-Force #41

Girl, you're actin' four scoops short of an ice cream cone.

--X-Force #43

Meltdown/Boomer/Boom Boom

...On Priorities

Ain't there a little more to it than winnin' and losin'? What about the kinda fashion statement we make?

--X-Force #1

...On Her Teammates' Costumes

Lordy knows some of their Akira Schwartzkopf fashion wear could use some spiffin' up!

--X-Force #19

...On Lila Cheney

Bum me out, passe Joan Jett/Madonna clone.

--X-Force #19

...On Necessity

Cannonball: Ah don't really need a whole new costume.

Boomer: Like Xavier don't need hair.

--X-Force #19

...On Sam Guthrie

"Darn"? Who says"darn" anymore? He must really be steamed then, cussing up a blue streak like that, huh? I may have to wash his mouth out with soap.

--X-Force #29

...On Prosh

Boomer: Prosh is alive, that's what matters. If it means we gotta conserve our stupid energy supply, so what?

Cannonball: Even if it means you can't use your blowdryer no more, Boomer?

Boomer: Oh. Let the Transformer rot, I say!

--X-Force #39

...On Herself

In this corner, weighing ninety-five--if she's a pound--with golden locks we all know are born of nature's finest chemicals, is Boomer, Queen of Consumption!

--X-Force #42

...On Respect

From now's not "Boomer." Or "Boom Boom." Or "Tabitha." Or "Tabby." The lady's name is Meltdown. Anybody got a problem with that?

--X-Force #51

...On Cable

Now you think I'm good--actually don't care what you think--but if you could see the man in action--it would give you a reason to get up in the morning.

--X-Force #54

...On X-Force

It's times like these we need our own theme song.

--X-Force #62

...On Doctor Doom

What if he just wanted the world to think he's dead so he could hang around the castle watching tv in his underwear?

--X-Force #63

...On Asgard

Darlin' I love you, but give me Park Avenue.

--X-Force and Cable '97


...On Television

"Men who wear their mother's clothing--underwater," next on Geraldo!

--X-Force #20

...On Highly Advanced, Futuristic Technology

This is better than legos!

--X-Force #22

...On Irony

Great. Strategic advice from a guy in a body cast.

--X-Force #23

...On Team 3

Whoopdeedoo. I'm more upset that I've worked my way down to unit THREE. I keep getting demoted!

--X-Force #27

...On Shatterstar's Hobbies

What're you up to in here? You set up a VCR playback for a "Love Connection" marathon again?

--X-Force #39

...On Shatterstar

Shatterstar: It is familiar. And it is trouble. And I am without weapons.

Rictor: Dude, you ARE a weapon.

--X-Force #43

...On What Best Friends Are For

Shatterstar: Julio, is it really you?

Rictor: Si. Who else would come all the way from Mexico to see your sorry self?

--X-Force #59

...On Nazis

Tell Uncle Adolf that the Irish-Mexican Coalition served you your walking papers. And then tell that little runt that he's gonna lose the war.

--X-Force #64

...More on Shatterstar

Shatterstar: Asgard suits my warrior nature better than twentieth century earth.

Rictor: Oh, don't give me that, 'Star. Think your warrior nature could survive somewhere you can't get pizza delivered?

--X-Force and Cable '97

...On Optimism

Sure, Sam, no problem. Ask me to work on that world peace thing while you're at it.

--X-Men #14


...On Permission

Shatterstar: Cable-- Activity at Mark 32!

Cable: I told you to learn our method of telling time-- one o'clock to twelve--don't use that mark garbage for positioning again!

Shatterstar: Understood. Can I attack now?

--X-Force #1

...On the Blob

I will carve you up like the pig you are!

--X-Force #9

...On Time

Feral: So you can finally read a clock face. Whoopdeedoo! Cable forgot t'tell you most watches are digital now!

Shatterstar: They are? Fekt! I worked very hard to equate your world's silly timing mechanism to a battlefield positioning strategy!

--X-Force #19

...On Distraction

Feral: Pretty-boy DaCosta can't take sweatin' a little. He's a feeb. Whad'jou think 'bout him, Shattybuns?

Shatterstar: I think my name is Shatterstar. And if you continue to distract me while I work out, Feral, I will cut off your tail.

--X-Force #20

...On Television

Why would you ever wish to watch just one station, when you can watch them ALL?

--X-Force #26

...More On Time

Rictor: Well, I'll be done picking up the supplies we need around six o'clock. You remember what time that is?

Shatterstar: Big hand pointing up, little hand pointing down.

Rictor: Riiiight.

--X-Force #29

...On Sarcasm

Arcade: I amuse you? You stare death in the eye and laugh?

Shatterstar: No. Usually, I smirk.

--X-Force #29

...On Kids

Fekt. Are all children on this world so inefficient in the ways of survival?

--X-Force #29

...On Insults

The show is over, Mojo-kissing airwave riders!

--X-Force #29

...On Dedication

I fight for a cause I an believe in! And once I discover it, I will tell you what that cause is.

--X-Force #29

...On Fight Dialogue

Adam X: Burn!

Shatterstar: I, too, need a short byword with which to call out in battle!

Adam X: How about "bleed!"--?

Shatterstar: Simple, but effective. I like it!

--X-Force #30

...On Loud Music

Rictor: 'Star, is this great or what?

Shatterstar: Or what.

Rictor: What?

Shatterstar: Exactly.

Rictor: Wha'djou say?

Shatterstar: Never mind.

--X-Force #43

...On Health

Trust me. I'm fit as a cello.

--X-Force #45

...On Doctors

I have been poked, prodded and had my temperature taken in the oddest places.

--X-Force #47


...On Delays

Lila Cheney: You think they might have had some problems?

Feral: Hey, they took Boomer with 'em, didn't they? They prob'ly just killed her and hadda dump her body off somewhere.

--X-Force #22

...On Securing a Building

Boomer: Uhm... kitchen's secured.

Feral: An' they got Funny Bones in the 'fridge!

--X-Force #24

...On Cable

Does anyone know if he came with a warranty?

--X-Force #26

...On Cable's Arm

Can we, like, put a Slurpee dispenser in here or sumthin' cool like that?

--X-Force #26


...On Perspective

Wolfsbane: Perhaps I canna say who's wrong an' who's right anymore. Perhaps there's no difference at'all.

Sunspot: Oh, there's a difference all right, pumpkin. Just depends on which side of the bars you're on...

--X-Force #17

...On Externals

Funny, isn't it? You and your band of sad, old men claim to be immortals--well I've got news for you: we just think you aren't worth our time.

--X-Force #23

...On Cannonball

And he always seems so well-behaved most of the time. Simply another headbanger in disguise.

--X-Force #27

...On Traveling Through the Sewers With Caliban

I feel like Bugs and Daffy.

--X-Force #52

...On Prejudice

Our world is growing more and more separate--along lines of race and religion, mutant and human...and if the madness continues growing with each passing day--then where will it stop?

--X-Force #54


...On Language

Sunspot: Why do you refer to yourself as "Caliban this" or "Caliban that"?

Caliban: Because that is Caliban's name!

Sunspot: No. What you should say is "That is my name."

Caliban: "Sunspot" is Sunspot's name! Maybe Sunspot should not spend to much time upside-down!

--X-Force #51


...On the Blob

Blob tumbled into a ravine. It's going to take a few months for that lard-butt to climb back out.

--X-Force #7

...On New Costumes

At least now I can turn my neck without smacking myself in the chin with my shoulderpads.

--X-Force #19

...On Siryn

Siryn: Look at me now, I'm actually gettin' a tan, I am!

Warpath: I'm looking.

--X-Force #21

...On the MLF

Did I interrupt something? I mean, I was playing around with Forearm for a while and whoops, I hit the boy too hard...

--X-Force #28

...On Shatterstar

Prosh: Five hours after I first taught Shatterstar to play chess, I never won another game against the lad, so don't belittle his intelligence.

Warpath: Nah, we'll just belittle his lack of personality.

--X-Force #39

...On Physics

Very stoppable object, meet very immovable force. Pleased to meet you.

--X-Force #40

...More On Siryn

Cannonball: Thanks, Jimmy. Didn't see you walk in, but where Siryn goes, Warpath is soon to follow, huh?

Warpath: Who can knock the view?

--X-Force #43

...On Dress Shopping

Why couldn't I still be stuck in Siberia?

--X-Force #48

...Still More on Siryn

We're in a sewer and she still smells great.

--X-Force and Cable '96


...On X-Force

Siryn: Ye don't understand, Professor...I wanted t'be with people who were like me--people who were dead inside, as well. People too wounded- too angry t'be with anyone else. That's why I went with Cable and his lot.

Professor X: I--I didn't know. I'm sorry, child.

Siryn: Me too.

--X-Force #19

...On Deadpool

If'n anyone deserves t'be locked up in a's him.

--X-Force #46

...On Keeping Shatterstar From Beating Others Senseless

Boyo, the lass dinnea even know yuir mother!

--Uncanny X-Men #295

...On Sexual Innuendo

Siryn: Come on, Wade. Be a good boy and we'll give ye a lollypop!

Deadpool: A sucker? Mmmm--?

Siryn: Get yer mind outta the gutter.

--Deadpool #4


Note: While Deadpool has literal millions of great lines, I haven't listed all of them here for three reasons: 1) It would take a lot of space, 2) I don't have either of his Ltd. series, and 3) He's not on X-Force. Therefore, all these quotes either appeared in X-Force, to a member of X-Force, or about a member of X-Force.

...On Favors

Deadpool: Listen. This may not be the best time to bring this up--but I'm not making dime one on this little excapade and--

Siryn: Oh, shut up. Ye did this as a favor.

Deadpool: I was afraid you were gonna see it that way. Do I at least get to kick some serious butt?

--X-Force #47

...On Foreign Languages

Siryn: This is part of my job, and it's very important! More so than yer silly shenanigans!

Deadpool: Shenanigans? Did you just curse me out in Irish?

--Deadpool #3

...On Himself

Admit it. You can't help but love me...

--Deadpool #3

...On Embarassing Yourself in Front of Girls You're Trying to Impress

Siryn: Hey, scrapper...are ye back with us yet, or still off in la-la land?

Deadpool: I'm here, Red...quietly hoping that you find psychotic episodes charming...

--Deadpool #4

...On Differences

Siryn: Who's going to help him, then? Who helps the Hulk?

Deadpool: I dunno...with a personality like that, would you?

Siryn: Ahem. I'm helping you, aren't I, Mister Personality?

Deadpool: Yeah...but I'm dying and witty...and a snappy dresser. He's just a big monster.

--Deadpool #4

...On Asking Someone Out

How "not alone" am I when you're around? "Not alone" like there's a person next to me in line at the Qik-E-Mart buying corn nuts? "Not alone" like in a crowded most pit? Or "not alone" lie--y' we're together?

Deadpool #5

...On Definitions

Al: Enough with the emotional junk already! Did you score, or what?!

Deadpool: Al! For shame! I mean, I...I don't think...she fell on top of me in the snow. Does that count?

--Deadpool #6


Nick Fury on X-Force

Half a century worth of defendin' this stupid planet an' I'm fightin' the satanic spandex equivalent of the Osmond family..."

--X-Force #21

Grizzly on Domino

Grizzly: Remember the op in Cairo when you trudged through two miles of untreated raw sewage?

Domino: Humph. How could I forget?

Grizzly: Well, you smell worse now.

--X-Force #23

Arcade on Shatterstar

He is a cute one, isn't he? Red hair and freckles and a sword! I mean, a regular Opie the Hun!

--X-Force #29

Jubilee on X-Force

Yer nothin' but a whining bunch o' head-padded, hyper-thyroided, pig- headed, spoiled brat, poorly dressed, overly accessorized, delusionally disadvantages X-Men WANNABES in major need of a total 'tude adjustment!

--Uncanny X-Men #295

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