
"Demon, A Nothingness Review"
by C.Schmidt ®

Disclaimer: The normal everybody knows hoopla... I did not create nor do I have anything to do with the x-files, all glory and honor goes to Chris Carter.

Opening Scene -

Mulder is dreaming, ok having a nightmare. Gee I think he saw the previews for the Barney movie too, wait I bet he watched the Spice Girls new video. Anyway Mulder wakes to find blood all over his white shirt Mulder. So he does what he always does when in trouble, he calls Scully....

Cue Music -

"Just a dream, just a dream. All our plans and all our schemes, how could I think you’d be mine, those lies I tell myself each time. I know that we could never last, we just can’t seem to in the past. Just a dream I dream in vain, with you I’d only live in pain. Your picture is always with me, I can still hear that same mournful song, and now I site here crying, Please leave me alone. Why, why do I love you. How can I live in misery, I know that I won’t forget you, but now I know it’s to late for me."
‘Just A Dream’ Jimmy Clanton

Scully hightails it over to Mulder’s hotel. She examines him, and tells him what we all knew....

SCULLY: You should be in a hospital!


SCULLY: Because you are crazy! Just look at yourself, and that shirt. Tide will never get that stain out Mulder. So claim you are crazy and the cops will leave you alone.

MULDER: I’m not crazy Scully... I just can’t remember, and whose keys are these.

SCULLY: Um... well it says Amy on the chain so I’d assume they were Amy’s.

MULDER: Yeah but I don’t know no Amy.

SCULLY: Oh... I see... you had a one night stand and didn’t know the chick's name.

MULDER: Damn! Of course that has to be it. And I forgot the whole thing. Damn the writers! But wait Scully that makes no sense, we never have sex. It is an unwritten law, neither of us will ever get laid.

SCULLY: Well yeah that’s true. So who is Amy?

MULDER: I dunno...

SCULLY: Mulder your sudden memory loss wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that it is Mother’s day now would it?

MULDER: No! I love my mama, and I did remember to get her a present.

SCULLY: Oh, what else don’t you remember about this weekend then?

MULDER: I don’t remember...

SCULLY: Do you remember calling me yesterday and saying I could have that desk?

MULDER: I did that?


MULDER: No I didn’t, and if I did then obviously I was sick or something.

SCULLY: Nope you sounded pretty normal when you said you’d been thinking and decided it was time for me to have equality and get a desk. And a fair pay check too.

Scully quickly changes subjects and hopes Mulder buys the, "you said I could my desk," thing by distracting him with the details of this case...
MULDER: I didn’t say that.

SCULLY: Yes you did only you forgot. I mean come on Mulder, look here is your gun, and it is messing some rounds. Do you remember firing it?

MULDER: Err, well no but....

SCULLY: I rest my case, see it is very possible that you also forgot that you fired this gun just like you forgot you said I could have a desk!

MULDER: I thought you were a doctor not a lawyer damn it!

SCULLY: Um... Mulder, don’t you remember I graduated from Harvard Law School on Saturday...

MULDER: What else happened this weekend that I should know about?

SCULLY: Well, nothing. But the most important thing you need to remember is that I get a desk when we get back to DC.

They figure out that the keys open the car right in front of Mulder’s room, only that ain’t Mulder’s car and there is more blood on the steering wheel. They also find out whom the car is registered too and decide to pay them a little visit. Meanwhile we see a guy cutting out pictures and wonder what the hell is the connection.

Mulder and Scully arrive at the address on the car registration. They use their FBI leverage to get into the house. Mulder loves the painting on the wall and has a sudden impulse to buy it. Later Mulder realizes he knows this house, and they drive out to get a look at the house. Mulder as a seizure, dreams some more but tells Scully he is fine and they go into the house. They find two dead bodies.

The cops come and take Mulder down for questioning. Meanwhile Scully is happier then a flea in a dog kennel as she is doing an autopsy. Of course being Scully she finds something during the autopsy that any other autopsy type would have missed. Scully goes to tell Mulder of her findings but she is to late. The cops decide to book Mulder and he is all decked out in the lovely spring orange fashions of the jail house attire.

Meanwhile another cop walks into a cell and blows his brains out. Scully is of course conveniently there and uses the, "I’m doctor," excuse to gain fast access to the dead cop. Scully figures out all kinds of stuff, real fast too, as she is Mulderless so there is less bickerning and more case solving. Scully breif thinks about having Mulder thrown in jail more often, but that passes.

Mulder is stuck in jail and has yet another bad dream. He keeps all the people in the jail house up till the wee hours of the morning with his mad screams and demands to see Scully. Scully eventually arrives and all are happy as Mulder finally shuts up. She tells Mulder what she has so far, and the cops release Mulder. They go to see this shrink where they also find Mulder’s car.

The shrink is hiding something and Scully knows this but Mulder doesn’t want to hear of it. Mulder has another flashback, then wants to see his mommy.

MAMA MULDER: Fox! How lovely to see you come on in dear.

MULDER: I need to talk to my mother alone.

SCULLY: That's OK, fine Mama Mulder I'll be fine. I'll just snoop around your house while you two talk. Oh, mind if I watch TV Mama Mulder?

MAMA MULDER: No Dana go right on ahead.

SCULLY: Cool, I can watch E! And get the latest on that marriage thing with what’s his face and that skinny chick. God I hope it ain’t true, I do like that actor.

MAMA MULDER: Oh, Dana I’m sorry but I was on the net and People on-line confirmed the whole thing it is true.


MAMA MULDER: Dana really...Um, maybe you should start to date and get out of the house more often. I mean he is just an actor on a TV show...

SCULLY: I’m fine now. Sorry about that little out burst. I just needed to get that off my chest. Oh while you were on that People page did they have the results for the Most Beautiful People?

MULDER: Scully! I need to talk to my mother.

MAMA MULDER: Oh, just a second Fox, this won’t take long. Dana no I didn’t see the results but at last check Xena was kicking everyone’s ass.

SCULLY: Damn! I wasted my weekend stuffing the ballot box for Mel Gibson.

MULDER: Watched Braveheart this weekend didn’t we Scully?

SCULLY: Uh, huh. And boy does Mel look good in a skirt! I need a hoard of Scots.

MULDER: Oh please you wouldn’t know what to do with them Scully. Are you done talking with my mom so I can have a word with her alone in private!

Mulder goes into to talk with his mom and it doe not go well. Lots of yelling....

MULDER: Did you sleep with him?

MAMA MULDER: That is none of your bees wax young man!

MULDER: Don't mention bees! And I need to know who is my father!

MAMA MULDER: Some son you are, it’s mother’s day and all you want to know is about my sexual life. How would you like it if I asked if you and that red head have gotten it on! MULDER: I wouldn’t care, we have never done it and probably never will.


MULDER: Cause she as cancer and will probably croak before either of us gets enough courage to make the first move.

MAMA MULDER: Oh, well you know she should pay that Arnie clone a visit he cured me after the stroke.

MULDER: Ma, I didn’t come here to chat about cancer or strokes I wanna know who my daddy is!

MAMA MULDER: I will not discuss that with you! And your bleeding again.

Mama Mulder comes out of the room and runs up stairs in tears. Scully runs in to check on Mulder but he is gone. She looks out the window and sees Mulder driving off in her car....

SCULLY: You bastard! That’s my car! This is it! Next time I won’t shoot him in the shoulder I’ll blow his face off. Stealing my car, ditching me and not even letting me have a desk! Men!

Mulder goes to see the shrink and demands he finish the treatment. He does. Later Scully’s reinforcements arrive to late as Mulder is gone. Scully goes to have a few words with the shrink. She flings the door open and gets hostile with the doctor...

SCULLY: Damn it! I want answers! Where the hell is Mulder!

SHRINK: I dunno, he came I drill some holes in his head then he left. And I’m not saying another word till I see my lawyer!

SCULLY: You bastard! Look Mulder has my car, but more importantly my mother’s day gift is in the back seat. So tell me where Mulder is! Before I really get angry!

SHRINK: Ma’am, have you always had these emotional outburst towards total strangers?

SCULLY: Um...No well not until recently when I was diagnosed with cancer...

SHRINK: Maybe we should set up a therapy session when I get out on bail. I bet if I drilled some holes your head you would feel better.

SCULLY: No, I’ve had that done before by aliens and all that happened was I had kids I never knew about and got this cancer. So I think I’ll pass on the holes being drilled in my head.

Scully finds Mulder. He is a wreck. So Scully confronts him and they hug.... Awe. But that is it as I’m sure John what’s his face was some where near by and made sure all they did was hug. Then came the previews for next weeks season finale.....


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