'An Episode in Review, Nothingness to Me and You...
by C.Schmidt ® (Hey, I read the Treaty On Internet Copyrights)
Disclaimer: I did not write this little show. The rights belong to, we all
know. I did not create this little work. I just went out and bought the
book. I could not would not steal this stuff, I would not could not call
their copyright bluff. I will not, will not abuse. All I want is my
"fair use." I do! I do! believe in giving credit were credit is due. I
do! I do! so please don't sue! I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not
like them Sam I am.
Opening Scene -
Rev. Jim is at the local tent for miracle exhibits, showing of is new found
gift. "Lookie mom I can bleed at will. And it doesn't leave a stain!"
DAVID NUTTER: Cue the fake blood props!
Preacher man shows the wounds to the congregation and all are in awe........
With the exception of one really rich guy from Georgia sitting in the back.
DAVID NUTTER: Hey casting director I thought we were supposed to get Ted
Turner for this part!
CASTING GUY: Well we had him signed but there was something about a World
Series, Jane Fonda and his sudden hatred for Ruport Murduch(sp). So he had
to cancel.
Rev, Jim is in his dressing room cleaning up from the daily blood letting
when the rich man from Georgia walks in. For no other apparent reason other
than wanting to corner the market on people that can blood let at will, the
rich man strangles, burns, what ever ... we'll figure out the death part
later that’s why we pay Mulder and Scully. The rich man kills the preacher
man, and blood drips on his shoe.....
CUE Opening Theme! -
And there was a hush over the crowd....
Some where in Pennsylvania, maybe near the home of the Nittany Lions for
all we know. Hey, we never read the sub title text stuff it might be full
of subliminal messages like the "Government Denies Knowledge," or "The Truth
is Out There."
SCULLY: The marks on his neck indicate strangulation, but there is an awful
lot of blood.
MULDER: Well the suckers in the church claimed he was blood letting or
something if you believe in that sort of stuff. Anyway, maybe that’s the
reason for this mess on the floor... Hey wait that blood looks vaguely
SCULLY: Mulder what the hell are you doing? That is sick! Mulder you are
sick! I can't believe you just tasted that blood on the floor! Didn't your
mother tell you it's not polite to lick blood off the floor? I think you
have been sleeping with to many vampires.
MULDER: Scully this ain't blood. And no my mother never brought up licking
blood off the floor she was do busy warning me on the dangers of smoking and
seeing men in black. Really Scully this is not real blood and it is quite
good too just the right amount of sugar almost taste like the stuff we use
on the show. Not quite as good as all the strawberry perseveres in '3' but
we don't use that any more. If I didn't know any better I'd say this came
from our own special effects department.
SCULLY: Well they did say that there has been a rash of missing fake
blood... You don't think this guy is the culprit do you?
MULDER: Well, lets see, the fake blood started disappearing about 8 weeks
ago, and CC likes to do show in like 8 weeks so that would be the right time
frame for this man to have gotten access to the blood, consume it or use it
for his own money making schemes. I mean come here look at all those
suckers out there in the tent. They paid top dollar to be here.
SCULLY: Boy it's a good thing this man is dead or CC and Mr. David Oakes
would have this guy strung by his balls for stealing copyrighted X-Files
material and using it to make money.
MULDER: Yeah that is true, you see how they go after all the web-sites on
the net and they make no money yet Oakes is hunting them like dogs! Well
looks like we solved this case rather fast. He is the one reasonable for
steal our blood. Looks like we can go home now...
SCULLY: Whoa not so fast "Mr. I want to know the truth," this case ain’t
solved yet! Yes we know he is the thief, but who killed the thief, that is
the question.
MULDER: Oh, come on Scully the viewers will buy this, we can go home now!
Wait.... I know why you are being instant on doing this ep. You read the
entire script and realized it was a Scully ep. And you are just trying to
add some padding for that Emmy nomination you want this year.
SCULLY: That could not be further from the truth Mulder! And well yeah I
did read the script, and it really isn't that good, but... Yeah I do get
center stage, but that is not the reason for insisting on finishing this
case. We owe it to the fans we can't just leave it like this... "Oh we
found the blood thief we're outa here so now you can flip to the meaning
less football game on the other channel."
MULDER:Scully, um... get your head out of the script, this is a repeat.
When this aired we were still on Friday nights and even in an x-files
Football is not on TV on that night! I say we are done lets go and get
caught up on the last minute Christmas shopping. I mean we did have less
shopping days this year and well to be quite honest. I have a lot more
money to waste on needless gifts for people this year. And anyone that I may
have ever known in my entire life is gonna get a gift this time round.
Thanks to my raise. So lets call it a wrap!
SCULLY: No Mulder! You just don't want to do this because you have to be
the skeptic in this one.... And so what ya plan on getting me this year? I
hope you got that notion that I needed a vacuum cleaner out of your head.
MULDER : Now if I tell ya what I got that would ruin it Scully. And no Ma
Mulder wouldn't let me have that old vacuum in the basement so your not
getting a vacuum cleaner.
SCULLY: Good! And I told you last week what I wanted.
MULDER: What was that, I'm sorry I wasn't paying much attention I had center
stage in last weeks ep, and gave a damn good performance too if I might add.
But I wasn't paying much attention to your whining last week, except for the
comment about my nose. And that will cost you a few 100$ on your Christmas
gift this year Scully.
SCULLY: I said I needed more RAM and you made fun of my height so we are even!
A School in Ohio.....
A little innocent boy is being picked on by the teacher for no good reason.
He was falsely accused of hurling a spit wad at the teacher's pet and now
must be forced to pay the ultimate embarrassment of punishment.... Go the
chalk board and do math! Hey I wonder it there is an equivalent version
Ebonics for math.....
The boy obviously didn't study and is trying anything and everything to get
out of looking like a fool in front of his mates, so he quickly calls on his
special powers and starts letting blood....
Mulder and Scully are called in, I mean come on here this is not the
standard case, it's not everyday that a school kid starts bleeding in class
and baring marks of religious significance. Scully goes to question the boy
while Mulder pumps the over worked social worker for information. Scully in
a very uncharacteristic manner sympathizes with the boy and shows a hint of
emotion even. The boy sees this and decides to test it by making the
thermometer explode and giving a bogus explaining "I didn't do it!" Scully
buys it and goes to speak to Mulder. Mulder fills Scully in on the boys
history and his "Jim Baker for a Father," who happens to be in a mental
institution. The boy, thanks to the wonderful child welfare protection
system is taken from his loving mother who is a suspect in the blood letting
thing, and is placed in a foster home.
Scully and Mulder go pay the father a visit.
PSYCHO DAD: Kevin is blood letting again isn't he?
SCULLY: It would appear so.
PD: I told him never to do that unless there was money involved!
MULDER: So how does the kid to this sir?
PD: I don't know I think he is a chosen one or something at least that is
what the angel, that looked like Shirley McClain, always told me in my dream.
SCULLY : Chosen?
PD: Yeah Chosen! You got a problem with that Ms FBI Agent?
MULDER: No I do! I believe everything and I'm not buying this one! I say
this case is solved we found the blood thief and I have lots of last minute
shopping to do and wanna go home!
SCULLY: Shut up Mulder lets hear the man out!
PD: You must come full circle...
MULDER: What ? What the hell are you mumbling about?
SCULLY: Hush Mulder! Now what was that about full circle... I don't get it
I don't understand...
PD: You will....
The boy is in the foster home and immediately becomes popular with the
other displaced and abused kids, and starts telling ghost stories. And a
mysterious tall bald pointy eared stranger appears. NO! It's not Spock!
And he takes the boy. Mulder and Scully arrive get a description of the guy
from the kids. Scully gets chewed out by the mother of the boy, and we find
out that the Spock/Homer look a like is really the gardener Ownes Jarvis.
Mulder and Scully go to the home of Owens to question him and find the boy.
The boy runs before Scully can find him. Owens tells Scully she is a bad
catholic then jumps out the window. Later that night at Kevin's home, the
mad rich guy from Georgia shows up to steal the boy. The boy hides in a
white wicker basket but due in part to his blood letting the mad guy from
Georgia finds him. But only to be knocked down by the "I wanna go to
Heaven" St. Owens. Owens and the bad man struggle. The bad man kills Owens
and Mulder and Scully arrive just in time to make the bad man flee.
Scully does the autopsy on ST. Owens....
MULDER: So are you done yet with the autopsy, I wanna get started on my
Christmas shopping!
SCULLY: NO! And do me a favor, smell this man?
MULDER: No way! I ain't smelling this dead man. You want me to get sick!
SCULLY: NO! Now smell him besides it's in the script and tell me if he...
MULDER: He this guy smells good! Almost like a bouquet of flowers.
SCULLY: I was taught in catechism 101 that Saints often after their deaths
took eons to decompose and smelled like flowers.
MULDER: That is the kind of stuff they teach to young Catholics, no wonder
when they grow up they chain themselves to abortion clinics.
SCULLY: Stop making fun of my religion, besides it does help explain why
this man's body hasn't started decomposing like a normal body would.
MULDER: Well I doubt that this man is St. Owens maybe Micheal Jackson let
him use his sleeping chamber and that is the reason for the slow
decomposition rate. Come on Scully you don't buy this religious crap! It's
fanatics like that that give us bonafide paranormalites(sp) truth seeking
people a bad name!
SCULLY: What? Please Mulder give me a break! The stuff in the bible goes
back to biblical times. And yes I believe! I am not to quote REM "Losing
my religion!"
MULDER: Hey fine, no problem, this is after all America and one as the right
to believe in what he or she wants even if science can't prove it. And that
is one of my favorite songs too. I wish REM would go back out on tour again
I had tickets to the last tour but thanks to that drummer who had a stroke
or what ever my night to see them was canceled.
Scully joins Mulder in the lab where some real evidence turns up. Finger
prints burned on St. Owen's neck prove fruitful in given them the name of
the killer. Mulder gets a phone call that Kevin was at two places at once,
one with a social work doing lunch and the other with is mother.
Mom and Kevin are stranded on the road with an over heated car. The
ever-friendly bad guy just so happens to be there to help and thanks to his
special religious gift he bare handily unscrews the scorching hot cap on
the radiator. Kevin recognizes him as the bad guy and runs. Bad guy shoves
mom in to the pavement then takes off after Kevin. Kevin pulls the "I'm in
two place at once" thing and helps his mom back to the car and mom is pissed
and runs the bad guy from Atlanta over. Of course the car smashing into him
doesn't effect him because he has super powers. Kevin’s mom passes out at
the wheel and the car crashes. Killing his mom and leaving him homeless.
Mulder and Scully arrive, and argue.
MULDER: Scully! I can't believe you are buying this!
SCULLY: What's so hard to believe Mulder! I have to sit here week in and
week out and listen to you go on about men in black, little green men, giant
fluke worms in the Jersey sewer system and I am told to except it as truth
by you. Yet the one time that I actually believe you don't! What gives!
Don't you believe in God?
MULDER: No! I'm an atheists. I do believe in Santa Claus though and the
longer this case take the more money is docked off your christmas present
this year. That and I need to go to the grocery store for milk cookies and
some carrots for rudolph.
SCULLY: I don't believe this! You still believe in Santa Claus!
MULDER: Damn straight! And the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny I believe
they are visitors from another worlds. And that my little red-headed friend
has more evidence to back it up than the stuff that was spewed in the bible!
Where are you going!
SCULLY: I'm gonna go back and talk to the boys dad! You coming?
MULDER: Hey how come we get stuck with the boy I thought he was staying with
the foster parents?
SCULLY: Well they didn't do a good job protecting him last time now did
they. And I believe I'm the chosen protector so he is coming with us! I
wanna go to heaven too Mulder! And if you don't believe well all I can say
is have fun in hell!
MULDER: Well I think I'm already in hell! God I hate it when thy write
Scully eps I always come off looking like an idiot!
They leave taking the boy with. Scully draws the boy a bath and Mulder
feels hurt and left out. Mulder and Scully fight some more on religious
convictions. The bad guy steals the boy while they are fighting.
Mulder and Scully visits Psycho Dad, but he is useless because they upped is
drugs and just talked about the colors and is past conversation with Timothy
Leary. . Scully how ever figures out that coming full circle is a
reference to garbage. And Promptly figures out where the bad guy has taken
Kevin. She goes it alone. And due to time the chase scene is cut and we
see the bad guy fall to his death in a paper shredder that makes the puny
one Ollie North used look a toy in comparison. The paper turns red and
Scully helps the boy up.
Later Scully, who is still mad at Mulder for not believing goes to church...
SCULLY: For give me father for I have sinned it has been...
PRIEST: It has been how long Ms. I didn’t hear what you mumbled under her
breathe could you repeat that please. Remember the longer time between
confessions helps determine the amount of Hail Mary's and Our Father's you
will have to say to be forgiven.
SCULLY: I said it's been 6 years since my last confession.
PRIEST: WOW! 6 Years! You owe the Lord a lot of time on your knees later!
And why so long and why now!
SCULLY: Well, see lately I have been seeing things that have tested my
religious believes and they also have kept me up late on Saturday nights so
I missed Mass on Sundays. That and I can usually tell all my problems to my
PRIEST: So you are married and he listens that is good.
SCULLY: No! I'm not married he is just my partner, but on this issue he did
not want to hear my whining and went Christmas shopping instead.
PRIEST: He is not your husband!
SCULLY: Oh, don't worry I have not sinned in the eyes of God by sleeping
with a man out of wedlock at least not with Mulder. CC won't allow it at
least not till the show is over!
PRIEST: Then what is troubling you?
SCULLY: Well lots of things but the biggie.... I told my fans what I want
for Christmas, on a TV show, and the show wasn't even my show. That and I
really want a raise. But I fear I was speaking and no one was listening.....
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