I was told to share this with you:

  1. For January 23: "Accepting and blessing our circumstances is a powerful tool for transformation. Before we can change anything in our life we have to recognize that this is the way it's meant to be right now."

  2. For August 20: "We must give the order to our subconscious to work it out, then slip into a creative slumber in order that the subconscious mind can go to work on our behalf...Get out of the way, name the source of your Power, and begin to spin straw into gold."

Simple Abundance:A Daybook of Comfort and Joy-reviewsAlthough mainly reviewed by women, the essence of this book is for all!

My Process:

  1. Sarah Ban Breathnach's accepting and blessing of circumstances advice is not easy to follow. But she clarifies its role as a requirement and precursor to changing one's life for the better, the actual situation, or one's attitude towards it (beginning to see just how it is the blessing in disguise it is meant to be).

  2. Yes, I know. How can one even begin to think of accepting, much less accepting or blessing cruelty, rape, war, violence? Especially when it happens to one's self or loved ones? For some, it takes more than one lifetime.

  3. Those of you who claim the label of "victim" may turn away in understandable anger or disgust. I, too, have found this advice not easy to "internalize". Yet, I am told we must choose this way, if we are to fully re-member and express our Divine Heritage.

  4. But, good news, all of us will eventually succeed, though it will take more than one lifetime to do so.

  5. Getting out of the way, has also not been easy to do. At first, I took a long time to make any decision, much less, live with it. Breathnach's Rumpelstiltskin example reminds me that Rumpelstiltskin (our subconscious), must be left in Peace (trusted) to spin, with Spirit's guidance, our golden victories.

  6. As part of this, whatever Spirit directs us to do, must be done in Faith of a Divinely Perfect outcome, even if it goes against human logic or common sense.

  7. When I remembered to do this, and let Nyxie play, answers, coincidences, and resources have eventually manifested, often in wondrous ways (serendipity and intuition).

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