StarCraftTM FAN ART: (This is some "Starcraft" related art...)

- "The Tides of War" (Terran Offensive in a Protoss City)

- Terran Marine in Korhal

- Terran Marine (1)

- Terran Marine (2)

- Terran Marine (3)

- Terran Medic (a preliminary version...)

- Terran Goliat

- Terran Ghost (after visiting some Zerg friends...)

- U.E.D. Recruitment Poster...


*Single Player Maps: (USE MAP SETTINGS!)

REMEMBER: USE THE MOUSE LEFT-CLICK TO DOWNLOAD, OR ELSE YOU'LL GET AN ERROR MESSAGE!!!! (The catch is that it may take a lot of time for the bigger maps to download, but trust me... it will be worth it!!!)

*All maps are in ZIP format.


- Erebus IV_BW This map was inspired by the Alien VS Predator Dark Horse Comics Series! Tons of wavs (825K)

-Starship Troopers BW A map inspired by the classic R.A. Heinlein novel! Tons of movie wavs (1010K)

-Aliens BW A map inspired by the classic Sci-Fi Motion Picture! Tons of wav sounds... this is NOT an ALIENS movie Campaign and is NOT a STARCRAFT-ALIENS T.C. (1800K)

-Urban Decay BW Kool wav sound from "Full Metal Jacket" (584K)


- Urban Decay Kool wav sound from "Full Metal Jacket" (585K)

- Mud Wars (60.3K)

StarCraftTM  Links:

- Click here to visit The Starcraft Organization HQ

- Click here to go to The Blizzard Entertainment Page (From the Creators of Starcraft)

- Click here to go to The Starcraft Compendium


STARCRAFT TM & © 1998 Blizzard Entertainment. 'STARCRAFT', 'BLIZZARD' and its associated logos are the property of Blizzard Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.