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Kayalana - 12/17/00 11:23:27
I found Solace by: followed my nose....
My favorite type of dragon: ummm..... blue? or maybe silver...
My favorite Kender taunt: Moooo!!! (at a minotaur!)
My dog's name: don't have one
My cat's name: don't have one of these either
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: ummm.....
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: useful? I can never come up with anything useful


lyermetel the black angel - 11/24/00 01:21:53
I found Solace by: by traveling
My favorite type of dragon: red one
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: my lord will comw soon

what's all this questions??? if you want to know something ask me.......

Schadel - 10/23/00 23:36:35
I found Solace by: Browsing
My favorite type of dragon: Red
My favorite Kender taunt: Is that your nose or a disease?
My cat's name: Smokey
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Where am I?
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: Hello


Andre Alexander - 10/23/00 22:03:48
I found Solace by: Search
My favorite type of dragon: Silver
My favorite Kender taunt: Umm....let me get back to ya
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Hi
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: Hi

I haven't been comming to this sight to long, but i can see that it doesn't get visited too much. Or maybe it's just that nobody likes to chat. Oh well.

randal tellall - 10/15/00 00:15:35
I found Solace by: searched
My favorite type of dragon: red
My favorite Kender taunt: you son of a minatour
My dog's name: coco
My cat's name: zilch
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: dah! hello
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: im a caramon fan


mirva - 10/11/00 13:11:51
I found Solace by: just surfing...
My favorite type of dragon: blue ones=)
My favorite Kender taunt: well...pass..
My dog's name: ex-dog..Oskari
My cat's name: Viivi
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: banzai!!!
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: well...pass this too..

hi everyone!I want say so much,but my English is worse!!So I only say:Banzai!!=) PS.Terkkuja tutuille...jos niit tääl käy...

Mat Strouse - 10/05/00 18:39:24
I found Solace by: Surfing
My favorite type of dragon: Black
My favorite Kender taunt: Hmmm...??
My dog's name: Shana
My cat's name: Bandit
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: What was the Point??
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: Want to trade links?

Cool Page...Check out mine...**smiles**

Fistandantilus - 08/07/00 18:02:40
I found Solace by: just browsing
My favorite type of dragon: Gold

You are still missing alot of knowledge in your library but the site was over all ok. Fistandantilus

lotusmage - 08/01/00 19:27:35
I found Solace by: search
My favorite type of dragon: platinum
My favorite Kender taunt: bite my hoopak!
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: aaaaggghhhhh!
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: aaaaggghhhhh!


ILAKAD - 06/29/00 18:03:05
My favorite type of dragon: Blue.
My favorite Kender taunt: I like them all.
My dog's name: Pepper.
My cat's name: Ross.
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: sdtddyudruitfuitritiutfrd
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: Hello.

I like this site.

5th Blade - 06/19/00 21:15:53
I found Solace by: searching for Lord Soth
My favorite type of dragon: Shadow
My favorite Kender taunt: You son of a Goatsucker Bird
My dog's name: N/A
My cat's name: n/a
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: nothing
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: nothing

overall good webpage.

- 04/25/00 01:16:26
I found Solace by: Links to Dragonlance Homepages
My favorite type of dragon: The good once.
My favorite Kender taunt: You must of dropped it, and I picked it up
My dog's name: lassie
My cat's name: scavenger
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: I have pink socks, Do you????
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: don't know any.


Dalamar - 04/15/00 21:20:08
I found Solace by: Looked
My favorite type of dragon: Black
My dog's name: Spaz
My cat's name: N/A
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: What's the point?
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: What's the point?


cathy - 04/11/00 13:07:46
My Email:dragonlady_cathy
I found Solace by: searching for dragons
My favorite type of dragon: all
My dog's name: Bo & Gypsy
My cat's name: N/A
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: strange
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: I love dragons


Larissa - 04/08/00 12:13:40
I found Solace by: stumbled out of Qualinesti after being exiled
My favorite type of dragon: not green, that's for sure!
My favorite Kender taunt: Kender?!? Bite your tongue!
My dog's name: don't have one
My cat's name: ditto
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: anything cliche
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: anything that is useful

Not a bad web site. See if you can't get some dragonlance music on your site as well.

Akittna Steele - 03/06/00 17:11:36
I found Solace by: traveling in from the plains
My favorite type of dragon: silver
My favorite Kender taunt: "You're mother is a gully dwarf"
My dog's name: Scooter, Lady, Tipper,Punkin, Foxy, Morgan, Jack, and three pups
My cat's name: Midnight
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Hey, this is cool


Simone (!!!!) - 02/13/00 11:10:09
I found Solace by: by memory
My favorite type of dragon: the one who held me
My dog's name: Ben, Cleo, Stubby, Mr Bungle
My cat's name: Modigliahna, Spider
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Great page.
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook:

Hi, remember me? I lied - I did a search to see what places link to me and it led me to your page Windex, and so out of curiosity I've returned to sign your guestbook. Mr Bungle and Stubb aren't my dogs, I just wish they were. And Lupus too - she's a cool dog. I know modigliahna is a long and stupid name for a cat; its just as well I call her mog. I've been gone from the Internet for ages, but I'm sure you'd remember me - maybe fondly, maybe not. I got myself a real life and a real guy but real people hurt you a real lot more :( I'd better stop complaining and leave your guestbook in peace. I hope ou're well, when I get a decent guestbook I'll tell you more vehemently ro go to my page and sign it.

Harold Weng - 02/13/00 02:21:15
I found Solace by: By traveling
My favorite type of dragon: The powerful golds
My favorite Kender taunt: You must of dropped it, and I picked it up and I was going to give it back to you.......
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Ummmmmmm...........
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: My Battle Cry!!! For Solace


Shawn Stoops - 01/23/00 15:54:13
My Email:ShawnRS14
I found Solace by: Surfed on in
My favorite type of dragon: Gold
My dog's name: dont have one
My cat's name: Smartie
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: nothing
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: nothing i say is ever useful

Great idea. A good way for other Dragonlance fans to find a place to hang. The page is hard to find though.

duane - 12/22/99 22:57:50
I found Solace by: search
My favorite type of dragon: red,,,malys

if you want to know what happens between silvaria and gilthanas, read the odyssey of gilthanas, and the fith age novels.

K. L. I. - 12/01/99 22:26:14
My URL:http://?
My Email:none
I found Solace by: lookedup DL
My favorite type of dragon: silver or blue
My favorite Kender taunt: yur mother's a gullydwarf and yur father's a hbgobin
My dog's name: misty
My cat's name: no kitties
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Huh?
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: have fun with it

i like thesite is cool, nt ascool as me though. ;p

Eltrea Silvermoon - 11/16/99 12:51:20
I found Solace by: Took a wrong turn on my way to the Tower of High Sorcery, that's what you get for following a Kender's directions
My favorite type of dragon: The Mighty Blue Dragon
My favorite Kender taunt: Tas to a Minotaur - "Why don't you take those those two moon sized notsrils of yours and get a good whiff of yourself"
My dog's name: Don't have one but Kittiara comes close to one
My cat's name: Khellandross
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: I ran out of ink, I think I need a new quill
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: If you can read this you don't need glasses

Very nice website, need to have more Dragonlance character profiles, or a page of Krynn jokes or something like that, make it entertaining. A note to Kittiara, Ha you did not kill Dalamar, my Shalafi and more... The new Master of Past and the Present, and a future God! Long live Dalamar!

andy - 11/15/99 00:01:51
My favorite type of dragon: bronze


Tyler copeland - 10/23/99 20:55:40
I found Solace by: Link
My favorite type of dragon: Blue
My favorite Kender taunt: Your mom was a Hobgoblin and she smelt like one too!
My dog's name: Heidy
My cat's name: Cotton
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: 'Sup
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: Dragonlance rules!!!

I comment you on you excellent sight!

Erik Aasling - 10/20/99 13:51:46
I found Solace by: searched
My favorite type of dragon: big and black
My favorite Kender taunt: ----
My dog's name: ----
My cat's name: ----
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: ----
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: ----


William Kinney - 10/08/99 05:06:17
I found Solace by: web ring on my page
My favorite type of dragon: Brass
My favorite Kender taunt: Look at my kender taubtinh game
My dog's name: Brutice
My cat's name: Tom
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Hi
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: um..i just said it

Well i wanted to get in touch with the cretor of this page directly i signed your guest book..i would like to talk to you about e-mail me or go to my message board..

Dante - 08/02/99 00:15:50
I found Solace by: looking for dragonlance chat
My favorite type of dragon: silver
My dog's name: poppy
My cat's name: magic

interested in chat but no one online interseted?

Tasslehoff - 07/28/99 14:20:04
I found Solace by: came upon it during my period of wanderlust
My favorite type of dragon: Red
My favorite Kender taunt: Can the fleas on you do tricks?
My dog's name: Beckie
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Duh?
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: Nice Page

Great page.Very well designed.What?that ring?Must have fallen into my pouch!

- 07/01/99 19:02:33


Puff - 06/09/99 03:53:31
I found Solace by: long story
My favorite type of dragon: me
My favorite Kender taunt: don't mess with magic dragons
My dog's name: Luke, Shaka, Chaps
My cat's name: N/A
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: it takes one to make a bed
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: I love being a dragon

all the colors of dragons? I do not care. I am a water dragon, I believe, one once told me I am silver, but I think, or am sure, that I change colors. So maybe, that makes me a rainbow dragon. (Laughing) Love to all.............

Aurican - 06/05/99 23:38:19
My URL:*62899
My Email:Snow
I found Solace by: Search Engine
My favorite type of dragon: Me! (Gold)
My favorite Kender taunt: Moo! (to be said to a Minotaur)
My dog's name: spam
My cat's name: pork
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: What do you Mean you like dragons of other colors than gold!
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: Beware my DragonFire but fear my claws and fangs as well!

To all those who prefer the Gold, Silver, bronze, brass, or copper dragons: May your Sword never break. May your Armor never rust. May the Three Moons guide your Magic. May your Prayers be heard. May your Beard grow long. May you Life Quest never blow up in your face. May your Hoopak sing. May your Homeland prosper. May Dragons fly ever in your Dreams. Those of you who like the red, black , blue, green, or white dragons (the rest don't exist) may just the opposite of all the blessings listed above happen.

Aurican - 06/05/99 23:37:57
My URL:*62899
My Email:Snow
I found Solace by: Search Engine
My favorite type of dragon: Me! (Gold)
My favorite Kender taunt: Moo! (to be said to a Minotaur)
My dog's name: spam
My cat's name: pork
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: What do you Mean you like dragons of other colors than gold!
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: Beware my DragonFire but fear my claws and fangs as well!

To all those who prefer the Gold, Silver, bronze, brass, or copper dragons: May your Sword never break. May your Armor never rust. May the Three Moons guide your Magic. May your Prayers be heard. May your Beard grow long. May you Life Quest never blow up in your face. May your Hoopak sing. May your Homeland prosper. May Dragons fly ever in your Dreams. Those of you who like the red, black , blue, green, or white dragons (the rest don't exist) may just the opposite of all the blessings listed above happen.

Aurican - 06/05/99 23:37:23
My URL:*62899
My Email:Snow
I found Solace by: Search Engine
My favorite type of dragon: Me! (Gold)
My favorite Kender taunt: Moo! (to be said to a Minotaur)
My dog's name: spam
My cat's name: pork
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: What do you Mean you like dragons of other colors than gold!
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: Beware my DragonFire but fear my claws and fangs as well!

To all those who prefer the Gold, Silver, bronze, brass, or copper dragons: May your Sword never break. May your Armor never rust. May the Three Moons guide your Magic. May your Prayers be heard. May your Beard grow long. May you Life Quest never blow up in your face. May your Hoopak sing. May your Homeland prosper. May Dragons fly ever in your Dreams. Those of you who like the red, black , blue, green, or white dragons (the rest don't exist) may just the opposite of all the blessings listed above happen.

Aurican - 06/05/99 23:35:52
I found Solace by: Search Engine
My favorite type of dragon: Me! (Gold)
My favorite Kender taunt: Moo! (to be said to a Minotaur)
My dog's name: spam
My cat's name: pork
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: What do you Mean you like dragons of other colors than gold!
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: Beware my DragonFire but fear my claws and fangs as well!

To all those who prefer the Gold, Silver, bronze, brass, or copper dragons: May your Sword never break. May your Armor never rust. May the Three Moons guide your Magic. May your Prayers be heard. May your Beard grow long. May you Life Quest never blow up in your face. May your Hoopak sing. May your Homeland prosper. May Dragons fly ever in your Dreams. Those of you who like the red, black , blue, green, or white dragons (the rest don't exist) may just the opposite of all the blessings listed above happen.

Aurican - 06/05/99 23:35:46
I found Solace by: Search Engine
My favorite type of dragon: Me! (Gold)
My favorite Kender taunt: Moo! (to be said to a Minotaur)
My dog's name: spam
My cat's name: pork
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: What do you Mean you like dragons of other colors than gold!
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: Beware my DragonFire but fear my claws and fangs as well!

To all those who prefer the Gold, Silver, bronze, brass, or copper dragons: May your Sword never break. May your Armor never rust. May the Three Moons guide your Magic. May your Prayers be heard. May your Beard grow long. May you Life Quest never blow up in your face. May your Hoopak sing. May your Homeland prosper. May Dragons fly ever in your Dreams. Those of you who like the red, black , blue, green, or white dragons (the rest don't exist) may just the opposite of all the blessings listed above happen.

Aurican - 06/05/99 23:35:39
I found Solace by: Search Engine
My favorite type of dragon: Me! (Gold)
My favorite Kender taunt: Moo! (to be said to a Minotaur)
My dog's name: spam
My cat's name: pork
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: What do you Mean you like dragons of other colors than gold!
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: Beware my DragonFire but fear my claws and fangs as well!

To all those who prefer the Gold, Silver, bronze, brass, or copper dragons: May your Sword never break. May your Armor never rust. May the Three Moons guide your Magic. May your Prayers be heard. May your Beard grow long. May you Life Quest never blow up in your face. May your Hoopak sing. May your Homeland prosper. May Dragons fly ever in your Dreams. Those of you who like the red, black , blue, green, or white dragons (the rest don't exist) may just the opposite of all the blessings listed above happen.

Aurican - 06/05/99 23:35:29
I found Solace by: Search Engine
My favorite type of dragon: Me! (Gold)
My favorite Kender taunt: Moo! (to be said to a Minotaur)
My dog's name: spam
My cat's name: pork
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: What do you Mean you like dragons of other colors than gold!
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: Beware my DragonFire but fear my claws and fangs as well!

To all those who prefer the Gold, Silver, bronze, brass, or copper dragons: May your Sword never break. May your Armor never rust. May the Three Moons guide your Magic. May your Prayers be heard. May your Beard grow long. May you Life Quest never blow up in your face. May your Hoopak sing. May your Homeland prosper. May Dragons fly ever in your Dreams. Those of you who like the red, black , blue, green, or white dragons (the rest don't exist) may just the opposite of all the blessings listed above happen.

jeremy - 06/05/99 12:50:12
I found Solace by: links page
My favorite type of dragon: gold
My dog's name: doe-boy

i feel at home in solace,but i can only stay for a while.there are dungeons to explore ad treasure to be fond,so i must be on my way. TAS,wheres my coin purse

Shadowz - 05/17/99 04:00:46
I found Solace by: Geocities
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: "Nice page" *LOL*
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: Sign my book too!

It is a great the graphics...nicely put together....please sign my guestbook too !!!

Eva Majere - 05/08/99 16:20:25
I found Solace by: webring
My favorite type of dragon: blue
My favorite Kender taunt: Is that a potato on your face? Oh sorry-it's your nose
My dog's name: don't have one
My cat's name: don't have one
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: great page
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: never say anything useful

Very original guestbook!

sson2 - 04/29/99 22:47:49
I found Solace by: infoseek
My favorite type of dragon: Green
My favorite Kender taunt: none
My dog's name: none
My cat's name: Sheba
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: stuff
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: stuff

Interesting page. E-mail me back. I am a new reader to DRAGONLANCE but I think it kicks ass!

Dragonboy - 04/25/99 19:10:59
I found Solace by: Search engine
My favorite type of dragon: one that won't hurt or kill me
My favorite Kender taunt: Those are the biggest fleas I've ever seen!
My dog's name: Whydo youcare
My cat's name: same as my dog's name
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: nothing's useless
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: my e-mail

This is a great site. It's hard to find good Dragonlance pages.

David - 04/02/99 21:38:39
I found Solace by: kender maps
My favorite type of dragon: shadow
My favorite Kender taunt: any of them
My dog's name: Jake
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: my dogs name
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: KRYNN RULES

this is a prettty cool page nice job

wade klinetobe - 04/02/99 01:48:05
I found Solace by: alta vista
My favorite type of dragon: gold
My favorite Kender taunt: i was just going to borrow it
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: yippy
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: great site

This is a grat site, I can't believe there aren't more people who enjoy Dragonlance. Stay loyal and enjoy all the new things to come. Others are just missing out.

deathstrike - 03/04/99 18:54:06
My favorite type of dragon: EVIL


Nick 'L'andresh Tor' Geerlings - 03/02/99 12:39:06
My URL:http://N/A
I found Solace by: altavista
My favorite type of dragon: PLATINUM!!!!!!(off course)
My favorite Kender taunt: you smell worse than i did after i fell in that pool of black-dragon-doo
My dog's name: Brahma
My cat's name: N/A
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: honger....da's het ergste dat er is
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: i hope your paths have been sunny and straight (kender good-luck-wish)

ehhhhm , very nice page and stuff.... i wonder why everybody likes blue and silver dragons.....doesn't anybody like the platinum dragon anymore?????

Maria Elena - 02/22/99 15:59:42
I found Solace by: Looking for Fantasy chat
My favorite type of dragon: Silver, crystal,amethist...all!!!
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: I think this is a nice site
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: IFU LOVEFANTASY WRITE TO ME!!!

I think this is a nice site... I'm Joking I think this is very nice, I'd loved it even only it's about Dragonlance... I ADORE THIS SERIE! In particoular I adore RAISTLIN he's my maximus myth! But I also love ELVES (my favourite race) and Dragons. However I love FANTASY in general, from books to RPG- if u also love them, write to me soon! I'll reply!BYE!

Gath the Death Dealer - 12/19/98 04:56:15
I found Solace by: tsr
My favorite type of dragon: silver
My dog's name: boots
My cat's name: Micky and Minney
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: kiss off!
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: none

This place kicks ass and I think you people seem cool. Pease email me some time if you have imfo on any new books or just for the hell of it!

Gath the Death Dealer - 12/19/98 04:45:38
I found Solace by: tsr
My favorite type of dragon: silver
My favorite Kender taunt: look a minatore! moo!
My dog's name: Boots
My cat's name: mickey and minney
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: kiss off
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: lets kick some butt

This place kicks ass!

10/14/98 10:43:36
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Cindy - 09/17/98 23:37:07
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Sir, Grizzle Thundersword - 09/13/98 00:27:32
I found Solace by: I came from The Knights Of the Rose Webpage
My favorite type of dragon: Blue
My favorite Kender taunt: to a minatour: Moo!!
My dog's name: Rusty; Dominique
My cat's name: Adi (pronounced addie), Nina and Stan

yeah yeah, cool page, i signed your guestbook so i could write all that cool stuff up there

Dalen and Tiara Magi - 08/18/98 06:35:40
I found Solace by: A used Kender map
My favorite type of dragon: Any one not hungrey enough to eat me.
My favorite Kender taunt: If Im a doorknob your a keyhole soo stick it!
My dog's name: Daggot
My cat's name: Fizban, he's grey and that is really his name!
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Wow what big font you have, the better for you to read me with my dear.
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: Slotted spoons don't hold much soup, but it can catch the potato

My wife and I are really big Krynn fans. We game every week with a group of friends and Role play. I would be interested in talking to others who game and could share ideas and also adventure moduels for Krynn. Any hoot i love DL and will always keep m collection of the books, its late now and i must go, love to all and to all a very late good night.

Kara's Dynamic Sex - 08/13/98 23:28:30

Howdy. I guess I might have visited your site on accident, but I noticed you have a guestbook, so I thought I would sign it. What visitor number am I? When you get a chance, visit my site - and tell all your friends to visit!

LadyUnicorn - 08/07/98 05:09:26
I found Solace by: link
My favorite type of dragon: white dragon
My favorite Kender taunt: son of a goatsucking bird
My dog's name: lucky
My cat's name: fluffy
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: this is a great page???
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: i was kidding = )

I really do like it honestly. Cross my horn and hope to die if that was a lie. = ) I'm a Dragonlance freak and a half but my wonderful page isnt up yet so dont bother trying to go there cause its under major construction. I love the page.

simone and sallyer - 08/07/98 02:12:49
My Email:blah
I found Solace by: mony's links page
My favorite type of dragon: silver
My favorite Kender taunt: I HATE KENDER
My dog's name: ben, cleo, waggie
My cat's name: modigliahna, evil fuzz wuzz
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: cool page!
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: um

we're not at school! were at the library of south australia or something crappy like that.

have fun windex and dont drink too much mountain dew. sally says that you have to go find it in a bottle so you can freeze it and make freezie.


Gloria Bearss - 07/14/98 19:55:23
I found Solace by: F.O.T.D. ring


Nice Dragon site keep up the good work.
This is your official invitation to visit "Dragon Isle" and to collect your award at journeys end!

Dragon Isle

Eponine - 07/12/98 21:27:52
I found Solace by: In a list of Dragonlance links.
My favorite type of dragon: Either silver or blue
My favorite Kender taunt: Can the fleas on your body do tricks?
My dog's name: Aschenputtel
My cat's name: Loreley
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: The sacred cows roost with a vengeance!
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: The oxen are slow, but the earth is patient.

Dragonlance is probably the best fantasy series ever written! And I really love the way that mages on Krynn don't run around in long blue robes covered with stars, have stupid little pointy hats and long white beards, and say all kinds of senseless drive to ingratiate themselves to the readers. Long live Weis and Hickman!!!

Eponine - 07/12/98 21:22:18
I found Solace by: In a list of Dragonlance links.
My favorite type of dragon: Either silver or blue
My favorite Kender taunt: Can the fleas on your body do tricks?
My dog's name: Aschenputtel
My cat's name: Loreley
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: The sacred cows roost with a vengeance!
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: The oxen are slow, but the earth is patient.

Dragonlance is probably the best fantasy series ever written! And I really love the way that mages on Krynn don't run around in long blue robes covered with stars, have stupid little pointy hats and long white beards, and say all kinds of senseless drive to ingratiate themselves to the readers. Long live Weis and Hickman!!!

Michael Smith (Orm Macnith) - 07/11/98 22:08:19
I found Solace by: Books!!!
My favorite type of dragon: Of winter night
My dog's name: Lady
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Knight
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: sword

I love the books of dragon lance. I think you should make a multiplayer online role playing game. I think it would be nice for it to be free. I played this game of nexus and it was free (or so we thought) until they said it was going to be 15.00 a mont and it was a cool game but it was like a copy of dragon lance they even had a dragon claw spear. I was called Orm Macnith and I would like to help you make it (the game) but it has to be graphical. cause games without graphics are dumb!! I think it wo ld be cool for this kind of thing. But please let me help make a game. Knight of Solace, Orm Macnith

sally - 07/10/98 13:11:29
I found Solace by: link between sites
My favorite type of dragon: SILVER RULES ABOVE ALL TYPES!!!!!!
My dog's name: *sniff* my dog died
My cat's name: 'the evil fuzz wuzz'
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: 'my cat's breath smells like catfood'
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: mt dew rules!!!!!!!

hey windex, haven't seen you in a while... guess what? ...i had some mt dew today! t'was yummy... hehe.. as always... see ya...

Kara Townsend - 07/01/98 22:26:29

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Eric Hill - 07/01/98 00:09:55
I found Solace by: a friend
My favorite type of dragon: silver
My favorite Kender taunt: ha ha
My dog's name: macho ,jimbo ,gargos
My cat's name: casey ,linster
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: oranges are green
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: awesome site

this is the best site in the whole world See YALL LATER

Eric Hill - 07/01/98 00:05:49
I found Solace by: a friend
My favorite Kender taunt: ha ha
My dog's name: sandy
My cat's name: casey
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: good site
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: awesome site

this is the best site in the whole world See YALL LATER

Lord Coren - 05/23/98 11:40:00
I found Solace by: Friends of Dragon ring
My favorite type of dragon: Medieval fire
My dog's name: Rambo, Dracula, Scarlett
My cat's name: Jasmine
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: Please visit my castle

Your site is great! Well planned and gives loads of info.

Khellendros - 05/21/98 21:48:13
I found Solace by: Magic
My favorite type of dragon: first Blue then Shadow
My favorite Kender taunt: Kender are bitesized

A am the master. Your powers are tiny compared to mine. Your page satisfies me. Long live Kryn!

Fat Diamond Boy - 05/07/98 01:15:38
My Email:None...YET
I found Solace by: you gave the adress man!
My favorite type of dragon: The big pink kind!
My favorite Kender taunt: ???????????????
My dog's name: Too embarassing to say!
My cat's name: Ralph
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Banana peels are yellow
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: The meening of life is too get drunk and high as often as you can!

Hey Sam! What's up man? Cool page...whatever it's about. You gotta let me in on what this stuff is. I don't know what else to say so I'll catch ya at school. Peace man!

john - 04/20/98 12:59:37
I found Solace by: S1
My favorite type of dragon: don't like dragons
My favorite Kender taunt: what's a kender
My dog's name: no dog
My cat's name: oldsmobile
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: hi sam
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: feed the mantises

regards to Jake

Taran - 04/17/98 20:31:52
I found Solace by: Surf Dragonlance
My favorite type of dragon: Blue or Gold
My favorite Kender taunt: Orge wart
My dog's name: Emma
My cat's name: Patches
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Hi
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: Hello

I enjoy Dragonlance

Myril Caldon - 04/04/98 05:38:12
I found Solace by: I enjoyed it
My favorite type of dragon: Blue
My favorite Kender taunt: you smell like a minotaur's loin cloth on a hot day
My dog's name: Scruffy
My cat's name: Puppy
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: soup is good food
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: you are what you eat...exept potatoes because that's just wrong.


Master Lancer - 03/23/98 02:31:40
I found Solace by: The Dragon Lance Webring
My favorite type of dragon: Green Dragon
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: It was my fault lord.
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: It was his fault Lord.

Hello and greetings. Tis I, Master Lancer, owner and operator of the Dragon Kings Tavern. I have stumble into your home here in my many travels. I must tell you I have been to many sites to see far.... and near. And with knowing this I must tell you I have enjoyed my stay here emensely. If you are ever out travelling and are in the area please stop by The Dragon Kings Tavern.

*Master Lancer bows and wishes you farewell*

Oh and here is a small token of my appreciation a banner from my tavern.

Quinthallan Sath - 03/17/98 18:50:08
I found Solace by: Kender Map
My favorite type of dragon: Black
My dog's name: Tanis & Kit
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: useless
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: useful

Very interesting page.

Steel Coldforge - 03/08/98 23:22:30
I found Solace by: searched for Dragonlance
My favorite type of dragon: hate them
My favorite Kender taunt: It's mine and you can't have it!!
My dog's name: I ate my dog.
My cat's name: What's a cat?
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: I'm a dwarf.
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: I before E except after C ........

This info is a joke and fake. I like gold and silver dragons because they are good. Anybody know where Flint Fireforge is?

NiX, When i'm l0st itz WaLd0 - 03/08/98 18:25:49
I found Solace by: Lookin for AD&D shite when i came upon this.
My favorite type of dragon: SilVer
My favorite Kender taunt: i'LL PhuC u Up.
My dog's name: SnowCap
My cat's name: Speedy
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: UUhhhhhhh...
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: i M nUn DuM.

i aM KnOwn aS ThE SquiReLL SlayEr Of VeniCe FLoriDa.

Rick - 03/06/98 13:23:09
I found Solace by: Excite search
My dog's name: Red, Casper

I have just started reading these books and am happy to find this site.

Fredrick - 03/05/98 05:41:03
My Email:I forgot
I found Solace by: I was searching for information about beef jerky
My favorite type of dragon: Is there a maroon dragon? If there is than its my favorit.
My favorite Kender taunt: The one where they do that one thing with that one stick that they have that they keep in that one place.
My dog's name: Franklin Delanor Rosevelt
My cat's name: Hillary Clinton
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: how the hell would I know, What do you think that all I do is go around on the internet all day sighning different peoples guest book. Well no I dont I happen to have a life, Thank You ve y much.
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: ditto

One day I was walking down the street and I saw this dog. I thought it was just a normal dog, you know like the kind you see on the street all the time, with the ragedy fur and scared face and all you know thoughs kind, there usualy brown and covers in f lth, well mabey you dont see them but I do, then again that could be because I livein massachusets and I realy have no Idea where you live, you could live in china for all I know and mabey there are no dogs on the streets because you kill them all and ea them for super, who knows, and just cause you eat dogs for dinner dosent make you bad or any thing, some people eat snails and that is much worse than dogs, wait what am I talking about I dont konw that you eat dogs you could be a perfectly normal person for all I know, not that eating dogs is abnormal...ok mabey a little, but anyways like I was saying this go wasnt any normal dog it had a small bite taken out of its ear, and acualy come to think of it that is pretty normal for a street dog oh well, I hap end to like the story and if you dont than to bad I didnt want to tell you anyways, just forget I ever told you.

? - 03/05/98 05:38:20
My Email:I forgot
I found Solace by: I was searching for information about beef jerky
My favorite type of dragon: Is there a maroon dragon? If there is than its my favorit.
My dog's name: Franklin Delanor Rosevelt
My cat's name: Hillary Clinton
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: how the hell would I know, What do you think that all I do is go around on the internet all day sighning different peoples guest book. Well no I dont I happen to have a life, Thank You ve y much.
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: ditto

One day I was walking down the street and I saw this dog. I thought it was just a normal dog, you know like the kind you see on the street all the time, with the ragedy fur and scared face and all you know thoughs kind, there usualy brown and covers in f lth, well mabey you dont see them but I do, then again that could be because I livein massachusets and I realy have no Idea where you live, you could live in china for all I know and mabey there are no dogs on the streets because you kill them all and ea them for super, who knows, and just cause you eat dogs for dinner dosent make you bad or any thing, some people eat snails and that is much worse than dogs, wait what am I talking about I dont konw that you eat dogs you could be a perfectly normal person for all I know, not that eating dogs is abnormal...ok mabey a little, but anyways like I was saying this go wasnt any normal dog it had a small bite taken out of its ear, and acualy come to think of it that is pretty normal for a street dog oh well, I hap end to like the story and if you dont than to bad I didnt want to tell you anyways, just forget I ever told you.

simone - 02/21/98 02:14:34
I found Solace by: windex told me
My favorite type of dragon: big silver ones
My favorite Kender taunt: i dont like kender!!!
My dog's name: ben & cleo (i have 2)
My cat's name: modigliahna
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: chickens have 4 legs
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: come to MY page!

hello windex... this is a really cool page... one day mine will be good :) have fun... i guess i'll see you on IRC... just signed this to prove i've looked around on here

Richard "XiLiNX" "Gleep" Ahrens Jr - 02/17/98 09:30:54
I found Solace by: talking in IRC
My favorite type of dragon: The "Myth Inc." series type (by Robert Aspirin)
My favorite Kender taunt: Is that your nose or is that a disease?
My dog's name: na
My cat's name: na
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Gleep!
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: write me and I'll write you back, eventually...

Told ya so!

d - 02/10/98 00:34:36
I found Solace by: i haven't yet
My favorite type of dragon: on the flagon
My favorite Kender taunt: huh?
My dog's name: ummm...don't have one
My cat's name: heidi
My favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: this looks familiar...haven't i been here before?
My favorite useful thing to say while signing a guestbook: is this thing on???

w..if you're reading this, it worked...if you're not,,,well,,,,,nevermind

Malakai Ellistan - 02/05/98 04:42:48
Your opinion of my page on a scale from 1-10: I'd give it a 7
Your favorite type of dragon: I do like blue, because it's a favored color, but they are evil so I tend to hang around silver.
Your dog's name: I do not keep dogs.
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: May your pen flow with ever creative life...

I was born in solace and lived there for a number of years in the shadows, I like the appraisal of my hometown. ::bows respectfully::

Morn - 01/31/98 22:32:49
Your opinion of my page on a scale from 1-10: 9..nah..10
Your favorite type of dragon: ones that breathe fire
Your dog's name: Jake and Zeke
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: hmmm

Good page Windex....I look foward to your RPG

Magnus - 01/31/98 16:03:49
Your favorite type of dragon: blue, naturally
Your dog's name: Unfortunately, I have no dog

This page has nice visuals but seems more or less abandoned. There is no one to talk to....By the way, do you know if there will be more Dragonlance fifth age novels following Jean Rabe's series? Drop me a line if you do. Out.

Aluka Talamaur - 01/31/98 05:18:29
Your favorite type of dragon: Red
Your dog's name: Red
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Red

Not a bad page. Interesting guest book. P.S. my favorite colour is red.

Falcon - 01/31/98 03:14:13
Your favorite type of dragon: Pernese
Your dog's name: Wimp & Stupid
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: What do dogs have to do with this?

I like the page but there was noone to talk to on the chat. I think it is a nice web page, but I think there should be more stories. A bit about me: I just started this saga and I think it has too many books

Matthew Sargent - 01/30/98 21:21:21
Your opinion of my page on a scale from 1-10: 8.8
Your favorite type of dragon: gold(powerful magic)
Your dog's name: none
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: go to the nine hells

I started reading Dragonlance when I was 14. That was 6 years ago and I still read the new ones.

Adam Belshan - 01/30/98 07:08:14
Your favorite type of dragon: Black
Your dog's name: No dog. :)
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Foobar and Poopie.

I absolutely love this set of books. It's by far my favorite books ever. I've been reading them since the seventh grade, and I am now a freshmeat in college. I'm on The Dragons of Krynn as of now, (1-29-98) and I plan to finish the entire set in the Fourt age, before I begin on the Fifth age.

Akýn Kurtoglu - 01/29/98 19:59:33
Your opinion of my page on a scale from 1-10: NOT YET INVESTIGATED
Your favorite type of dragon: Gold of course
Your dog's name: Fucker
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Let the games began hear the starting gun

Cool thing but I want adventure that are really cool

Frank - 01/29/98 03:12:56
Your favorite type of dragon: blue
Your dog's name: theo
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: this is really cool

this is really cool and i really like dragonlance alot good job

Sean Hurst - 01/28/98 17:58:14
Your favorite type of dragon: Black
Your dog's name: Lady
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: What I am writing.

You have a good page going. Dragonlance books are the best books I have read

Jan Simonsen - 01/27/98 14:28:27
Your favorite type of dragon: black (Khisanth)
Your dog's name: Don´t have one
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: how much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Nice homepage! It´s great knowing one has fellow Dragonlance fans.

Matt Christian - 01/27/98 05:08:23
Your favorite type of dragon: Bronze
Your dog's name: I have a cat
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Wuz up wid da pizza?

I love dragonlance, i have questions about it that no one seems to know the answers to. But I'll share those some other time.

Aaron - 01/25/98 00:24:11
Your favorite type of dragon: Blue
Your dog's name: Stupid Dog
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Uh...yeah.

The Knights of Takhisis are quite easily the coolest people around.

Kerri Widenmaier - 01/24/98 23:23:32
Your opinion of my page on a scale from 1-10: 7.5
Your favorite type of dragon: silver
Your dog's name: Kelby
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Hello

I liked the map. The chat room didn't seem to be working but it was a good idea. Would have like to see some more pictures.

Thomas Applegate - 01/24/98 06:22:39
Your opinion of my page on a scale from 1-10: 01 for being #01 the best or is 10 the best ohh well which ever one is the best
Your favorite type of dragon: Black
Your dog's name: Bowser
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Hello

Hello Windex, Great Site, good job hope to see you around. See you around the Universe, OmarTBM01

Mathaeus Ross - 01/24/98 01:57:13
Your opinion of my page on a scale from 1-10: -8
Your favorite type of dragon: SilverDragon
Your dog's name: N/A
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: N/A


The Crew of the USS Stargazer Congratulates you on a fine page.

Scorch - 01/23/98 23:39:09
Your favorite type of dragon: Bronze
Your dog's name: Martha


Vanessa Warner - 01/23/98 01:09:49
Your dog's name: Buttons & Gwen
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Imagination connects us with the web of power and the spirit in all things (Jose Stevens, PH.D. and Lena S. Stevens)


Topnott Trailfinder - 01/20/98 20:23:44
Your favorite type of dragon: Silver
Your dog's name: don't have a dog
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: Umm Hullo

You forgot to put Berem in your "people of Krynn" thing in the "Library of Solace" But your page is uh nice. Oh yeah Tasslehoff Burrfoot Is the best.

KLC - 01/20/98 17:13:10
Your opinion of my page on a scale from 1-10: 10
Your favorite type of dragon: Goldriders forever!!!
Your dog's name: Brandy
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: what?

Great place. Don't have a dog... I have cats

The Dark Lady - 01/19/98 05:33:23

sorry- forgot something. kitiara is most definitely a companion- not people of krynn, a companion. she was of the original pact in the beginning of the chronicles. on your people of krynn, get some mages in it like dalamar or justarius. how about par- alian? i did like the story.

The Dark Lady - 01/19/98 05:07:59
Your favorite type of dragon: Silver
Your dog's name: Nicodemos
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: no hope = no fear

when you come to these pages, you can always tell the real people from the ones who are just doing it to be doing it, you know? well, it's always nice to stumble into other hardcore dragonlancers. happy hunting on all your future travels.

Pagan - 01/03/98 23:17:07
Your favorite type of dragon: Chinese
Your dog's name: Mandrake
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: have a nice day

There. Now I have signed your book too. You, however, left your URL at my page instead of your Email address, as requested. Now I can't contact you when I need to. And you are right, Shakespeare is spelled wrong and I have pointed that out many times to im, but he hasn't fixed it.

Boo - 01/01/98 23:11:19
Your favorite type of dragon: pewter
Your dog's name: Cindy
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: oooI don't have one, should I?

I really enjoyed your story. Wow! How old did you say you were? Never mind, it's good for ANY age!

Starlord - 01/01/98 05:25:58
Your favorite type of dragon: ???
Your dog's name: don't have a dog
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: I shall return

Don't know much about DragonLance. See ya in Trekker Chat!

d - 12/31/97 17:28:47

well here i am again some 7 hours later or so....looked at my last sign-in...did i write that stuff? the last two lines look really says..DON'T say it. Looks good, though. ANYWAY i read the story....i like it! if that's the sort of thing that dragonlance is, i'll definitely have to read some of them...if not all... i see a future for you writing scifi/fantasy, W. Keep up the good work...

- 12/31/97 15:43:11


Diane(see where the d came from?) - 12/31/97 09:38:29
Your opinion of my page on a scale from 1-10: 10.5
Your favorite type of dragon: i don't they come in slimey?
Your dog's name: Dinner
Your favorite useless thing to say while signing a guestbook: which end do i write with?

don't read this yet because i am not signing it until i read the story, W. i'm too sleepy right now to make any sense...DON'T say it. looks good, though.....

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