You are in a small round chamber at the top of a slim tower. The only exit is through the trap-door from which you have just emerged. Through several narrow windows you can see that the tower is completely surrounded by thick forest. A large window shows a dark smudge in the far-off distance to the south, which might be a large city.

You are completely alone in the tower. The room is dim, but several candles and a crackling fire cast a warm red glow on the marble walls. You shift your feet uncomfortably, wondering if the tower's resident -- whoever that might be -- would mind if you looked around. A slight movement in your peripheral vision attracts your attention, and you notice a large mirror hanging on the wall opposite the large window. As you watch, the reflection inside ripples faintly, and an image solidifies: a woman in robes.

Unexpectedly the figure begins to speak.

"I see I have a visitor . . . My apologies that I am not here to greet you in person, good traveler. I trust that you are comfortable. Please, feel free to explore my study; I have no secrets to keep from the well-intentioned. I ask only that you leave a small token in return: a signature, perhaps a note of greeting, in the guestbook, there, by the window."

You follow the woman's gaze and spot a large book on a tall wooden stand near the window. You had not noticed it when you first walked in.

"If it interests you, you will find information about myself and my history recorded in various mediums about this chamber: simple scrolls, charmed boxes, and even spelled portals to transport you directly into another world. But be sure you fix the location of this tower firmly in your head ere you leave, or it is possible that you shall not find your way back . . . If you have need of me, you will find the means to contact me next to the guestbook."

The figure fades, and you find yourself staring at your own reflection in the mirror before you.

A large table in the center of the room is scattered with various objects and papers. You examine them carefully, hoping for some insight into the character and interests of the tower's mistress. Luck is with you, and you find a sheaf of papers apparently left behind by a fellow visitor. The papers contain notes and observations pertaining to the life and interests of the Keeper of the Tower, as well as a detailed list of portals to other exciting worlds.

On a separate, smaller table lies a large book. The book is open, and you can see that it is not yet finished. You flip the book closed in order to see the title. The cover reads:

Shade of North Forest

You recall that the forest sprite mentioned this same individual. You resolve to take the time to read her story as soon as you have finished exploring the chamber.

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