Hey, sign this here guestbook and i'll send you absolutely nothing for free!

umbumba - 10/09/00 21:25:30
Favorite Music, Band or Group: slipknot
Your Favorite Movie: schindlers list
Favorite Porn Star: william (sintan) diable
Favorite Book: counting with spot the dog
What is in my trousers?: tiny little tree people who look like little goblins with a hairy little noses

no thanks

FetusSwingers - 10/09/00 19:34:29
My URL:http://www.stas.net/fetusswingers
My Email:fetusswingers@hotmail.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: FetusSwingers/Foo's
Your Favorite Movie: teenage2
Favorite Porn Star: german lass off teenage2
Favorite Book: club issue 42
What is in my trousers?: a willy!
Man, Woman, Both?: what,in your trousers????

THANK YOU for that steven hawking picture,we're putting it on the site,cos' we hail the man himself too,if you would like to contact us..DONT!!!

david - 05/21/00 07:02:38
My Email:dbperry_98@yahoo.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: all kinds that have more then a grunting idiot and a moron with a grunting problem
Your Favorite Movie: star wars/blade runner
Favorite Book: oh are those the things made out of paper and take up too much space?
What is in my trousers?: i guess what ever would suit your needs at the time

A riddle for you , "what is better then the devil but is worst then god and if you eat it you will die?" oh, only 18% of stanford grads got this right...pretty funny i know.

CyroX (CTG) - 04/27/00 12:22:07
My URL:http://come.to/cyrox
My Email:cyrox@hehe.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: Live
Your Favorite Movie: Forrest gump
Favorite Porn Star: smart people donīt watch porn.
Favorite Book: lord of the rings
What is in my trousers?: same as in your head, crap
Man, Woman, Both?: man.

how can you make a page about Steven and just put crappy pics and and bad words in his presence? Steven is one of the most important people alive and when he is dead NO one will even be at the top like Steven is right now, unpost your page or build a new age! A page that you would be prode of, so porde that you would show it to him!

frank bromo - 04/21/00 22:35:50
My Email:atodnem@yahoo.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: bach
Your Favorite Movie: little mermaid
Favorite Porn Star: chasey lain
Favorite Book: animal farm
What is in my trousers?: 1 large chicken and 5 small lizards
Man, Woman, Both?: man

Well i like the page and i would like to say its nice to see someone have some respect for some one other than a sports figure. cool bye

- 02/10/00 22:57:49


Wild 1 - 02/01/00 03:59:44
Man, Woman, Both?: guess

You signed a webpage and told a friend of mine the page sucked and was shitty. Where do you get off? At least that one had a point. But looking at yours I can see the reason, you're complete lack of intelligence. My advice to you, with that picture and those sorry questions above, you better stick to cyb

- 11/06/99 18:54:39
Favorite Music, Band or Group: Nirvana(favorite living band is pearl jam)
Your Favorite Movie: Saving Private Ryan
What is in my trousers?: a rabid squirrel

Steven Hawking is smart, but when it comes to things like, say, scientific theory, he is a complete idiot.

el Pollo Diablo - 10/19/99 13:44:03
Favorite Music, Band or Group: none
Your Favorite Movie: Planet of the Apes
Favorite Porn Star: youra sicko
Favorite Book: Wheel of Time series
What is in my trousers?: nothing whatsoever
Man, Woman, Both?: man

This is the wierdest site i ever been to looking for a high school report. yo esta don mateo el diablo pollo!

Princess Ninfur AKA Miss Bliss AKA Jennifer - 07/13/99 17:29:46
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sk/NINPHUR
My Email:lwdb@yahoo.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: Beatles, David Bowie, No Doubt, Me first and the Gimmie Gimmies, Sex Pistols, NoFx, Pink Floyd, EVERYTHING!!!!!!
Your Favorite Movie: The Usual Suspects, the Labyrinth, A Clockwork Orange, Trainspotting and so on.
Favorite Porn Star: Bridgette Bardot
Favorite Book: 1984!!!! I love you Winston! Why the hell did they have to brainwash you!
What is in my trousers?: your hand.
Man, Woman, Both?: chick!

I just came here to visit your website and sign your guestbook and maybe complain about not yet recieving a letter and then I see that there is a link to my homepage! A link a link a link! Thankyou so much! I give you hugs and kisses! But I am still a aiting my letter. Sigh....

Skybear23 - 07/02/99 09:35:47
My URL:/Hollywood/Screen/2423/index.html
My Email:private (sorry)
Favorite Music, Band or Group: Mary J. Blige, Sky, Jay-Z, DMX, Monica, etc.
Your Favorite Movie: Heat (1995 by Michael Mann)
Favorite Porn Star: Not down with that.
Favorite Book: American Psycho
What is in my trousers?: What do you think?
Man, Woman, Both?: Woman

Hello RealityControl. Nice alias. Do you know of a book called The History of Death Row or something like that? Anyways, nice page. I just happened upon it. Strange, but nice.

James - 06/04/99 01:35:11
My Email:jamesqbullock@hotmail.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: House music
Your Favorite Movie: Exorcist
Favorite Porn Star: me
Favorite Book: Arse
What is in my trousers?: a dick?
Man, Woman, Both?: both

This page is boring but you are right, he is a god.

James - 06/04/99 01:34:11
My Email:jamesqbullock@hotmail.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: House music
Your Favorite Movie: Exorcist
Favorite Porn Star: me
Favorite Book: Arse
What is in my trousers?: a dick?
Man, Woman, Both?: both

This page is boring but you are right, he is a god.

Bari - 05/08/99 21:57:16
My URL:http://expage.com/page/peterpanpage
My Email:mbsll@aol.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: I guess I would have to say 60 to 70ish folkie kinda stuff
Your Favorite Movie: hmmm Woodstock? Cookoos nest, Midnight cowboy
Favorite Porn Star: ahem
Favorite Book: hmmm The Human Comedy by Wm Saroyen, Glass Menagierie, Ceasar, Hamlet, Dr Laura
What is in my trousers?: Is this a trick question?
Man, Woman, Both?: Ha Ha Ha

Well, I have to say that I like the fact that because of Bill Gates, my kids don't think you have to be a nerd to like computers. I guess you hate him because he's so ah what's the word? into money? Now even you know we all need money. (lol) G'd what m I doing, I have to finish cleaning. I do like your pages and sense of humor though.

Melissa S. - 04/29/99 03:13:31


uncle Bob - 04/07/99 03:50:21
My Email:rs65200@navix.net
Favorite Music, Band or Group: Claption
Your Favorite Movie: Face off
Favorite Porn Star: young and tasty
Favorite Book: anything XXX

Be good and love thy famialy

Anne - 04/06/99 02:59:57
Favorite Music, Band or Group: Bare Naked Ladies/ Savage Garden
Your Favorite Movie: Contact
Favorite Book: Contact/The Dragonbone Chair
What is in my trousers?: I don't wear trousers: I wear pants
Man, Woman, Both?: female

In reference to a comment that 'she' you keep referring to on the sayings page: I hate Edgar Allen Poe, but how can anyone with a brain not understand him? Which, I believe, was your point.

missyboehnke - 04/01/99 03:49:10
My Email:mnmb@bemail.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: George Strait
Your Favorite Movie: Dr.Doolittle
Favorite Porn Star: ??
Favorite Book: ??
What is in my trousers?: not quite sure
Man, Woman, Both?: last checked as woman

Adam - you are a nut!

THE WRATHFUL SVEN INCARNATE!!!! - 03/24/99 02:52:43
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/mighty_sven/
My Email:svenincarnate@hotmail.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: Simon & Garfunkel
Your Favorite Movie: I don't read books.
Favorite Porn Star: Me
Favorite Book: I don't watch movies
What is in my trousers?: A tube steak smothered in underwear...
Man, Woman, Both?: Neither


the disgustipating svenman - 03/03/99 01:38:35
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/mighty_sven/
My Email:svenincarnate@hotmail.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: Da Killaz in da huud
Your Favorite Movie: Bambi
Favorite Porn Star: Adam "Fifteen Inches" McBride
Favorite Book: The Uterization of McCleod
What is in my trousers?: me
Man, Woman, Both?: Hermaphrodite

HEY! UPDATE MY LINK, YOU BASTITCH! anyhoo - thot i'd sign again. -sven-

K Miller - 02/17/99 21:27:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Alley/7761
My Email:killthewabbit@hotmail.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: theVandals
Your Favorite Movie: Clockwork Orange
Favorite Porn Star: Ron Jeremy...isn't he everyone's favorite!?
Favorite Book: The Jungle-Upton Sinclair
What is in my trousers?: .....hmmmm, cheese....i dunno?!
Man, Woman, Both?: Grrl....RUDEGRRL!!!

Well, here I am, signing your guestbook...so neener! (maybe a double neener!!) Anyways, color your guestbook signed... RUDEGRRL WUZ HERE!!! (<---I've always wanted to do that!!!)

Lorinda - 02/16/99 00:14:52
My Email:ibpsycho4u@aol.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: NE thing Alrenative or hard rocl
Your Favorite Movie: ???
Favorite Porn Star: ???
Favorite Book: WAY to many to name
What is in my trousers?: your big cock
Man, Woman, Both?: woman


You know who - 02/04/99 21:10:33
My Email:You know it
Favorite Music, Band or Group: No!! I won't tell you
Your Favorite Movie: No!! I won't tell you
Favorite Porn Star: No!! I won't tell you
Favorite Book: No!! I won't tell you
What is in my trousers?: No!! I won't tell you
Man, Woman, Both?: You know

Hey Bastitch, you know it!!!

Anicka - 01/29/99 19:42:46
My Email:rain_11@hotmail.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: Ani Difranco
Your Favorite Movie: too many to name
Favorite Porn Star: what??!!!???!!!
Favorite Book: adam, quit making this difficult!
What is in my trousers?: your socks
Man, Woman, Both?: woman

hey smiley! It's me, looking forward to coffee and dessert tonight!! Cheers

Hades_Hawk_ - 01/19/99 18:54:17
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/hadeshawk
My Email:hades_hawk_@hotmail.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: Country and Rock,George Strait and KISS
Your Favorite Movie: too many to list
Favorite Porn Star: dont really have one
Favorite Book: Airframe by Michael Crichton
What is in my trousers?: have no clue.
Man, Woman, Both?: I'm 100% grade A all american Male

I love your page. you've done some great work here. keep it up. if you get the chance please come visit my page.

Poppy - 12/04/98 18:51:34
My Email:pwyble@hotmail.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: alternative
Your Favorite Movie: I have a lot of them
Favorite Porn Star: JAW...
Favorite Book: to many to name
What is in my trousers?: ask autumn
Man, Woman, Both?: woman, what else?

I love you Adam!!!!!!!!!!!!

Barbara - 12/04/98 18:47:49
My Email:barbara_49@hotmail.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: TOOL
Your Favorite Movie: Any thing w/Adam Sandler
Favorite Porn Star: You
What is in my trousers?: For me to know you to find out
Man, Woman, Both?: Woman

Why don't you email me sometime?

Crazy69_girl - 12/04/98 18:45:42
My Email:Crazy69_girl@yahoo.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: monica
Your Favorite Movie: romeo+juliet
Favorite Porn Star: me
Favorite Book: sole survivor
Man, Woman, Both?: woman

Hi Adam!! You should write me sometime -k- I like your web page!!! Jenn

Randy - 11/16/98 18:52:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dungeon/6441
Favorite Music, Band or Group: Monster Magnet
Favorite Porn Star: Everyone
Man, Woman, Both?: homo-superior

I like it!

Walter - 11/16/98 18:33:01
My URL:http://geocities.com/Area51/Nebula/2709
My Email:gordydude@hotmail.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: Christian
Your Favorite Movie: Bambi
Favorite Porn Star: I am not aloud to look at porn
Favorite Book: I don't read
What is in my trousers?: probably nothing
Man, Woman, Both?: Both

Hi !!!

princess ninfur - 10/21/98 14:57:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sk/NINPHUR
My Email:lwdb@yahoo.com
Man, Woman, Both?: chick

Ive been watching my mail box at home and I have recieved no actual letter from you, grrr!

10/14/98 10:47:32
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Cindy - 09/17/98 23:48:57
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Princess Ninfur - 09/08/98 17:02:31
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sk/NINPHUR
My Email:lwdb@yahoo.com

heh, just though I'd check it out again. All right now, Stephen is hot! He died last year didnt he? Or am I messed up? Peace-love-Princess NINFUR

Baal aka Jason - 09/03/98 20:12:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/5271
My Email:Baal81@hotmail.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: Gosh, Their are so many
Your Favorite Movie: Barney & Friends--Sing Along
Favorite Porn Star: Gillian Anderson
Favorite Book: Lord of the Flies
What is in my trousers?: I can tell you it ain't much
Man, Woman, Both?: The jury is still out on that one.

There. I signed your damned guestbook. Chow Mein Noodle.

ninfur - 09/02/98 13:33:24
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sk/NINPHUR
My Email:lwdb@yahoo.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: Beatles, No Doubt, David Bowie, Doors, The Who, Pink Floyd, etc....
Your Favorite Movie: Labyrinth, Usual Suspects, Primal Fear
Favorite Porn Star: Bridgette Bardot =P
Favorite Book: I dunno
What is in my trousers?: a sock
Man, Woman, Both?: Chick

Your page is cool! Whoever that dude was there, he was hot! Your awesome man! Love you babe! -Princess Ninfur

2_fStrippers - 08/12/98 21:49:43
Favorite Music, Band or Group: BSB
Your Favorite Movie: Titanic
Favorite Book: Gone With The Wind
What is in my trousers?: We don't wanna know!!
Man, Woman, Both?: 2 women


Bobbie - 08/10/98 21:59:42
My Email:jaybry@jnlk.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: Harvey Danger
Your Favorite Movie: Face/Off
Favorite Porn Star: YOU *laff*
Favorite Book: Ummmmmmm
What is in my trousers?: Hopefully not your hand
Man, Woman, Both?: WOMAN

HEY LITTLE RC! What's your real name anyway? I'm sorry for acting so strange toward ya! i know you loved my fairy story in chat! And....umm...im done BYE

Randi (the girl) - 08/06/98 22:40:18


Mistress Darkness - 07/26/98 07:53:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/pentagon/quarters/3982/index.html
My Email:sweetdeath@netscape.net
Favorite Music, Band or Group: Beethoveen
Your Favorite Movie: edward scissor hands
Favorite Porn Star: too many too name
Favorite Book: the witching hour
What is in my trousers?: certainly not me
Man, Woman, Both?: all woman

well i stopped by to say thanks for signing my guestbook and too see your page.. its not bad.. adding more too it would be nice but ive always liked pages that offer alot too keep me entertained..but i know pages can be time consuming. ill make sure to ad your page to my links when i get to that part.

Petunia - 07/25/98 15:42:05
My Email:petunia_b@hotmail.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: None
Your Favorite Movie: Dirty Dancing
What is in my trousers?: Jelly Beans
Man, Woman, Both?: None


GurgleTheBong - 07/11/98 23:25:37
My Email:gurglethebong@hotmail.com
What is in my trousers?: your cock!
Man, Woman, Both?: 67/f/m

I think your page sucks a fat hairy dirty old, moldy, nasty, stinky, ass sucking cock licking, fart sniffing, chode licking, rotten aids infested herpe lip!!!

venusa - 07/11/98 18:01:15
My Email:venusa23@hotmail.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: EAGLES!!!!
Your Favorite Movie: Raise the Red Lantern
Favorite Porn Star: HUH???
Favorite Book: James Michener's "The Drifters"
What is in my trousers?: a banana... how would I know??? LOL
Man, Woman, Both?: Men

Nice page, dude! *grin*

fly - 07/10/98 22:29:39
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/deadley/index.html
My Email:markstowe@hotmail.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: Dream Theater
Your Favorite Movie: Die Hard
Favorite Porn Star: Jenna Jameson
Favorite Book: The things I Did Last Summer
What is in my trousers?: Dick
Man, Woman, Both?: Man

cool page

Grandma - 07/10/98 22:14:16
My URL:http://granny.com
My Email:mcbride@bewellnet.com
Favorite Music, Band or Group: Variety
Your Favorite Movie: What are movies?
Favorite Porn Star: your not supposed to look at that stuff
Favorite Book: Phantoms
What is in my trousers?: your manhood
Man, Woman, Both?: grandma

nice place, not clean enough though. I'll get one too, that'll show you.

Necrogod - 07/10/98 04:47:18
My URL:http://geocities.com/Area51/Neubla/7937
My Email:necrogod@chaffee.net
Favorite Music, Band or Group: Metal or Hard Rock
Your Favorite Movie: Half-Baked
Favorite Porn Star: All of them =)
Favorite Book: Homeland
What is in my trousers?: Refried Beans???
Man, Woman, Both?: Man


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