Poltergeist the Legac Telepics Homepage

Why Another PTL Video Capture Site?:

I realize that there are several homepages that cover this subject and that others have been and are still doing their own video capturing. However, what I've been trying to do with my site is not only providing video captures, but I also try to capture the story itself with my pictures for those who perhaps have not seen the episodes, or perhaps missed an episode or for those who love the show and can't see episodes where they live. I've put a lot of work into this website and I truly hope you enjoy it.

Brief History of Poltergeist the Legacy:

The Legacy is a secret society whose origins began in Greece in the 5th Century BC as a collaborative study of the unknown, dedicated to protecting the world from evil somewhere beyond the imagination. When confronting poltergeists, demons, vampires, werewolves and witches, The Legacy rises to the challenge when all other means of conventional understanding and protection have failed. They are humanity's last line of defense.

Are you ready to enter the world of Poltergeist the Legacy? Yes? Then click any of the links on the left and beware!

Since the beginning of time,
mankind has existed between
the world of light, and the
world of darkness.

This journal chronicles the
work of our secret society
known as The Legacy,
created to protect the innocent
from those creatures that
inhabit the shadows and the night.

site owned by Preceptress.
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