
Lucid Dreaming

 What is it?

Ever wish you were a real wizard and had magical powers?

Like Matt in Her Majesty's Wizard, "by Christopher Stasheff" and some how find your self in new world where magic is common place.

Well we can't always get what we want.

Or can we?

Lucid dreaming is a form of dream in witch the dreamer becomes fully conscious of the fact that he or she is dreaming. Once conscious of the fact one is dreaming the dreamer may then take better control of the dream. By this I mean Once you realize that you are having a dream, any type of dream, you can then make dissuasions as to who, what, when, and how. Sound interesting.

Has this ever happened to you? You were running from some unseen monster and came to the conclusion that "I am only dreaming?" Or came to that same conclusion any other time while not awake?

If you have never heard of this type of dreaming or had never had a lucid dream then I invite you to read on.

Lucid dreams most often occur in the early morning hours and most often in the R.E.M. stage of sleep.

I don't know how many people have, had, or are dreaming lucidly but I have been told it is rare. There is a bit of good news though. Most people can teach their self's to dream lucidly.

Hear is how.

One important thing we must consider is how often do you remember your dreams. You must have heard that everybody dreams so the question is how many of them do you remember. If you don't remember dreaming don't worry there is help.

Getting in the habit of remembering your dreams is an important step in learning to dream lucidly. The easiest way to start remembering your dreams is to not jump out of bed when you first wake up. Instead try laying their thinking of the last thought that went through your mind. This simple act can increase your recall by 50% or more. A fellow from work tried this simple act to increase his dream recall. He had told me that he never dreamt. After suggesting that he not rush out of bed and simply try to recall his dreams, he started to remember his dreams. In fact he dreamt he was in a sward fight that very next morning.

The next step to lucid dreaming is a little more difficult and time consuming. Once you start having normal dreams you can increases you chances of a lucid dream by convincing your self that once you start a dream you will know you are dreaming and then be able to take control of it.

Most people realize they are dreaming once something strange or out of the ordinary happens. If haven a dream that one is falling from a tall building he might realize he is dreaming and then decide that he will stop like a cartoon just before hitting the ground. The way to ready yourself for this is by tell your self that you are only dreaming every something out of the ordinary happens through out the day. This works for most people however although some start dreaming lucdly right away others may have to practice for weeks.

The key is to constantly think about it or as much as you can throughout the day.



Personal stories.

My first lucid dream. By the caretaker of the keep

I didn't even know what a lucid dream was when I had my first. It was nothing extravagant but it left me wanting more. I was in a large field of tall grass and suddenly it occurred to me that I was dreaming. After looking around at the vastness of the field I decided to try an experiment I wanted to know if I could wake my self up. I laid down in the tall grass closed my eyes concentrated all my power on becoming awake I tightened all of my muscles and sat up as quickly as I could also opening my eyes. It had worked I was now staring at the Def Leopard poster that hung in my bed room. Hay it way the 80's OK.


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