Deck 9: Weapons & Shields

Cancellation News

September 24th, 1998

Well, I hate to admit it, but even I gave up on the show for a while. But, I'm back, and this time, after even offering to write letters to people and not getting a single request, it's a list. If you're still around, if you're reading this, if you still want more episodes or if you still want the movie, if you're still interested in this show called Mission Genesis/Deepwater Black, I urge you, please, please add your name to the list of people that are still here. I'm scared that there are actually only 10 people left online that still think the show is worth something. Please, please, add your name to the list.

July 8th, 1998

Sorry for the blackout on the cancellation front again--most of the discussions and stuff have been going on over at the SFC MG board, and I've only now gotten around to getting it on this page. Here goes.

Well, since SFC and YTV no longer seem to be likely candidates for picking the show up, a bit of discussion led to these three networks:

  • The WB
  • UPN
  • [Canadian] Space (The Imagination Station)

    All were chosen for their relatively small size and ratings-hungry attitudes. =D

    If these networks are to be interested in the series, we should probably first get them to consider picking it up. Just say, "Hi, I watch so-and-so on your channel and I really love that show and your network. One of my other favorite shows is Deepwater Black/Mission Genesis. I heard that the Sci-Fi Channel/YTV is not making any more new eps of DWB/MG. I think it'd be great if you could pick it up and put it right after so-and-so--I'd definitely watch!" Just mention DWB casually, and build upon it so you don't look so obvious. =D

    Where to write, you ask? Here are the e-mail addys for the various stations:

  • [E-mail for WB yet to be obtained]
  • UPN Feedback Form
  • Space feedback e-mail

    Another thing I think we should seriously consider is going syndication, because these networks are a very last-resort thing. Since the Empire Entertainment addys are now working, it's time to voice our opinions to those addresses, which are:

  • DWB:
  • MG:
  • General:

    Nightmask of the SFC forum posted this in late June:

    I talked to a guy at Empire E and he said that no networks have renewed the show. He also said that they are still working on the movie. He doesnt know if the cast from the TV show will be in it. He also said that that it will be out by the spring or an announcement will be made by the spring (not sure which one he meant).

    So rally for the movie with Empire!! =D

    June 20th, 1998

    Well, fears are finally confirmed: I checked the Sci-Fi Channel ScheduleBot today, and Mission Genesis is not on its schedule. I suppose it's been coming--after all, are you really going to keep re-running a show with 13 episodes that's been getting so-so ratings a year after its premiere? Probably not.

    So, I'm climbing another step in the campaign. Since Sci-Fi's replies to people's letters have indicated that support has only been "trickling in", I'm volunteering to write people's letters for them. Just e-mail me with your name, which place you want to write to (YTV, SFC, Empire or Sunbow--but the maximum here is TWO, I do want my life =D) and I'll send back a letter for you as a text file. Unfortunately, because I live in Canada, it would become kind of obvious if I sent it for you (the return says Illinois but it's post-marked B.C.? I don't think so), so you'll have to print it out and send it yourself.

    As of now, I make this declaration (ooh, how grand! =D): it has now been 9 months since DWB was "cancelled". I say, if we don't hear ANYTHING from the people at Empire by the time it's been 18 months, then maybe we'll consider giving up. After all, Forever Knight took 18 months to get their syndicated 2nd season, and now, they've got reruns everywhere, and one of the biggest fan followings online. In other words--it's been done before, it can be done again. [end inspirational speech]

    May 1st, 1998

    Well, Jeff Brassard posted a wonderful idea to the SFC MG board on Monday:

    I had a bit of a brain storm the other night. Around midnight I was looking around the YTV website and I went to the contact info section. It was then that i realized that even though DWB/MG fans that surf the net and look for DWB sites, there are many the ones that don't even know the show is in trouble are probably more numerous. In the interest of making very sure that every body that should know about the cancellation I e-mailed asking them to tell the world about our cause. I'm sure that one letter won't be enough to convince them to make one of there more popular segments a forum for our grievances however several dozen letters might.

    I encourage every DWB/MG fan out there to e-mail the zone and ask them politely to air our causes on national TV along with mail info for Sci-Fi, YTV and Empire.

    While I do think that this is a good idea and all and am all for it, there is just one problem with that: Phil and Darren, beneath their showy exteriors on their segment, are probably sensible people that would like to keep their jobs; and they would have to go through all sorts of executive channels before a word of this gets on air. So, my point: it would be quicker to e-mail the executives directly, which you can do from this form at the YTV website (scroll to the bottom of the page). Much more direct, and you wouldn't have any distortion of the message.

    Also, the very point of the banner campaign was exactly what he said: that though fans come online looking for sites, they don't know about the cancellation--and the banners tell them. So, if you have a site, please put the banner on your site--the code can be obtained from this page.

    This tactic has been placed on the Save page (from which you probably came), and thanks to Jeff for this great idea.

    April 15th, 1998

    The transcript is in, and the Creature's answer to the Status question for April was back to bad:

    "MG remains on the schedule as repeat only...there will be no new eps produced..."

    Meanwhile, I have miraculously dug up an e-mail address for the show's Assistant Director, Terry Steyn, and have e-mailed him a short note asking him about the cancellation. I have not yet received a reply.

    April 13th, 1998

    Well, it looks like our efforts may have gotten some kind of response--instead of the Creature's straight, flat-out "No new episodes" call from February, his March chat brought an "ask me later" reply--which may mean that the Sci-Fi Channel is now thinking about it again. Unfortunately, it looks like SFC's getting a little slow with their transcripts and I haven't been able to obtain a copy of the April 8th chat yet.

    My plans to call Alex Nassar are, unfortunately, not workable for me--the time difference causes a lot of trouble. So I have written a letter to him, asking him about the show's status and dropping a note about the official websites. I will be sending the letter off on Tuesday, so it will arrive at about Friday. If he replies immediately, I will get it on about Wednesday. Doesn't snail mail just STINK? =D

    I have also prepared a couple draft copies of my letter to YTV, to ask them about the status of the show, and a letter to the Sci-Fi Channel protesting their decision.

    So, that means the tally of who's written a letter has rose to one. I hope it's just because nobody's told me they've written, or else I'm beginning to wonder if I'm alone here.

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