Welcome to my Guestbook! Tell me which stories you liked best!

jc - 04/29/00 03:25:01
My Email:quagmire_jen@hotmil.com
How did you find my site?: just got in
Which story did you like best?: Wolf and Dragon


jc - 04/29/00 03:22:00
How did you find my site?: just got in
Which story did you like best?: Wolf and Dragon

Great sight I have ever seen I love the links. The story was fantastic. If you know of a place I could write a Kung fu the legend continues story let me know

Gail - 04/21/00 17:37:13
Which story did you like best?: Case of the Missing Mouse

I totally adore this story. I read over and over. Great Job!!!

Terry - 11/22/99 04:16:56
My Email:stevte00@hotmail.com
How did you find my site?: surfed in
Which story did you like best?: LaCroix's Real Monsters

I love the lighter side of LaCroix.

sarah - 07/31/99 23:46:43
My Email:tigeresse@hotmail.com
How did you find my site?: surfed
Which story did you like best?: wolf and dragon

Thats a good story. you're one of the few fanfic authors that has Caine having sex. I liked the fact that they healed each others wounds. The ferret one was funny and cute. lol sarah

CJ Parker - 07/25/99 10:43:18
My Email:cj@macrb.net
How did you find my site?: Amanda's page link
Which story did you like best?: Wolf & Dragon

But I really liked your Mouse story too, it made me laugh. I would like to return here soon and find some new stories, too. I would give you my url address, but as it is new and is not yet constructed and won't be for sometime, it doesn't make much sens . I'm just getting started with my writing so it will take a while, as I'm a perfectionist. But I do like your site and stories. Would you email me when you have added some new stories? Thanks CJ (aka LinStar)

Morgaine - 07/22/99 02:24:23
My Email:morgaine@worldnet.att.net
How did you find my site?: Kung Fu webring
Which story did you like best?: The Case of the Missing Mouse

You're good! Keep writing! Especially Forever Knight/Kung Fu: TLC crossovers.

Gayle - 05/23/99 23:23:38
How did you find my site?: net search
Which story did you like best?: Disneyworld

That was so good! Peter called Caine "Pop" to often. I think i hate that title more than Caine does. Other than that, your story was so funny :) I loved the scene with Pooh in the resteraunt. how sweet! Disneyland was a scenario that i had never thought of but it is a good one. Congrats.

berni - 04/18/99 16:09:09
My Email:rressman@erols.com
How did you find my site?: someone at work gave it to me
Which story did you like best?: haven't read them all yet

I love your introduction. You're right, the dripping blood can lead to a little eye strain, especially if you haven't slept a lot. I think it's a neat effect created by the blue on the Fk site. It looks 3 dimensional. Very neat whiz bang stuff, can't wait to see your Oriental knot.

Louisa Tilford - 04/05/99 17:06:04
My Email:ljtilford@AOL.com
How did you find my site?: Alicia's Lincs
Which story did you like best?: Swink

One of my spoiled felines is "helping" me even as I type. Would love to read the story of Nicky Elder and the Tiger Tom Cat some day. So glad you put up a page. You should announce it on the KF TLC list!

Merrill Walz - 03/10/99 18:10:31
My Email:mwz@americancentury.com
How did you find my site?: E-mail message from my daughter.
Which story did you like best?: I like them all because you wrote them.

Wow! You have made some big changes to your site. I found your home page a bit difficult to read because the background is a dark teal and some of the dark text didn't show up too well for me. Of course, I also find that as I get older, I have problems with certain colors so don't change anything because of me. I viewed the site with Netscape Communicator, which is, I think, Netscape 4.

Richard Jones - 03/09/99 21:58:38
My Email:jones23@yahoo.com
How did you find my site?: Kung Fu Web Ring
Which story did you like best?: Wolf and Dragon

I really liked this story. It was very well-written. Hope you are working on some more.

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