Welcome To AsgardHeimdall... Watcher of the Rainbow BridgeAsgard was the abode of Odin and the Aesir, and was reached from Midgard via the Rainbow Bridge, Bifrost. In Asgard were two mansions: Gladsheim, where the gods lived, and Vingolf, wherein dwelt the goddesses. Here also was the Hall of Heroes, Valhalla, where those mortals who had fallen heroicly in battle were received by Odin, or Freya, his wife. Also in Asgard were Elfheim, where the elves dwelt; Brediablick, abode of Balder the Beautiful; Himinbiorg, the tower of Thor, and Valaskialf, watchtower of the All-Father Odin. Aesir is the collective name for the twelve great gods of Norse legend, they who lived in Asgard, and with the All-Father Odin, ruled the lives of mortal men. They were:- Thor, Balder, Freya, Tyr, Bragi, Hodur, Heimdall, Vithar, Vili, Ullr, Ve and Forseti. Their thrones were in Gladsheim, one of the two mansions of Asgard. To learn more about the gods and goddess of Asgard click on the button named Valhalla... to check the other realms that are connected to Asgard click on the button crossroads... then when you are ready to leave please take the time to sign the guestbook... I hope you have a good time wondering about and learning about the Norse mythology... Good day fellow warriors... Best viewed in 800x600 Resolution 16 bit color or higher. Using Netscape 4.0 and higher. This page is under heavy construction still... Give me time... patience is a virtue...=) Get your own Free Homepage |