Pictures of Andy
These are pictures of me. Where possible I have included the date the picture was taken. Hold your mouse over the picture for a detailed description. These are pictures of me. Where possible I have included the date the picture was taken. Hold your mouse over the picture for a detailed description. I no longer have long hair as shown in some of these shots. On Jan 6th 2004 I was laid off from my job as an engineer. I collected unemployment for a while until May 2004 when I  landed a sales engineer Job with Enser. In March 2005 I left Enser to take my career in another direction. I now work for Pruftechnik as a consultant. I travel all over the USA taking measurements. I love my job but it is hard to have a relationship when you are never home.
It was taken Nov 2003.
Taken in Las Vegas in 9-02.
This picture is the most current.
She stuck me with the check.
It is my first and only house I have ever owned.
Me in 9-99. I just signed the paperwork to purchase my home.
Me and my cousin in the Olive Garden. December 2002
I own two floating weeks a year!
I no longer have an earing & I learned how to smile.
This is a picture of the kitchen in my Timeshare on the Las Vegas Strip.
I used to be a pretty hardcore surfer. I have since grown up.
I am on the right.
That wig cost $40.
This is the cover photo for Angrw Weapon I.
Hey, I have every other hairstyle on this page, Why not an afro?