Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution

Sons of the American Revolution
Daughters of the American Revolution

Those who are interested may apply for membership in the Sons of the American Revolution or in the Daughters of the American Revolution through Jacob Forney. He was a patriot and involved himself in the affairs of the community. He was a member of the Tyron County Safety Committee and signed a resolution of protest against British tyranny in august, 1775. General Cornwallis occupied the plantations of Jacob and his son, Peter, and his troops killed and ate all the livestock and confiscated all the grain. There are extensive references to Jacob and his sons, especially his son Peter in the official historical records of NC.

The descendants of Lemuel Winesett and Frances Loretta Stamey are eligible for membership. Although it is suspected that the Winesett family was here during revolutionary times, no record of service in the revoluntary cause has been located. There are perhaps other parties through which membership is possible. The known lineage is:

Jacob Forney and Maria Berger

Robertson Goodwin and Selanah Eve Forney

James Haynes and Temperance Goodwin

Alexander Stamey and Belzora Haynes

Lemuel Winesett and Frances Loretta Stamey

and their descendants

References include:
History of Fry Family by Margaret Grandle
Forney Forever by Lee Forney Crawford
Forneys of Hanover, Penn. by Lucy Forney
Sketches of Forney Family from Lancaster, Pa. by J.K. Forney
Memorial of the Huguenot, D.A.R. History Magagine, Vol. 19, page 626
Historical Sketches on North Carolina From 1584 to 1851 by John Hill Wheeler
The Annals of Lincoln County, North Carolina: Containing Interesting and Authetic Facts of Lincoln History Through the Years 1749 to 1937 by William L. Sherrill
Biographical History of North Carolina From Colonial Times to the Present, Volume V,
Editor-in-Chief Samuel A. Ashe, Published by Charles L. Van Noppen, Greensboro, NC, MCMVI

Robertson Goodwin or Goodman should also provide and entry for membership however the webmaster has not yet found his service record. There should be other entries through Raphael Winsett and other Winsetts who served during the Revoluntary War but that lineage has not yet been proved by written records.

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