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La campagne présidentielle et le programme de Bayrou

Mercredi, 11 avril 2007

Il y a deux ans, je défendais ma thèse en physique des plasmas à l'université d'Eindhoven....de l'eau a coulé sous les ponts depuis: ma carrière professionnelle a pris des tournants inattendus et ma vie privée s'est considérablement embellie. J'étais dégouté de la vie politique française et me voilà à militer pour que François Bayrou devienne le prochain président de la République française....La vie change....moi aussi...heureusement!!!Votez Bayrou.

Two years ago...

Wednesday, 11 april 2007

Two years ago, I was defending my PhD in Eindhoven...two years ago, I would not have bet a rouble on me working at the European Patent Office...Two years ago, I did not have a girlfriend...Two years ago, I was disgusted by french politics. Today, I am fighting for François Bayrou...I am fighting for him to become the next president of France. I know I am annoying many people with my political involvement (I think Hanna finds it funny)....Be patient my friends, it is almost over...two weeks to go:)

Spring's back

Friday, 30 march 2007

Spring is here....It has been a wonderful sunny and warm week in The Hague...too bad it ends with a tax declaration to make! Hanna and me went to Antwerp last weekend to visit the city a bit and shop for good food (i.e. in a french supermarket)...Apologies to any of my dutch friends reading this. Plans are for a trip to France and the USA...Details will follow soon. In less than a month, the first run off to the French presidential elections will take place. I really believe F. Bayrou is the only choice possible. My argumentation (in French) on my deep thoughts blog... Talk to you next month after the results...!

En route to the presidential elections

Thursday, 22 february 2007

My trips to Munich with the EPO and then to Brussels with Hania were very exciting. By the way, I love belgian chocolate!!! 60 days to the french presidential elections....the new redesigned web site online....Many reasons to be excited at the end of this winter.

A sparkling New Year

Thursday, 11 January 2007

After celebrating the holiday season in France with family and friends, I am back in the Netherlands. The weather has been stormy for several days now in the Hague and it feels like the raining season is unfortunately here to stay for good... My life is back to its usual pace with fencing, russian and my job at the European Patent Office. Luckily, there's Hanna... The french presidential election starts in 100 days and I am more than ever supporting the position of François Bayrou on Europe and a 6th French Republic.

François Bayrou, candidate to the french presidential election 2007