The Underground: A Labyrinth of Me for All to See

This page last edited on 29-Jun-99.

I know what you're thinking. Heeeeey, wait a minute, where'd that groovy webpage go! Ok, so many you're not really *that* concerned but you probably *are* wondering what's up. I shall tell you. The Underground: A Labyrinth of Me for All to See (and YES, when I made the page it was the only one called The Underground so obviously it's been around for a while) is undergoing a metamorphosis. Yes, it is time for Webpage Reincarnation. This site is about to pop up with a totally new look and feel and lots more info. AND now there will be two wondermous beings running the place. Tig (founderette extrodinaire) and Angel (grand high sispoolette babablacksheep haveyouanywool). New name, new graphics, new layout, new sections - a veritable fiesta of NemTiggified Laby Insanity. Don't worry, we tend to be quite the speedy web builders so your beloved page should be visible once again quite soon. Until then. Like, umm. Wait. And if you sulk I'm going to glitter you frantically. You have been warned. La. I'm going to be sweet and leave the links open for a little while longer but don't be surprised if a few pages look a bit dif. than usual. The metamorphosis hath begun and they are slowly being shifted over to the Nemtig side.

Ok, I'm calm now. But I am not patient lol I want it to be September NOW. If you have no clue what I'm talking about but you're a little curious, you can check out the LOJ (Labyrinth of Jareth) information at syphercore under the events section.

As you may have surmised, the main focus here is Labyrinth (1986). But anyway, I'm not gonna talk about it right now 'cause everythings about to be temporarily hush hush while we revamp so enjoy the links while they're here 'cause I'm snipping them this afternoon and ya' won't be able to see anything until the Grand Opening. And believe me... it *will* be a Grand Opening in full force and affect. Streams and confetti crystals baybee. Hide and watch.

-Tigglette Rambling Insanely from work... (how frightening is it that I work in the Personnel Deparment for the entire frickin' State? mwuuuuaaaaahahahahaha) PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!!

Continue your journey through the pages of my mind.

(Thirteen O'Clock)
(Labyrinth Art)
(Labyrinth Fanfiction)
(Between the Stars)
(Adopt a Laby Character)
(Crystals to Explore)
(Star Trek)

"I'll paint you mornings of gold

I'll spin you Valentine evenings

Though we're strangers till now

We're choosing the path between the stars

I'll leave my love between the stars"

- "As the World Falls Down" by David Bowie

Yes, you are a visitor to my homepage and you are some odd number in the thousands. I have given up one counters. They seem to hate me.

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"You Remind me of the Babe-

What Babe?

The Babe with the Power-

What Power?

The Power of Voodoo-

Who do?

You do-

Do what?

Remind me of the Babe-"

-David Bowie in Labyrinth

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