Giving thanks where it is needed!

These are the people that have made a difference in my life.
They are my friends and my cyber friends!
They're all really terrific people!

Personal Links:
These are my "real" friends, so to speak.

Elsa Stanczak: Elsa is one of my best guitar students and a VERY close friend.  She's very smart and talented.  Her web page is chuck full of neat things that she's written and stuff about Garbage and Tori Amos.  She's worked really hard on it and it shows.  It's awesome!!!

Lisa Stanczak: Lisa is Elsa's cousin and she is also one of my best students and a great friend!  She's really smart and talented too.  Her web page also has lots of neat, original stuff to read.  She too worked really hard on her page and it shows! It's quite nifty (which is just as good as being "awesome"!  LOL!!!!)!

Caption This Links:
These are my friends that I've met at Caption This.

JorGGirrrl: JorG is one of my best friends in the whole wide world!  Her kindness and friendship has seen me through the best and worse of times in the year and a half that I've known her. I hope that to a certain degree, I've been able to do the same for her. As of right now, she doesn't have a web page of her own, but you can click here to read all about our wonderful friendship that I cherish with all my heart. I can't even put it into words how much I'm looking forward to meeting her one day! Love ya, Buddy!!!!

Mizz Adamz:  Weather you call her Mizz Adamz, littleone or Share, I call her a great friend! If it wasn't for her cyber kicking me in my cyber ass, this web page would have never gotten off the ground. She created the "blinky star" background on my MST3K page! I owe her so much! I sure hope to meet you in 2K, my friend!

Space Ninja:  Though I've only known Ninja a short while, I already consider her to be a good friend. It's always a pleasure to talk to her on ICQ. We share a common hatred for all things redneck and hick! She's cooler then a John Coltrane sax solo in a Miles Davis tune! Now THAT'S cool!!! :O)

BuckFifty: Where else on the Internet are you going to be able to touch both Pee Wee Herman AND a Nekid Beaver? Well, maybe there ARE other sites dedicated to that, but Buck's is the best one! A long-time Caption This friend, Buck helped me fill out my MST3K collection.

LizardQueen: I've known Lizard for quite a while. She's a really nice person and I always enjoy talking to her on ICQ. She has her own web site now. It's in it's early stages, but it's looking damn good so far!

MST3K_Lover: A long-time Caption This friend. Not only does she love MST3K, but she also is a huge fan of Anime. Sounds like a good mix to me!

kaly:  Also known as kalynn, she has some excellent fan fiction on her web page. It's always a pleasure for me to talk to her on ICQ.

SpydieGirl: One of my best Internet friends, Spydie's web page is full of neat stuff. She's always fun to chat with on ICQ!

D_Idaho: Idaho gave me my first HTML lesson. After that, I decided to use my Netscape 4.0 to build this page WITHOUT all that HTML crap. Go check out his page and read reviews of Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes by me and other MSTies!

JoeCrow: The coolest Slum Lord I know! He's got a kick-ass Caption Gallery on his page. Joe also helped me with my MST collection so a big thank you to him!

MadSigntist: Careful with that petri dish, Madness! Musician, capper and all-around great guy with a twisted sense of humor! BIG thanks to him for helping me with this web site too.

SunSinner:  Nothing like watching Sunny drool at the site of David Bowie's area. Makes me wanna *cover my eyes in maidenly modesty*........or something. *ahem*

Cari: A long-time CT friend and all-around good person. Yep! That's her with MST3K's Mike Nelson! I can't decide if I'm more jealous of her or him!

Geier: One of the funniest Cappers ever and a long-time CT friend. His web page contains some cool 3-D graphics!

Imac: Imac's one swingin' hep cat. He's in the process of starting his own swing band. Best o' luck to ya! Just remember, "The Suits are Pickin' Up the Bill". You can also click  here to see his new site dedicated to MST3K!

  limezinger: lime's web site is full of all kinds of cool stuff. Music, comedy and Don Lapre. How can you go wrong with that? Great looking site!

Ash_Skywalker: A die-hard fan of both Star Wars and MST3K and a good friend of mine!

Enapov: Enapov has one of the coolest sites I've seen on the web. Plus, she just added a Caption This Gallery! Also, on her main page, you get to hear Devo! "Crack that whip!!!"

Beedo:  Beedo was one of my first Caption This friends. Another die-hard Star Wars and MST3K fan!

Starluck: One of my newest cyber friends. Star proves to me that all the cool people in the world where born on November 18th! :O) Her web page looks great! Yes Star, the hard work HAS paid off!

Agent_Moldy: One of the funniest and wittiest cappers ever! Now go smell her Hunk O' Cheese!

Occupant: A true Caption This legend. Go check out his Waste of Bandwidth! He's got some great and very funny pictures that he designed and he has a survive guide that just might save your life when the aliens take Earth over.

Weird_1: Weird is just that, weird. But he's got a great web page that's a shrine to Caption This! Plus, he's spent time here in Evansville. No wonder he's so weird!

Generik: Gen has written a wonderful story about Caption This and the Cappers. JoeCrow was nice enough to post it on his site. It's well worth checking out!

  E_B_A:  It's hip, it's hop, it's full of crap......or something. Anyway, it's E_B_A's web site and it's great! He has an excellent shrine to Caption This.

Shandi: Check out her web page and watch her drool over Trent Reznor!

LiannaSky9: LS9's page is still in the early stages, but it's looking good so far! Check it out!

Xigeous: Come and visit the strange world of Xigeous! Don't say I didn't warn you!

  DanZero: Visit Dan's web site and read some cool stuff about MST3K!

These are my cyber friends that don't have web pages, at least not yet!


And here's the place to see all these wonderfully witty people at their best:

Now, before you go off and start sending me hate mail, I KNOW I've left people off this list. PLEASE forgive me. They say the mind is the first thing to go. If you think you belong on this list, you probably do. If you have a web page and want a link, let me know. Just send an E-mail at   rwtrail@evansville.netand I'll do my best to rectify (HUH-HUH! He said "rectum"!) the situation!