The Magic of Grayskull

Here is the information on the proposed new MOTU movie by Edwin Vasquez, given to me by Edwin himself. Read on:

Masters of the Universe: The Magic of Greyskull
by Edwin Lagrimas Vasquez


A) COMPOSITION: "The Magic of Greyskull" does not consist of only one film. It is a saga which will entail six separate chapters. Editing of the story as a result of production may possibly occur, thereby reducing the number of films to be released. In complete form, however, the saga spans six chapters. This is an amendment to previous information which revealed that the saga only spanned five chapters. Additional work on the project has necessitated the creation of a sixth chapter.
Due to the financial enormity of this project, some people have suggested that its release be conducted in the form of a six-day mini-series. Acceptance of this proposal is under consideration, but is not confirmed. The main obstacle lies with obtaining the copyrights from Hallmark Entertainment. Edwin is currently seeking sponsorship from some of the larger production companies for financial support. Edwin has strongly emphasized that he will not allow the release of "The Magic of Greyskull", unless it is done "right." No low-budget production. No bad actors. No deterioration into making the movie a simple "effects movie." "No cheese." If the copyrights can be obtained, "The Magic of Greyskull" will also be released as an illustrated novel. Given the release of the copyrights, the publication and release of the novel will be conducted, regardless of whether or not the film is released.

B) ATMOSPHERE: The movie will follow many of the main themes chronicled in the cartoon, but will have more of an emotional twist to it. The characters used will still possess some of their original, comedic traits, but not to the extent of being annoying. Some people have asked Edwin if the movie will have a "darker" feel to it. Edwin does not think that "darker" is an accurate description of the story. "More dramatic" fits the description better.

C) SETTING: The time frame of the story is approximately one year after the MOTU episode "The Problem with Power." Most of the story will take place in various locations of Eternia. Eternian locations include: Castle Greyskull, Eternos, Snake Mountain, and Darksmoke. Newer Eternian locations include the Lake of Tranquility, the Great Sea, and the Cavern of Scales. Etheria will be the site for many scenes as well. Among them are "Attack of the Crystal Falls", "Rescue from the Fright Zone", and "The Quest of Madame Razz". Brief scenes will take place on Horde World. There is also a new setting known as "The Hall of Balance", a grand meeting hall located in Sysangea, the Nexus of Dimensions. Neither Earth nor Trolla will be seen, but both will be mentioned.

D) CAST: The epic will not be an animated film like "The Secret of the Sword." It is written for a live-action cast. Since, the story has not yet been completed, cast members have not yet been selected. Discussion has emerged as to whom could possibly play each character. As final scripting of the story has not yet been completed, an official cast search has not yet begun. Edwin hopes to play the role of Kobra Khan himself if given the chance.

E) SOUNDTRACK: Ideally, the soundtrack will be nearly, if not entirely, instrumental. Edwin would like to take some of the original tracks from the original cartoon and have them re-arranged and for a symphony orchestra. A few of these themes include the basic themes of He-Man and She-Ra, the She-Ra Chase Theme, and the reflective Brother and Sister Theme from "The Secret of the Sword." Some people have suggested that Edwin write at least one or two vocal theme songs for the film, like they did with "Titanic." Edwin has not worked extensively on the soundtrack himself, but he has dabbled with it. He is currently working on a song called "All We Have." Whether this song will survive into the final product remains to be seen. Edwin would prefer, however, to concentrate his energy on the story itself because that is where he feels his ability is strongest.

EPISODE SUMMARIES (not yet final):

This is a tiny glance of what "The Magic of Greyskull" has in store. Edwin has been careful not to include so much as to give the story away. Edwin hopes you enjoy what you see!

If you read these and wonder where He-Man, She-Ra, Skeletor, Hordak, Battle Cat, and Swift Wind are for most of the story, that’s only for Edwin to know!

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6


"Masters of the Universe: The Magic of Greyskull" is the sole property of Edwin Lagrimas Vasquez. Unauthorized duplication of any portion without express permission is strictly prohibited. Violations will be prosecuted. He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, She-Ra: Princess of Power, Masters of the Universe: The Motion Picture (1987), and The New Adventures of He-Man are the property of Hallmark Entertainment and Mattel, Inc. No copyright infringement is intended.


Very special thanks to everyone who has provided my project with its much appreciated help and support, especially "Mosquitor" Aidan Cross, "Frosta" Sherry Wilk, Alex "Loo-Kee", "Adam" Adam Tyner, Matt, Miles "Snake Man" Jasem, Busta Toons, Zadoc Angell, "Cringer" Scott White, "Light Hope" Adam Osgood, Ike Amador, HippieLion, "Light Spinner" Jessica Thomas, "Divinia" Mendi D'Esopo, "Dum Dee Doo" Garrick Lee, Scott Berry, Jeremy Bard, Jennifer Holtz, Andrew Easton, Leila Bryner, Tania Ulloth, Darcy Loveless, Kate Goode, "Princess" Adorra Randorian, and Scott Kandell, along with countless others whom I have had the pleasure of meeting on the He-Man.Org Discussion Board over the years, as well as those members of my "Inner Circle" of Colleagues. You know who you are! Thanks also goes out to "The Magic Gang": Kevin P. Jay, Tom Wang, David Roderer, David Read, John-David Whitney, and Chris Helzer. Of course, I also send extra-special thanks to each member of my very large family. Thanks also goes to all of the original producers, directors, writers, artists, and voice actors of the original series. Without any of these wonderful people, this project would not be possible. My heartfelt gratitude to all of you again! With enough hope, we can make this project come to life. . .

Through the Magic of Greyskull!!!

If you want to ask Edwin any questions about his movie, e-mail him at!

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