Disclaimers, ratings and warnings are in Part 1.






Doctor Maris Locarno studied the two young men before her. It was still very early morning and she had arrived at her suite in Starfleet Medical at 0600.They had arrived not long afterwards and both men looked exhausted, as if they had been working on something throughout the night. They looked like conspirators, so it was quite possible that they pulled an all-nighter. Whatever it was, she was going to know about it by mid-morning. Of that she was dead certain.


Two young men, both dressed in command red.


Nick, her son, who had, until almost a month ago, been an inmate at the New Zealand Penal Colony and who had been freed by Kathryn Janeway for Voyager's mission in the Badlands. The other was Tom Paris, his half brother. Nick had known since he was very young who his father was, but for his own sake she had kept him away from the most vindictive, raw, cold-blooded man she had ever known. Tom, she suspected, had only been informed recently of their connection, and both men were the half brothers of Kathryn Janeway.


She had been overjoyed to learn that Nick had been one of the survivors of Voyager's crash, and felt a natural empathy for all those who died and for their loved ones who remained behind. Tom had not been on Voyager but Kathryn Janeway believed that he could be redeemed. From her own forced liaison with Owen Paris she had been given a son whom she loved with desperation. But Tom Paris had no such luxury. His mother died too young, when he was too young. His father...


Tom and Nick had been instrumental in the confession everyone had heard on the early morning news. She could see it in their faces. Both men, so remarkably alike they could be identical twins had been unable to conceal the guilt which was written all over their faces. Though, to be sure, no one else would have seen it.


But Thomas Eugene Paris had a problem and the problem manifest itself in the way his eyes shifted nervously, the way he bit his lower lip - just like Nick, but Nick wasn't doing it at the moment - and the way his fingers strummed on no particular surface. Just a strumming. He looked bothered, sweaty.


They had come to her to beg her to join them and for her to meet Tom. Tom she thought idly, needed a mother.


"And so, Mom, we would really love for you to join us on our new mission into the Badlands. We need another medical officer..."


It had been a very tempting offer. If Nick were going, she wanted to be where she could be his family.


"Besides, Doctor," Tom had added, "we have a very cute nephew and an adorable niece who could use a real, good grandma..."


Yes, it was tempting. She knew about Kathryn and Chakotay, knew that they had gone to Ketarcha where they remained for a few years after the twins' birth. No one had known, but she had been Kathryn's physician in the early stages of her pregnancy, until Owen Paris threatened them. Then they fled, for the babies' sake.


She smiled to herself. It would be good to tutor two young children who could call her grandma... After all, they were family, weren't they?


And now, Tom.


Nick and Tom had done something, something fantastical to make the entire Federation believe it was really Owen Paris who spoke and whom they saw and heard on their vid-coms. Even those who never watched the news, would have been informed via the fastest grapevine this side of the Alpha Quadrant.


Owen Paris was finished as a man. That was all there was to it.


Was it? She wondered about that. Tom looked strangely disconcerted, to the point that Nick had to steady him.


"Hey, you're not going to chicken out now, are you?"


Tom's hands shook.


"I killed Torres just like that," he muttered.


"You did what you had to do, Tom."


"And Jenny? What about Jenny? Her mother forgave me, did you know? How could she forgive me for killing her daughter?"


"Tom, my brother, you were a different - "


"I am Thomas Eugene Paris, son of a murderer, son of a man of no morals, son of a sick old fart. I'm like him, don't you see?"


Maris stood ready with a hypospray, but Tom brushed her gently away.


"You need to calm down, Tom."


"You don't know, Doctor, what I've done."


Tom's eyes looked red; he wanted to cry. A sob escaped him. Maris nodded to Nick who held Tom while she administered a mild sedative. Tom sagged against her. He sobbed again.


"He doesn't deserve to live, Doctor," he said slowly. "He doesn't deserve to live."


"Good," Nick responded as he gripped Tom's shoulders and shook him slightly. "Just so long as you hold on to that thought. Okay?"


Tom sighed. "Okay."




Owen Paris left Indiana in a hurry. To say he was shocked was putting it mildly. He never skulked. He never showed fear, nor did he ever admit to being wrong , in the wrong, in flight, or off beam. That was the way he lived his life.


He had a lifestyle and like it or not, his colleagues had to deal with that. So did his family.


What family? The fragmented quasi unit of products from illicit affairs, extreme violations against a person? The grandson and granddaughter who always shied away from him and never so much as gave him a smile?


What family? The son by his wife, the son by a rape and daughter by a rape? The sister of that daughter whom he brutally subdued and made her play his games by his rules?


Gone. No more.


Chakotay never once smiled. The man bristled and stood ready to fight him to the death if it had to come to that. Chakotay would never willingly kill him. The Chakotay he created in his laboratory would have had no second thoughts, no third or fourth thoughts of killing him, of driving that d'k tagh through his chest.


No, not even first thoughts. That Chakotay would have cut his throat. Period. No recriminations, no regrets, no compunction, no remorse, no hesitation.


But the new Chakotay, or the one he purged, was the one whose sense of honour always grated. That Chakotay was the one he hated. That Chakotay was the only human person alive or dead to whom he could aspire, if he wanted to aspire to anything as noble as being a man with honour, of principles, of moral codes and ethics by which to live one's life.


That was the Chakotay, the one who stared him down so calmly, so honourably, who reminded him most of what he could have been.


That was why he hated Kathryn's husband so much.


He envied him, resented him, wanted what he had. Almost got what he had.


Paris sighed. It wasn't the end yet for him. At least, he didn't believe that. He could leave Federation space, settle elsewhere where the Law Enforcement hounds wouldn't be able to get him. He could alter his appearance and go around molesting little boys and girl completely unseen.


He could.


But, the news this morning was too damning, the indictment coming ostensibly from him, too self-incriminating and, he was not responsible for the communiqué. Very clever to have taken a previous active recording of him and superimposing whoever sat there in his chair to speak those words, synchronise sound and movement perfectly. He would be the only one who would know it was a set-up.


Damn fools! He wouldn't put it past Tom to have done this. The kid had grown into a man, and he was delivering on his promise to bring down his own father. But Tom had to have help. He got here the same way Kathryn and Chakotay got back to Earth. They must have conspired against him.


But he was going to show them. Just as soon as he convinced the police he was innocent.


Turn on your vid-com while you're airborne…


He'd almost forgotten the Warrior's words.


The news flashed instantly, and he caught the words…


"…that there were in fact survivors of the Voyager crash. One of the survivors was Captain Kathryn Janeway. Also among those who survived were the CMO of Voyager, Doctor Krell, the Chief of Security, Lieutenant-Commander Tuvok, the pilot Nicholas Locarno…"


"Nicholas…and Tom together…" Owen Paris croaked, for the first time really troubled by the news. "There is no way to run…"


"It has also been confirmed by none other than Captain Chakotay himself, that he is alive and well, his memories which had been viciously purged by Admiral Owen Paris, restored. This had been one of the many transgressions Admiral Paris had committed and to which he has confessed in an earlier communiqué."


"Oh, no…"


"All survivors have been in contact with their families – "


"But not Tom…"


"Starfleet command has issued a formal pardon to Thomas Eugene Paris as well as Captain Chakotay. It is indeed with great sadness that we acknowledge the confession of Admiral Owen McKenzie Paris who has been a member of one of the most influential and stalwart families in Starfleet…"


Just then, another beep overrode the current communiqué and when he switched channel for a direct communication, it was to stare into the face of Admiral Hays.


"Admiral Hays, what can I do for you?" he asked, giving Hays his best smile.


But Hays didn't return the smile. He remained stern, his face unsympathetic. The formerly quasi-friendly face that smiled at conventions, social functions, meetings, was gone. The sudden realisation struck him – he had never been invited to private parties, house warming, office conclaves…


"Owen, it would be in your best interest of you remained in your office this morning. Two officers will be there shortly to fit you with a security anklet. No off-world travel. Be warned: should your shuttle leave orbit, we will not hesitate to fire at you."


So that was it.


He was a murderer.

Traitor to the Federation.

Plotted to assassinate the President of the Federation.

Plotted to destroy the planet Vulcan and all its inhabitants.

Raped the mind of Captain Chakotay of his life memories and turned him into a killing machine.

Destroyed Voyager in the Badlands. All proof of the destruction of the vessel had been furnished by Captain Chakotay to Starfleet Command.

Refused intervention in the suicide of his wife Elizabeth Paris and daughter Rowena.

Raped Gretchen Janeway.

Raped Maris Locarno.

Raped Phoebe Janeway.

Known to have poisoned Gretchen Janeway.

Molested little boys and girls.

Molested his son, Thomas Eugene Paris.


What Hays could have added and probably thought: "You're a sick fuck, Owen Paris."


If he could cry, he would. But his eyes were dry as he switched off the vid-com just before he touched down at Headquarters and made his way to his office.


Today it seemed to be quieter than usual as he walked across the lawns to his office. There weren't many people about. Strangely quiet, too. There was a sense of doom about the emptiness of the building. It was only 0800 hours. Most aides were on duty by now even if their bosses only arrived an hour later. Security anklet, indeed! What, did they think he was crazy? And admiral held for questioning?


He was innocent! He didn't send out that communiqué.


His face, his mouth, his words – every damning one of them.


Jail. New Zealand Penal Colony.


He sent Mark Johnson there once. Nick was there. They turned old men like Owen Paris into women. They would rape him day and night, and at night he would become someone's woman, made to beg for a fuck.


They sent criminals there.


It was the only place to go. New Zealand was hell. But then, the old Cardassian Frontline Prison Colony was the worst.


They would send him there. There was no way he could argue himself out of the charges.


No way at all. He was an old man, too old for this sort of thing. Chakotay should have killed him, but Chakotay was too much of the warrior to do that.


"Besides," as Tommy would have said, "who would want to do a sick old man that favour?"


They would turn him into the fool of Starfleet, the man with 'sin' written on his forehead. He would be the subject of tavern talk, casual conclaves about how a man from an illustrious family destroyed his family name and brought dishonour to the name Paris. He would never be smiled upon. The one or two acquaintances he had would stand and point to him, telling their friends, "Look, there goes a man, but he was a dirty old man playing sick little games with kids." They would turn away from him and warn others loudly so that he could hear them, to keep away from Owen Paris.


At least, before yesterday they feared him too much to say things to his face.


Now he was to be avoided.


It was unbearable.


I am alone...


Maybe Josh Grey was on duty already, Owen thought as he walked down the corridor of the second floor to his office.


Then again, maybe not.


They had to have been here since the communiqué came from this location. He still couldn't be sure whether it was Tom or Nick or both.


He opened the door.


His eyes instantly fell on the glass on his desk - aloof, yet inviting. Even in his fear-filled mind, he noted that its stem rested gracefully on a dark blue circular coaster bearing the garland of the Federation insignia.

