Disclaimers, ratings and warnings are in Part 1.





The Klingon's breath fanned her face so close she stood to Kathryn. She bared her teeth. Kathryn heard a growl that emanated from the woman's mid-section, growing low and forceful until it reached her throat. Kathryn stood her ground, even as Chakotay had already stripped and now stood, legs apart, aroused, belt in hand. Kathryn's neck hairs bristled as she cast him a glance, recoiling from the look in his eyes.


"Don't think you'll get away with this," she hissed, and didn't care whether it was Torres or Chakotay whom she addressed.


"Torres, take off her clothes."




Torres laughed and without much respect and decorum pulled her jacket off. Before she knew it, Kathryn stood topless. Then suddenly she was on the floor on her back. Torres had nicked her legs from behind, buckling her knees so that she keeled over.


Kathryn tried to push herself up, but the movement provoked Torres. Kathryn gave a cry of pain as long nails scored her sides where Torres dug her fingers and pulled her pants off. Her panty was left on, and the sigh of relief she wanted to give was short-lived when Torres pulled her to her feet again. Blinded by anger, Kathryn lashed at her,  her knuckles making contact with Torres's jaw.




Next moment Kathryn wondered hazily why she tried to fight Torres. Her head snapped with the force of the strike, sending her reeling across the bed. She raised her head, saw Chakotay who stood impassive, never lifting a finger. When she couldn't breathe, she realised Torres's fingers were curled round her throat, choking the life out of her.


"One day, you'll regret this..." she spat at the Klingon the second Torres released her grip.


What happened next Kathryn would remember with repugnance, recoiling instantly as Torres sprawled along her body, her hips grinding into her. She was trapped for the moment, but soon realised the Klingon was too strong for her. Her legs were tangled with the Klingon's, her pubis hurting from the unholy grazing and rubbing imitation of sex.


"Look at me...Captain Janeway of Voyager." Two fingers clutched her jaw and forced her to stare into Torres's eyes. A wild, feral cat whose only instinct it was to mate.


"Good..." The next moment Torres kissed her, forcing her lips open and plunging her tongue deep into her mouth. She struggled, but the Klingon simply caught her wrists above her head and continued kissing her. Kathryn closed her eyes, tried to blank out the smell, the relentless bruising of her lips.


Torres released her so suddenly that she gasped out loud. She tried to avoid looking at Chakotay and instead, turned her head the other way. She tried to wipe the blood from her mouth but Torres grabbed her wrists again, pulled her off the bed. In a smooth motion from gripping her wrists to gripping her hips Torres knelt in front of her and pressed her face against her pubis, and though she still had her panty on, it was no barrier as B'Elanna inhaled deeply. For a few heady seconds Kathryn felt the Klingon's tongue darting like a snake's tongue in and out of her pussy, the strength of the thrust pushing the fabric into her. Her heart pounding, Kathryn wondered if the Klingon was going to bite right through the fabric. 


A few moments  later Torres rose to her feet and turned to Chakotay.


"I don't think she's ready, Boss."


Up until that moment Chakotay had never moved or spoke much. Kathryn took a good look at him this time, noting how his jaw twitched, how his... She closed her eyes, tried not to see how aroused he was, evilly aroused. He remained enigmatic, uncompromising, wild and dangerous, his eyes never wavering from her. With a nod of his head, Torres understood a hidden command. The next moment, the cabin was lit - too brightly, for Kathryn blinked several times to adjust to the illumination.


Torres pulled her towards the bed again, made her sit down on the edge. Her hair had been loosened the moment they had left the sick bay and hung in long strands about her face. A flat cushion Kathryn never noticed was thrust suddenly underneath her. She almost slipped off the bed so close to the edge she sat. A stool was pushed  under her feet.


"Put up your feet, Captain," Torres commanded. "It's even better with her boots still on, Boss," she called to Chakotay. The Captain's going to be fucked with her boots on..."


Her breasts already ached from the pressure of Torres's weight on her earlier. She had no idea what to expect, except that she was being humiliated beyond any degree of respect and that her worst nightmare was happening. No, she decided. Losing her crew was her worst nightmare. How many worst nightmares did she have? Long before the Badlands... Sighing, she raised her feet on the long stool.


"Now spread them."


When she took too long, Torres pressed her knees, already almost reaching to her breasts, wide apart. She was splayed before the Klingon woman. Once she complied, Torres bent down and buried her face in her pussy, inhaling deeply, growling as she sat up again.


"I want to fuck her, Boss," Torres keened. "Let me fuck her..."


It was quiet for several seconds. Torres gave a sigh and moved, settling herself behind Kathryn, her legs dangling on each side. B'Elanna pressed heated lips against her neck. Kathryn tried to remain calm, not giving in to the Klingon's insistent fondling as she started licking and sucking, covering Kathryn's hands so that her palms cupped her breasts with B'Elanna's palms over hers. She tried to push Torres away, but the surprising strength hidden under the soft fondling unsettled her.




His voice sounded strident, dangerous, daring Torres to challenge his authority.


"Yes, Boss?"


"Get her wet for me..."


"Sure," Torres replied, her hand sliding down inside her panties. Kathryn gasped as B'Elanna's fingers reached her core. She tried to wiggle free but a knife in Chakotay's hand pressed into her neck.


"Try to move and you're fucking dead."


She felt like weeping. She had done enough of that. She wasn't going to give in, she swore on that. But the Klingon had already ripped one side of her panty, leaving her hands free to roam.


And roam she did. Kathryn cried out in shame as Torres found her clit. Then pressing little soft kisses against her neck, her long hair pushed away, B'Elanna began to rub the clit in gentle, circular motions. Another finger dipped into her vagina, testing her moistness. The finger felt cold as it slid up her pussy and by the time it was pulled out slowly, took some heat with it. The gentle rubbing continued with one hand working on fondling her moist folds, the entrance of her pussy, the thumb caressing the hair on her mound.


Kathryn tried not to think. Tried to remain detached. This woman fondling her was no novice. Deftly, she touched Kathryn's centre, sweeping her fingers over, then dipping deep inside her, looking for warmth, getting it. In and out, in and out B'Elanna moved, her goal to whittle her defences which she realised with deep, aching, blushing shame, was succeeding. Her juices began to lubricate the insistent fingers, pulling out with what Kathryn knew must be her creamy sex discharge. She heard B'Elanna grunt with pleasure.


The woman's ministrations created havoc in her head. Kathryn tried desperately to resist the onslaught of B'Elanna's finger fucking, so gentle that it surprised her. Her pussy folds had long pried themselves apart like a pair of drawn curtains that allowed the full view of her cunt for hundreds of eyes.


An image flashed in her mind. A smile, a kind smile. A man. A loving man.


That was her undoing as Kathryn gave herself over to the sensual caresses of the Klingon who began to growl again with pleasure. Kathryn leaned back against Torres, her face lifted, her mouth open as the Klingon continued. Then, unexpectedly, as the pressure built up in her, she found herself in a vortex of a sexual fantasy, of pleasure that coursed through her heated lower body, the dampness of her skin evidence of her readiness,  of craving the touch so much that she arched towards the woman. A soft nip on her earlobe and Kathryn gave a soft cry as she careened over the edge into a climax.


She felt the first trail of tears that ran down her cheeks as Torres released her.


"I guess she's wet now, Boss."


"You bastard..." she whispered as Chakotay approached her. He grabbed her hair and pulled her close to him.


"What did you say?"


"There will be hell to pay, Chakotay," she warned him.


But Chakotay took no notice as he flipped her easily on her stomach, with Torres instantly kneeling beside her, stroking her cheeks, kissing the tears that had fallen unbidden.


Such it was that Torres remained kissing and caressing her face, crooning to her. All the while her body shuddered on the bed as Chakotay's belt tore the skin off her buttocks.

