Confessions of a Mask

Coda to "Muse"



Disclaimer: Paramount is Chief.

Rating: G

Summary: Kathryn's mask speaks of chances lost.



When masks and muses thus our lives dictate,
the stage of life our stories to relate;
our tales, imbued with tragic tones, did hide
the truth when masks disguised what hearts denied...

I am a mask. I have a face. I adorned the faces of persons great and grand throughout the ages. I have purpose, though at the end of this little account, what purpose I endeavoured to define would, I wonder with apprehension, not quite fully denote my function.

I see you are as confused as I am. Let me state: Today, I am Melpomene's handmaiden. Melpomene? Ah, yes, she was the muse most favoured by the great dramatists of the ages. What would a play be, they contended, if events could not be driven by drama and tragedy? But I digress.

I come and present myself to you, and this my chorus, in a tale as tragic as the dramas of the ancient Greek theaters. I could tell you of all my glorious triumphs in the amphitheater of Dionysius, where I represented pain, anger, love, desire, happiness, sadness, apathy, duty...

Whatever emotion was required by the actor or actress to express or reveal on the stage of the vast open air theatre, I could successfully assume those different personas in Medea, Daughter of Jephthah, Periander of Corinth, Germanicus, Iphigenia…

Now you know. Once that was my purpose. I could show the actor's emotion as clear and defined so that Kephthah, the poor, educated slave who sat in the very last row on the right-hand side of the amphitheater, could see if Medea was angry, or whether Iphigenia was distraught at her coming sacrifice, or, if Sappho sought to woo Periander with her poetry.

Today, with smaller theatres designed to encourage a greater intimacy between players and audience, I have somewhat lost my original purpose. Players have no need to hide their faces behind masks. Every emotion, every small flicker of pain, sadness, anger is shown in a face that has become animated with passion. No, not passion, but Passion. Feeling, a love, a grand obsession for the Craft.

Still, - and here I am at great pain and confusion I suppose, to have to admit it – the more the players on Life’s Stage moved forward and entered new eras, the more successful it seemed, they became at hiding their emotions. Sadly, no mask was needed for that. What the world saw, was a face, one with an invisible mask. And, our Players have become so good at it, so instinctive that my present predicament is urgent enough to warrant this little tale.

Once, I served to reveal a particular emotion. Once, I had audiences at my feet. Once, I was Medea, Sappho, Jephthah’s Daughter, Iphigenia.

Now, I serve to hide a particular emotion. Now, my audience is a worried crew who would throw themselves at my feet if only...

Now, I am Kathryn.

Kathryn Janeway of the vessel USS Voyager, Intrepid Class, of the United Federation of Planets. It sounds important, doesn't it? Such a long title for a slip of a woman easily blown over by a breeze, so light she is. Yes, a vessel which by the very nature of its 'mission' in the Delta Quadrant is the reason Kathryn Janeway has employed me more and more to steel herself against anything that was designed to divert her from duty and command. It is interesting. You can’t see me. I am not here, but I am. You may ask: how can a face so beautiful, with grey-green eyes, lips as soft as the clouds and cheeks smooth as satin, hide the very essence of her?

What do you say, Chorus of Crewmembers?


To show a face that glowed with beauty
submerged all feelings crowned by duty -
The mask of Kathryn rarely faltered,
Affairs of state which could have altered
Had Kathryn sometimes hid the Captain
and smiled at antics of the ensign.

This is the face of Kathryn Janeway, and I, her mask. I am once again ruthlessly employed to suppress the deepest yearnings of my mistress. Yes, that is what she is because she can, like thousands before her in the dusty amphitheaters of the ancient worlds and cultures, exercise control over me. What used to be a hand that could, out of its own will and volition expose the face or hide it, is now simply The Face. A set of muscles, bone and skin that transform real feeling into a charade, a show to mislead.

In a second, you may witness the transformation of Kathryn Janeway, and I, her hapless subject, forced to assume a posture that - I don’t hesitate to tell you that, for I am, unlike my mistress, willing and able to share my feelings with you – in the extreme, hurts my facial muscles. I am even willing to say that Kathryn has become so good at it, and so accustomed to this transformation that very soon no one will see the real Kathryn.

No doubt you may wonder why – as we sit here in the ready room with her hands clasped - I am so morbid today.

It’s not my fault.

It’s the fault of Kelis. Shame, no, I can’t blame him. He is a wonderful dramatist and poet whose play has just thrust my mistress into a state of deep ponderance. Kelis, bless his poetic heart, was merely the latest catalyst that caused Kathryn Janeway to pull me up tightly against her own skin so that I became welded to her. I have to admire her for that. She does it so well. In a second she can be a loving, smiling Captain who gently gives young Naomi tips on Being Captain, and the next instant she is different when she faces another crewmember.

I am in pain.


We know that Kathryn loves us dearly,
although it's never shown clearly;
her precious mask she sometimes lowers -
how panic we when that hand hovers!
she gives enough to show her feeling
but oh, how dear Chakotay's reeling!

This is what my sorry little tale is about. Yes, she has feelings for her first officer. I want to say she loves him even. I can feel the blood rushing to the tiny veins in her cheeks that anyone who is allowed very close to Kathryn Janeway, can see. They are red, the finest network of vessels just under her skin that makes me boil, for I can feel the heat of it. It spreads and wells until I stretch to impossible lengths, a breaking point beyond which the stars beckon, but which, miraculously, Kathryn is able to control.

I can hear Kathryn's heartbeat. It thumps like drums against her ribcage, and only the quietest expelling of air, so quiet, so soft, is felt by me. No one else can see that, no one can hear it. No one can sense it. When Kathryn puts me in place, it happens so instantly that even I wonder how I can slip into my role with such speed.

When one man enters this room.


Chakotay sees me: the mask that tells him to back away. I know he can sense the terrible turmoil raging in Kathryn's heart. But, it is her call.


We understand Chakotay's heart
was pierced and pained by Cupid's dart;
''twas on a planet called New Earth -
our Captain settled for the worth
of friendship, weighed by far the most
than make her heart a lover's host.

From that point she hardened herself, insulated her heart against the betraying stings of Cupid's arrows and let Command rule, with Duty, her consort, in close proximity. I am the vaunted safety net now, a cover to shield her Self from becoming Involved.

Things have come to a head, and I want to relate to you what happened two days ago. It started a little more than two weeks ago when Lieutenant Torres and Ensign Kim went on a power hunt. Ah, I see you think it's funny calling a search for dilithium a power hunt. Be that as it may, they did not return, and were believed to be missing, probably dead. How Mr Paris, the significant man in the life of the ship's engineer reacted to her disappearance, I shall not go into, or how Seven of Nine reacted to Mr Kim's disappearance, or how Tuvok burned candles in his nightly vigils.

All were affected on board this lonely vessel cutting its way across the expanse of the Delta Quadrant. They were about to lose a lover, a close friend, indispensable members of the crew, protégé's, reclamation projects. It was the way Commander Chakotay and Kathryn Janeway behaved in this time that is what I am about.

Two days ago, Chakotay came in here, and stood in front of Kathryn. Kathryn, I should tell you, hadn't slept in days, and neither it seemed, had Chakotay. The worry was etched on the Commander's face. I could see it: the drawn look, the droop to the mouth that seemed to crowd out the dimples that always deepened whenever the Commander smiled. Well, he had no reason to smile. What news he brought was not good.

Kathryn's face? Well, I couldn't see her face, but I can tell you what I felt, for in those moments after the Commander came in, I felt what she felt. It was the golden moment on the Stage of Life when the Great Admission turned the tide in the events of the Play.

"Tell him, Kathryn," I urged her, trying to relax my muscles where she was trying to tighten them, "tell him you need him..."

A tendon, a muscle, the clenching of the jaw. I hurt! I hurt! Oh, the pain! I know what she is thinking...thinking...thinking...

<Dear Father in heaven, let me tell Chakotay I can't deal with my pain all alone...>

"Then tell him, Kathryn, by the gods, by Zeus, by all that drives the human heart to throw discretion to the wind, tell him, tell him, tell him...>

She heard my urgent pleading.

I could see the waiting on the Commander's face. I could see the flicker of hope in his tired eyes. I could see how the fingers tightened around the PADD he held in his hand. I could see the drooping mouth readying into a tentative, but hopeful smile. I could see...

My heart was thundering.

No! It was the beating of Kathryn's heart that boomed against her ribs and resonated all through her body. I felt it behind my eyes, the way my lips trembled and the blood rushed into the myriad of tiny vessels in my cheeks. I felt the sting of tears...

"I know you love him, Kathryn. Tell him so, and let me go... Drop me, bring your hand to my face and take me away from yours. Let him see your soul as it reflects in brilliant hope and release in your eyes..."

I could hear her as Chakotay stood waiting. In the long pause in which I was certain my own counterpart on his face was telling him to drop him, the seconds hammered away in inexorable finality.

<I want you to hold me so badly, so badly, Chakotay. Please, come closer. Just a touch of your hand on mine and I am yours. Just touch my hand. See here? My own hand hovers, readies to receive yours...>

"Take her hand, for the love of Athena, Chakotay. She wants to share her grief with you. I feel it. Rise, Kathryn and walk to him. You touch his hand. Can't you see how he waits for you? After all, you determined the parameters... You make the move…"

She heard my passioned plea for release. The pause was drawn out, a painful silence that hanged in the air and wanted to dissolve into possibilities.


"Less than ten days."

A long pause.

"Tell him now, Kathryn," I pleaded. I was too tightly welded in place. I tried again. "But Kathryn, there is nothing that is impossible to remove, or to climb or to overcome. Let me go!"

"An L-class planet--" Kathryn said.

"In the name of all the gods on Olympus, let me go, Janeway! If you don't do it now, this Golden Moment will pass, and I will be forever doomed to play a role."

"I've already narrowed the search parameters."

"No, no…please, Kathryn, don't shut him out…"

She tightened me to her. I became undone... I didn't want to do her bidding. I know, by all the ancient peoples of Earth who worshipped the Unknown God, that my sole purpose then was to conceal every emotion she was feeling. She loved him. She wanted him. The moment was about to pass into oblivion .

"If B'Elanna made it there, it's possible Harry did, too," Chakotay said, offering what hope he could.

"You can do it, Kathryn," I told her, but I sensed how the net tightened, I sensed how she withdrew. Her hands were shaking. Her heart was pounding. She was denying herself. I know it. What fire had burned and the ashes were about to remain.

<I can't...I can't...I can't...> Her thoughts echoed like the thumping of her heartbeat.

Another pause. I looked at Chakotay, and in his eyes I saw Kathryn's withdrawal.

"No! No! I am wailing, I am dying. You are killing me. I can't breathe...breathe...breathe..."

Kathryn hardened. Her heart remained bleeding, but her words…her words were not what her heart was feeling.

"Good night, Commander."

"Oh, dearest, Captain Kathryn Janeway, let me go, please... and be at rest." I pleaded.


"No! No! Don't let him go, Kathryn... Don't let him go."

Did I hear Chakotay click his heels? Did I imagine that sigh that escaped from him? Did I imagine the way he gave the slightest of bows? Did I imagine that dying light in his eyes?

I did not imagine the door of the ready room opening and closing.

I did not see it. I heard the soft swish and when the door closed, there was a finality in that sound. It offered the narrowest peek into the life of the ship in one moment, and in the next, shut that world out.

I was distraught. And so was Kathryn. We cried. I, because in the minutes that I desired passionately to be Kathryn's heart and mind and soul, she set me upon her face so hard, so in place, so submerged into her own soft, beautiful skin that I knew I would never be free. The Golden Moment had passed.

Kathryn cried because of chances lost. Kathryn cried because she knew what she had thrown away yet again. She knew that one word, one gesture, one look in her eyes would have changed the parameters forever.

Chakotay's sigh all but revealed the vain hope of his desires.

Kathryn's tears? Well, where no one could see them, she took me from her face. Everything Kathryn Janeway should have given Chakotay, everything she should have done where he could offer her solace in her grief, where he could fold her into his warrior's arms and stroke her hair and cheeks, wipe the tears from her face, she released in heart-rending pain in the solitude of this ready room.

"You should have told him, Kathryn," I said in my final capitulation to her control.

<I was afraid…>

"I know…"

<I have a duty. I can't let them see me less than who I am, who I should be on this vessel.>

"What do we do now?" I asked her.

<Now, we carry on as before. I need you, surely you know that.>

I gave a sigh. Yes, she declared she needed me. Now that Lieutenant Torres and Ensign Kim have been safely returned to Voyager, and Kathryn and I heard all that B'Elanna experienced on the planet, she needs me more than ever to keep me in place, and in my place.

Kelis the poet be damned. He had Kathryn and Chakotay kiss, in the name of Apollo. Kiss! They even lowered their masks, thereby removing all barriers between them.

I believe as surely as I am sealed to Kathryn Janeway's face and lowered only in the privacy of this room or in her cabin, that the players on that stage lowered their masks at exactly the moment my Kathryn and her Chakotay welded theirs in place and kept each other, as they've done a hundred times before, at a distance.

I am a sorry spectacle of a mask. I know everything about Kathryn Janeway. Everything. Yet I have no choice but to do her bidding. I come up and remain in place for as long as she needs me to be there. I shall remain in my dubious role as Kathryn's protector. Just as Kathryn Janeway will sometimes lower me where no eyes can be set on her and she can cry to her heart's content and be the woman she should be, I will also have these monologues on morbid self-pity.

So, Kathryn and I leave the ready room, to assume our place on the bridge of Voyager. Her chair beckons, and when she sits down and looks at her first officer, it embraces her with welcoming arms.

We look at Chakotay. I feel the slight tremble of Kathryn's fingers, hear the soft sigh.

I smile at him.


When masks and muses thus our lives dictate,
the stage of life our stories to relate;
our tales, imbued with tragic tones, did hide
the truth when masks disguised what hearts denied...
