Zetho - 12/15/00 10:28:58
My URL:http://www.warped.nu/~zetho/main.html
My Email:zetho@warped.nu
I got the link to this page from Sally's webpage for her engineering class. Excellent reference to a 'Vampire Kiss' colored Ibanez guitar; I almost bought one that color. I wonder how many people got that.
Floppy - 11/05/00 03:16:43
My URL:http://noneoyobusiness
My Email:blahblahblah@blah.blah
hi... just wanted to sign your guest book. here's my suggestion: i think that you should finish some of your pages. ok, bye.
Derek J. Sanderson - 09/02/00 19:12:21
My URL:/tyger2u_99/index.html
My Email:tyger2u_99@yahoo.com
Hello *smiles* WOW!!!! Excellent pages you have here!!! I was just websurfing and I landed well at an exceelnt homepage. I'd like to send you an award for your homepage. Please contact me and we shall speak and share of interest on poems, arts, backgrou
d sets, etc. Hope to hear from you soon, my friend *smiles*
Derek J. Sanderson
Aurie - 08/30/00 19:50:47
My URL:http://www.dragontear.com/ladyaurie/
My Email:ladyaurie@dragontear.com
You are so wonderfully talented song!! *huggles*
Aaron Decker - 08/27/00 08:09:21
My Email:stilettokain@hotmail.com
Hey there =0). Your poetry sets my soul afire, and talks to my heart. Your artwork makes me wonder about what's beyond images I see everyday. You seem to capture the inner beauty of everything you draw. Your wordsmithing is beyond extraordinary. Bea
tiful doesn't describe what you do with words. I am deeply honored to have seen your art, and read your words. Such soul, such passion, such beauty.
Mase - 05/29/00 18:50:15
hey song i was just looking at your web site and i think it looks good. i cant wate to see a pic oh your dream car tho. well keep up the good work song. *hugs*
Your friend Mase.
Monica (aka, Zorana) - 04/17/00 09:39:49
My URL:riiiighhtt....
My Email:zorana_dragonkyn@yahoo.com
You have a pretty nice page. I'm glad I stumbled upon your OD diary through Des's. At first, I was sort of jealous because he leaves notes on your diary and not on mine ;o), but I got over that when I realized how many things we really have in common.
Des - 04/14/00 04:08:16
My Email:Alexander_Knight@Hotmail.com
::huggles:: Excellent site as always. Love the new Gryphon (Griffon) section. :o)
Sally - 04/01/00 23:56:39
My Email:your mom
Hey wassup! I love to look at your web page. It is the coolest in the land...talk to you later slater. bye
Loco / Sting - 02/18/00 08:25:25
My URL:http://go.to/kotszakje
My Email:stinginc@hotmail.com
Hey linds. Why don you try a jungle like bakcground for the oogabooga thingy.. or an attic.. with a mouse hole.. (how the hell does a elephant get in a attic?)
William "Darein" Payne - 01/24/00 09:51:25
My Email:dareindh@hotmail.com
I love the site. You did a great job with it. I can't wait to see what the rest of it will look like when you are done.
Love D
Verac - 01/14/00 00:05:10
My Email:jdwybeng@ucalgary.ca
Looks good so far! Bet it'll look good finished. LOVE the drawings!
Verac - 01/14/00 00:03:57
My Email:jdwybeng@ucalgary.ca
Looks good so far! Bet it'll look good finished. (:
Deni - 12/13/99 09:33:17
My Email:deni_the_blackhearted@hotmail.com
Nice page
i liked the art of the wolves very much
you don't know me but i came to your page
through sting's page
keep working and finish the music page
Chris Redfeild - 11/24/99 22:58:00
My Email:RShinra@excite.com
nice.. :P
Hilmar - 11/09/99 07:59:11
My Email:jarvawolf@yahoo.com
hiya cecily good page i like the bloodmoon pic very good see u on net soon i hope :)
^SoRceReSS - 11/07/99 14:41:31
My Email:svivane@hotmail.com
Hello LadySong, thought I'd drop by your home and have a look around. Very nice job!!! I especially enjoyed the art :-) Keep up the good work, your friend always ^SoRce
Denrak =] - 11/04/99 07:36:09
My URL:http://hythloth.tsx.org
My Email:nah...!!!
*pads over and licks ya cheek* nice page
DeWiZarD - 10/28/99 03:56:18
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/dewizard
My Email:dewizard@freewwweb.com
looking good will be back to check out whats next. love the lettering.
Wendy - 10/25/99 08:56:23
My Email:wenli@uclink4.berkeley.edu
Hey girl! I love tigers!! I can't believe you drew them by hand! I also love the kaleidoscope stuff-sooo awesome!! One of these days I should do a webpage too cause it seems really fun. Anyway, I hope to talk to you soon, meanwhile, good luck with th
rest of your page.
Love, Wendy.
^JacKo - 10/24/99 13:18:38
My URL:none given
My Email:JacKo_tex@hotmail.com
Hiya little one ;o)
Seems you gotta thing for tigers eh....hehe
job well done, just one thing, ...........
...can you put up a few more tigers??? j/k.
you've done well so far, will enjoy the rest as
Seeee Yaaaaa !!!
LadyAvalon - 10/24/99 08:59:14
Well done Songy !!! You have achieved quite a lovely page there ! Take care, and talk to you soon. Your friend always, Ava :o)
Mrs-T-rex - 10/24/99 05:03:08
My Email:mrs.t-rex@webname.com
Very nice page. My first page was so incredible simple. Yours looks great keep up the great work.
Drop me a note and tell me how you are ok.
Take care hope to chat with you soon
Mrs T
kevin - 10/23/99 16:50:19
My Email:mystyk@jps.net
very nice work, songstress! I especially enjoyed your white tiger drawings..8) do you remember me? I am Ibert. If I am not mistaken, you live in Sacramento. I live in Marysville. This is a very well done webpage. The only thing I would ask is that you mig
t want to change the color of your text to be better read agains the green background...medium blue tends to blend into the teal shade that you have chosen for your background, making it hard to make out the words...try pink or rose red. 8) Chat with you
Enki - 10/23/99 14:03:18
My Email:kayak@rancholeona.com
Nice colors...far out, man. Frey likes them, too
Me! Songstress! - 10/20/99 08:35:35
Car pix? Well I always have my dream car that I'll get before you get yours, Brian ;) And yes, I might put that up so people can start donating to me to save up for it *grin* Ok ok...well maybe I'll put it up...if I ever get around to working on this sill
page again. thanks for the comments all...tankies loco Loco...catch ya later!
schardt312 - 10/14/99 08:11:12
My Email:schardt_312@hotmail.com
guess the page could use some car pix, that's about it
Loco - 09/15/99 08:56:06
My URL:http://www.loco-paella.com
My Email:webmaster@loco.findhere.com
Hiya hiya hiya howz be you?
see yous later on ICQ!!
hey that rymes!
Steve Nemila - 07/09/99 03:50:09
My URL:http://www.spiffynet.org/blackguard
My Email:steve420@spiffynet.org
I LOVE YOU LINDSAY!!!!!!!!!! =)
Titus - 06/08/99 06:07:02
My Email:birdienumnums@sprint.ca
Most impressive HTML skills. Most.
But you are not a Jedi yet!
Zach Aka Guyvor - 05/14/99 01:08:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok2/iggysgrandrathole
My Email:iggy_rocks@hotmail.com
just wanted to say hey!=O)
Love you bunches
Zach Aka Guyvor - 05/14/99 01:08:26
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok2/iggysgrandrathole
My Email:iggy_rocks@hotmail.com
Jerry S. Dugan - 04/02/99 04:42:37
My Email:duganheimer@juno.com
Hey, Lindsay Mae! While you were doing your mentor work, I decided to mess around with this ICQ stuff to learn what I can. Cool web page. I don't really have any suggestions to make because I don't even have a web page of my own. I don't even have any
hing to put on a web page. Anyhoo, talk to you later.
Rome (Daniel DeVicente - 03/23/99 05:07:30
My URL:http://suncoastsurgery.com
My Email:loafie@akos.net
hey if you need some help with your page i am an amateur web designer and have a couple o' pages... I can lend you a hand....
KnightAries - 02/24/99 09:22:13
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/KnightAries
My Email:knightaries@earthlink.com
Looks good so far, Lindsay. Keep up the good work.
Hope to see it when it's finished. Well, beautiful, I should be going.. It good to talk to a sweet, beautiful, and intellagent person. Till later... Good Journeys
songstress...me!!! - 02/07/99 23:52:07
Thanks for your comments guys...it's really not that great yet. I've been pretty busy with college life and everything but I hope to get some more stuff up soon...I work at it when I can. Well until next time...take care!
/dahrwaegin - 01/21/99 19:19:17
Good job!! i wish i knew how to make web pages. Maybe you could show me how. i think you should tell a little bit about yourself. but then again, that's what I am most interrested in. :o)
Take care!! Dahrwaegin
CrimsonDragon - 01/12/99 20:28:17
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/draxx/Page2.html
My Email:garath_dragon@hotmail.com
Looks great Song Can't wait to see the finished product. I'll keep checkin on it trust me! HeH
Marbendill - 12/18/98 17:01:46
My Email:wah?
^SoRceReSS - 12/13/98 05:35:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/3371
My Email:svivane@hotmail.com
I like what you've got done so far Lady of Song. I'll be back often to check it out.
Your friend always the mystical lady of Camelot
SoRce :-)
`LaDi`-`AuRiE` - 12/13/98 05:30:26
My Email:lady_aurie@geocities.com
Ah song I'm so proud of you!!!!!! It's looking really good so far!
CeithleenRavenWolf - 12/09/98 08:19:05
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/cynarra/index.html
My Email:Avatar_76539@yahoo.com
Gret start songy miss u so much in chat. Thank u for being a great friend. hugs and kisses to u my friend may u always be happy.
Black Heart, yeah yeah the evil guy that everyone thinks they can kill, BUT GUESS WHAT YOU CAN'T, HAHAHAHA - 11/30/98 22:13:35
My URL:Only web pages I have are for mature people only : )
My Email:hmmmm not in this life time
Well well, looks like everyone is getting into web page design these days, yes even the computer dumb, Caley, or lindsay or whatever your name is. Well the page I saw is kinda dull, not much their just a pic of some girl who looks to be from a Final Fanta
y game, and a bunch of links that all take you to the same page, hmmm not very eye catching, but we all know that this page will soon be the best, well maybe not the best but one of the .......... well not really one of the many but you will catch the eye
of someone that you told to come here : ) HAHAHAHAH well tis been fun writing in this msg box but really I've got angels to kill and people to eat, Must be going..for now. ^..^
Desmond (Varius) - 11/28/98 19:48:47
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/AlexKnight
My Email:Alexander_Knight@Hotmail.Com
Cool, looks like it will be rather interesting when you get finished. Catch you online as usual.
Uncle - 11/27/98 06:45:25
My URL:http://geocities.com
My Email:kmklein@geocities.com
Very nice indeed! I wish I could do graphics like yours! Very appropriate font styles, too! Keep up the good work - I'll be back for sure!
songstress - 11/26/98 21:51:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Crater/9745
Once again welcome to my first web page! Thanks for signing my guestbook! Check back here because I will be putting more stuff on it all of the time. Happy web surfing! ~song