
Botcon 98 Convention Images

(All pictures on this page copyright by John Runski)
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First let's start at the end! Here is the picture of my Botcon Haul:
My Botcon 98 Haul
All kinds of good stuff in there! Plenty of Japanese TF's, most of the last few American pieces I needed to complete that part of my collection, and a few non-TF toys. About the only thing I didn't get were any European TFs. Prices were just too high on those. Don't ask how much I spent... I won't even tell my wife that!

Now, back to the begining... Here are our hosts at the opening ceremony.
Our BC 98 Hosts

And now... Presenting.... Your Botcon exclusive.... limited to 600 pieces.... Antagony!
Presenting Antagony

Just in case anyone missed it, The Goodyear blimp was sighted passing by the convention center Friday afternoon:
Goodyear Blimp
No one could confirm if it was really there for the convention or not....

The next morning we (the dealers, that is...) had to wait until 7:00 to start our set-up. Considering that the show was to open at 9:00, that's really not a lot of time, so many of us were waiting around asking "is it 7:00 YET???".
The Dealer Line
The real sick part is that there were ALREADY attendees lining up before we even got in to set up... That's either dedication... or a lot of people stuck on East Coast time who just couldn't sleep!

And the set-up begins!
Setting Up

Fumihiko and friends:
The Japanese Dealers

Here's that same table an hour or two later:
The Japanese Dealers' Table

And Mr. Doi, on the other end, had plenty of Japanese G1 toys at excellent prices:
Mr. Doi's Table
(Many of the above pictured found their way home with me!)

And here is a table of toys brought over from Engand:
UK Dealer's table
Pretty steep prices, but they made enough money to come back for BC 99.

For those not interested in imports there were plenty of US toys available, as well:
Boxed Domestics

And for those not interested in boxed toys, there were also plenty of loose toys to choose from:
Loose Domestics

And even if you didn't want Transformers, there were tables with toys from other lines:
Non-Transformer Toys

Here is yours truly behind my own dealer table, selling off some of my flea market finds...
Rework's Table
(This picture was actually taken Sunday, after I'd sold off more than half of what I brought.)

Here is Sensei from Toy Dojo:
Sensei From Toy Dojo

This dealer is remembered at each show for two things: The best selection and... well, kinda high prices. Kind of our own little FAO Schwartz!
Dave Mammer's Table

More of Mr. Mammer's Table

Just a general shot of the dealer room in action:
Wide shot of the Dealer Room

And like all good geeks, Saturday night, I laid out my day's haul on the bed for a pic:
My First Day's Purchases

That's all for now!

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