My bagpipes wail as our 'Mechs sail,
Straight down into your city.
From DropShips high our missiles fly,
And the demon reigns supreme.

Your kin we kill, your fields we burn,
For the wrongs that you have done us.
And we won't stop 'til we all drop,
Or your worlds lie scorched before us.

Our innocent slain, our homes in flame,
Your betrayal still haunts our souls.
So you best fear, 'cause now we're here,
And none shall live but us.

"McKenzie's Lament", Copyright 2000, Written by: Chris "McKenzie" Dursin. Reproduce only with permission.

    Welcome to the dark world of the Bloody Clans. There may actually be some of you out there who don't know who or what the Bloody Clans are, so I best explain before we go any further.

    Who are the Bloody Clans? Well, there used to be a simulator/strategy game on GEnie called "Multi-Player Battletech" by Kesmai. There, a group of people portraying a mercenary unit were group known as simply "The Clans." This group frequently helped out the underdog, fought against overwealming odds... and won. After about a year in the game, we decided to change our persona a little bit. We were tired of playing the "good guys", it got boring always being nice and kind. So, we wrote a history that changed our group to the dark side. We had it that the Inner Sphere feared the strength of our unit, they combined thier militaries and attacked our world while most of the warriors were away. Our homeworld, Myers' Farm, was laid waste by biological and nuclear weapons, and virtually all the families of the warriors were killed. So were born the Bloody Clans. We now played the bad guys of the game in a role-playing standpoint. We no longer fought for money or glory, but for the blood of our victims to avenge our dead. We vowed to kill all those responsible for the destruction of our world, and so the entire Inner Sphere was to pay. That includes civilians... especially civilians. Where ever we go, terror ans choas is spread. You'll know the Bloody Clans took a city when not a scorched stone is left standing and the dead lie in grotesque, sickening circumstances.

    This was much more fun! As our reputation spread, our popularity with verteran gamers rose and the Bloody Clans eventually rose in strength to four regiments. We could bring online more people for an assault that some Houses and certainly more than any other mercenary unit. Allied with the Bloody Clans is The Swarm, a re-enforced battalion sized unit composed entirely of yellow painted Locusts. The Swarm is really made up of secondary characters run by TBC, but it added to the prestige of the unit. To find out more about The Swarm, go to The Swarm link below.

    The Bloody Clans is not just a gaming club, it's more like a family. In the unit there are no ranks whatsoever. Everyone is equal to everyone else. I can tell you a little story of TBC from a personal standpoint. From the time I was a Sgt. in Davion to a Regimental Colonel in Liao, everyone respected TBC. Among my fellows, there was hardly a one who would think twice about leaving the most prestigous of commands to be a member of TBC. At one time, a fourth of the Liao High Command left thier House (myself included) to join The Bloody Clans. It was a decision none of us have ever regretted.

    Since the closing of EGA Multi-Player Battletech, the Bloody Clans has migrated to many other gaming realms. We have a strong pressence in many on-line games, and are also rather fluent in board stategy games. We currently have a large Guild in the online fantasy game Everquest. Yours truely has multiple characters there, the highest being a 51st level Wanderer (Druid) on the Veeshan server.

If you want to learn some more about the Bloody Clans, or read about our exploits, choose one of the below links. Be warned, though. Our world can often be a dark and brutal place, and our fiction rather graphic.

Thirsty? Need to drown your sorrows? Why not head over to The Grinning Demon Pub . It's just a short walk...

Other Bloody Clans Web Sites:

TBC Private Board - Password Required, Sibs only!
The Swarm - A page devoted to TBC's mysterious allies
The Bloody Clans Main Page - Ice's page, the main TBC site

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Last Updated: October 26, 2000 @ 09:53 EST