The television page :

The grading is simple - between   to .

And my favorite T.V. shows are :

1) Star - Trek :
    The official site is, of course,

    My friend's site (
    It's not just a Star Trek site, but most of it is. It has some links to a few sites,
    and has a cast page with all the characters.

    Another good site is Holodeck 3 (
    It has about everything. Pictures, sounds, themes for Win95, and lots more!
    you just gotta check it out!

2) Babylon 5 :
     The official HomePage of B5 is and it's pretty good.
     It has pictures, sounds, trivia questions (some are pretty tough, but it's not so bad) and
     some more stuff.

     Until now I didn't find any good UNofficial sites of B5, but when I do, I'll put a link in

3) Animaniacs :
     I still don't have any good links, but you can check out my Animaniacs quotes page.

4) Sienfeld :
     No links yet, sorry :)

5) Friends :
     No links yet, sorry :)

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