An Online Chat with Godzilla Godzilla, the U.S. version was designed by those guys who did ID4. The creature itself belongs to Toho. Server: Welcome to the chat with International Action Star Godzilla. Godzilla: Hey webheads! Server: Time for our first question. Tohoexec211: Hey Godzilla, what made you sell out to the U.S.? Godzilla: Well first off, I did not "Sell Out". It's true that I earned a lot of money for this film, it took a bit to lure me out of retirement. But that wasn't even a main factor in my decision. When Emmerich first approached me for this project I was a bit skeptical, but I'd seen ID4 and enjoyed it, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I got script approval naturally. Godzilla: Then when I learned that Matthew Broderick and Jean Reno were onboard, I was more than willing to do it. These two men are extremely talented and it was a pleasure to work with them. And let's face it, to sell out in the first place I'd have to have been doing Art House films to start with. And with the exception of the first one, my movies, though a lot of fun to do, and quite satisfying to me, are anything but Art House. Gfan90: Did you really get plastic surgery for this movie? Godzilla: Well I'm not proud of it, but yes, I did get a little work done. I needed to look a lot younger than I really am, and makeup wasn't going to do it. But a lot of folks in the biz get regular touch ups, and I'm no exception. Take a look at my movies, you'll see what I mean. Mortometer: How did you prepare for this movie? Godzilla: Well I got plastic surgery as I said, and I also worked out. A lot. I'm happy to say that I'm in better shape than I've ever been. Regular sessions in the gym, laps in the pool and on the track got me looking like I did in the film. Fanboy1000: Hey, I love your movies, and this one was no exception. But I've noticed you write English very well. Do you speak it as well? Godzilla: As a matter of fact, I do. I took English in College. Which by the way was where I first met Mothra. Oldguy: I'm of the old school fans, I grew up watching your movies on T.V. About your co- stars, did you get along well with all of them? Godzilla: I got along pretty well with most of them yes. No real problems there. But the only ones I really was friends with were Ghidora and Mothra, whom I'd met a while ago as I said. Mawma9: Which did you like playing better, good guy or villain? Godzilla: Ooh, tough one. I'd guess I'd have to say villain. They're just more fun. Server: We've time for one more question. Holocost12: What's Ghidora like in real life? Godzilla: He's a pussycat. He's so unlike his charector it's almost scary. Server: That's all the time we have, thanks to everyone for stopping by, and thanks to Godzilla for taking the time. Bye!