X-Men: Trek Wars By Ben Church Trek: Paramount. X-Men: Marvel. Wars: Lucasfilm. Chapter 13 Cyclops strode purposefully down the corridor towards the place where the Enterprise Computer had told him where his team mates were. Cyclops had not been surprised to hear of their escape, but Captain Picard was. After instructing security to make no hostile moves, he'd asked Cyclops to calm them down and inform them of the situation. Cyclops didn't often get mad, but he was extremely peeved at Q for causing this mess. "What do you intend to do about it?" Q sneered, appearing beside him. "I am omnipotent remember." Cyclops knew he should ignore the man, but he couldn't. "We've fought against omnipotent beings before." he said. "Yes I know." Q answered. "I don't suppose you'd believe me if I told you they let you win?" Cyclops ignored him. "Well there you are Cyc!" Iceman exclaimed, as Cyclops turned the corner. Q had vanished. "What's the deal?" "The people here aren't our enemies." Cyclops said simply. "Q manipulated them into attacking us." "Sounds familiar." Bishop said wryly. Picard looked over the assembled people in his conference room. Full at the most normal times, it was almost overflowing now. From the Enterprise, his senior staff, including the returned Worf. From the New Republic Princess Leia and her husband and brother occupied the seats closest to him, while Chewbacca, and the translator droid See Threepio stood near the door. The captain of the Supership sat at the end of the table. The Shi'ar had arrived just as Picard had called for the conference. The Vizier and Gladiator were also in attendance. Also near the door, stood Wolverine, Cyclops, and the other X-Men. "Now then," Picard said. "Shall we begin? Mr. Worf." "Aye captain." Worf began. "A short time ago, I was transported to the surface of the moon below, along with Wolverine and Chewbacca, by Q." "Who is this Q?" Luke asked. "I spoke with him briefly before he took Chewie." "He is an extremely powerful and unpredictable entity." Data replied. "We have had several encounters with him before." "Apparently," Worf continued. "Q saw similarities between me, Chewbacca and Wolverine. He thought it would be amusing to have us go up against a heavily armed Imperial encampment." "Imperial?" Cyclops asked. "The New Republic is built on the foundations of a ruthless Empire that once ruled this entire section of the galaxy." Threepio said. "We were once called the rebel Alliance, but we have since defeated-" "Thank you Threepio." Picard interrupted. "It seems that Worf and the others aren't the only ones that have similarities." he thought. "Please continue Mr. Worf." "Once we penetrated the base and dispatched the personnel, we were able to patch into their computer and extract the information we needed. The Second Imperium and the Romulan Star Empire have forged an alliance." Worf waited for a moment while the shocked murmur died down. "Their plan was too capture the main Negotiators and anyone else they could find with Force ability." "Before anyone asks," Luke said. "The Force is an energy field that binds the universe together. It gives some people who can sense it, power." He looked pointedly at Cyclops and Wolverine. "It's what gives you your powers." "Nice theory Bub." Wolverine said. "But our powers are biological. Not magical." Luke opened his mouth to defend his beliefs but Leia put a hand on his arm. "Not now Luke." Turning to Picard she said, "Your ship's counselor is empathic is that correct?" "Yes. And the Federation Ambassador is telepathic." "As are the Empress and her aide Oracle." the Vizier added. "But Gambit and ArcAngel aren't." Cyclops said. "Why would they-" "You ain't listenin' Cyc. The kid here thinks we're Force sensitive 'cause we got powers. It's a safe bet the bad guys think so too, and that's why they came after us." "It seems they intend to take control of all the Federation, the Shi'ar Imperium and the New Republic in one swift move." Gladiator said. Bishop, who had said nothing during this whole exchange finally spoke up. "How did they know where we would be?" he asked. "According Leia the Romulans were waiting for them." "Re-programmed droids." Chewi said. "They transmitted the flight plans to the Empire." Once it was translated, the information caused a minor stir. Leia immediately contacted the Supership to set about remedying the situation with the droids. She assured Data they would merely have the Imperial programming removed. "Well that solves the problem of what, who and why." Namok said. "But what we need to know is Where." A shimmering appeared in the room, to be replaced by the form of; "Cybo!" Gladiator exclaimed. "Where have you been?" "Hiya boss." Cybo grinned. "I was on the ship that came for the Empress." his smile faded. "I wasn't able to get to her. But I did find out where they were going." He turned to Leia. "Your hometown." "Coruscant?!" "Perhaps it would be in everybody's best interests if we left immediately." Picard said. "Captain to the bridge!" a voice from the intercom cried just before the familiar red alert sirens began to sound. "Lower shields long enough to get everyone back to their prospective ships!" Picard ordered, and rushed to the bridge. A small ship had appeared from hyperspace, just before five star destroyers came from the other side of the moon. "Sir, the small ship has identified itself as the Star Jammer. The Shi'ar assure us that they're friends." "Good ensign we can use all the friends we can get." "Captain," Worf said after taking over for the ensign. "We are being hailed by the Supership." "On screen." "This is Namok. I suggest you all get going to Coruscant. I'm sending the coordinates to everybody. The Supership can hold them here. We'll join you as soon as we can." "Understood Namok." Picard said. "Picard out." "Receiving coordinates Captain." "Ensign," Picard addressed the Nav. officer. "Set a course for Coruscant, maximum warp." "Course laid in sir." "Engage." The enterprise leapt into warp. "Good luck Namok." "Thank you, your highness. May the force be with you." "And also with you." With that, Leia boarded the Falcon. Cybo was met in the docking bay by the Imperial Guard. "Welcome back Cybo." Flash Fire said. "Thanks. Now let's go get the Empress back." Namok watched as the Falcon, Phoenix, Imperium, Starjammer, and Enterprise streaked off into Hyperspace. Ambassador Melnik's ship had long since fled. "Let's kick some ass Lover." Allexia said. "Some how I suspect Picard would not approve of my relaxed relationship with my bridge crew." Namok thought, remembering the captain's stern visage. "But who cares." "Yes, Allexia. Let's kick some ass." "They left!" Admiral Pyne said incredulously. "They ran away and left a cheap copy of a star destroyer to fight us!" To be continued...