Babylon5 Episode Guide

Links provided in the episode lists will take you to the Lurker's Guide page for each episode.

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Alphabetical List of Possible Acronyms

by Brendan O'Dea

A quick reference to episode title acronyms often used in postings.

AAitN, aDitS, aDS, aLDfA, AMN, aNfaW, AoS, aRtDP, AtHL, atRCONHP, atSFoS, aVitW1, aVitW2, bAMN, BS, BttP, CaL, C&L, CoLaD, CoL&D, CoS, CtI, DitS, DL, DS, DtD, FoN, G17iM, GoS, HP, IaE, I&E, itSoZ, LD, LDfA, LTS, MfE, MoH, MotFL, MW, NfaW, PoD1, PoD2, PoNR, PTG, QoM, RCONHP, RtDP,SaP, SD1, SD2, SFoS, SH, SitW, SM, SoT, SoZ, S&P, STV, tAtHL, tCoS, tFoN,tGoS, tLD, tLTS, tPoD, tQoM,tWP, VitW1, VitW2, VoA, WP, WWE1, WWE2

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Episode Summaries

by Robert Rendell

Robert writes:

My aims in creating the lists were:

  1. To give away as little as possible of the action in each episode, preferably not more than what happens before the opening credits.
  2. To avoid giving away spoilers for events in a season to anyone who has not seen any episodes in that season.
  3. To jog the memories of people who have seen the episodes as to the details of the A and B stories.

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Season 1

#Episode TitleDescription
001 Midnight on the Firing Line (MotFL)Ragesh 3 is attacked, and Raider activity around B5 is getting worse. Earth presidential elections run between incumbent Luis Santiago and Marie Crane.
002Soul Hunter (SH)A damaged alien ship comes through the jumpgate. Dr. Franklin takes up his appointment.
003Born to the Purple (BttP)Londo is besotted with a dancer, and someone is illicitly using Gold Channel. Ko D'Ath arrives.
004InfectionFranklin is offered an unspecified opportunity by a former teacher. Something is smuggled on board the station, and a reporter from ISN tries to interview Sinclair.
005The Parliament of Dreams (tPoD, PoD)G'Kar's life is threatened, the people of Babylon 5 are encouraged to celebrate their various religious traditions, and Na'Toth, Lennier and Catherine arrive.
006Mind War (MW)A stolen transport is pursued by Earthforce Star Furies. Jason Ironheart arrives, and Catherine is made an offer by Universal Terraform.
007The War Prayer (tWP, WP)A Minbari poet plans to tour Earth. Two young Centauri lovers and an old flame of Ivanova's visit the station.
008And the Sky Full of Stars (atSFoS, SFoS)Two men 'target' Sinclair. A security guard owes money to some dangerous people.
009DeathwalkerNa'Toth had an encounter at the station's arrival area. Kosh employs Talia to monitor a business deal.
010BelieversA child is ill and dying, and a fighter wing is needed to escort a damaged transport through Raider territory.
011SurvivorsThe Earth President plans to visit B5, but there's bad blood between the Head of Presidential Security and Garibaldi.
012By Any Means Necessary (bAMN, AMN)B5's dock workers are heavily overworked. G'Kar needs a G'Quan'Eth plant for an important religious ceremony.
013Signs and Portents (SaP, S&P)Londo acquires the Eye, a Centauri relic. Sinclair asks Garibaldi for help clarifying his past, Raider activity is up, and Mr Morden arrives.
014TKORabbi Koslov arrives on B5 on the same transport as an old friend of Garibaldi's, Walker Smith.
015GrailA True Seeker visits the station. Ombuds Wellington has to deal with various problem cases, and lurkers are being mysteriously attacked.
016EyesA man with a scarred face and one Mr Gray prepare to go to work. Lennier helps Garibaldi restore an antique motorbike.
017LegaciesThe body of a great Minbari warrior is displayed in state, and a young lurker collapses from a mindburst.
018A Voice in the Wilderness I (aVitW, VitW)Seismic disturbances on Epsilon 3 concern the crew of B5. Delenn is visited by and old friend and mentor. An unexpected radio silence from the Mars colony causes curiosity.
019 A Voice in the Wilderness II (aVitW, VitW)
020Babylon Squared (BS)Unusual sensor readings from a nearby sector require investigation. Delenn takes her flier out for a journey "that must be made alone."
021The Quality of Mercy (tQoM, QoM)Franklin is running a free clinic in downbelow. Ombuds Wellington tries a man for murder, and Londo takes Lennier under his wing.
022ChrysalisThe Narn and Centauri contend quadrant 37. A lurker is shot trying to deliver a message to Garibaldi.

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Season 2

#Episode TitleDescription
023Points of Departure (PoD)Captain Sheridan of the Earth Alliance Cruiser Agamemnon receives a message from Earth about a renegade Minbari warship, the Trigati.
024RevelationsG'Kar encounters some unusual fighters. Sheridan's sister visits. Franklin asks permission to perform an unorthodox treatment.
025The Geometry of Shadows (tGoS, GoS)Two Drazi factions are fighting all over the station. Londo becomes acquainted with Lord Refa, but is alarmed to see a Technomage arrive on the station.
026A Distant Star (aDS, DS)The Cortez, an Explorer ship, stops at B5 to resupply. Franklin imposes food plans on the command staff.
027The Long Dark (tLD, LD)An unknown ship approaches the station from deep space, broadcasting a message in English. A deranged lurker begins foretelling doom on the station.
028Spider in the Web (SitW)The head of FutureCorp tries to make a deal with the Mars Colony. A mysterious figure in the San Diego Wasteland initiates a covert operation on B5.
029Soul Mates (SM)Londo invites his three wives to the station. Matt Stoner arrives, evoking negative reactions from a number of people. Delenn requests help from Ivanova - alone.
030A Race through Dark Places (aRtDP, RtDP)Earth Central wants to charge the senior command staff rent. The Psi Corps tracks an "underground railroad" of unregistered telepaths to B5. Delenn asks Sheridan to invite her to dinner.
031The Coming of Shadows (tCoS, CoS)The Centauri Emperor arranges a state visit to B5, over G'Kar's objections. A stranger arrives, looking for Garibaldi.
032Gropos25,000 Earth Force Infantry make a stopover at B5, and must be billeted. Their commanding officer is Franklin's father.
033 All Alone in the Night (AAitN)Delenn is summoned by the Grey Council. Strange sightings within B5's jurisdiction lead Sheridan to take out a wing to investigate. General Hague visits unexpectedly.
034Acts of Sacrifice (AoS)G'Kar appeals to the other governments for aid, but is concerned as Narn passions runs high. Ivanova is assigned to seek an alliance with a new race, the Lumati. Londo wants a drinking partner.
035Hunter, Prey (HP)Sheridan is fascinated with Kosh's transport. A fugitive alert is posted for Dr Jacobs, the former presidential doctor.
036There All the Honor Lies (tAtHL, AtHL)A B5 Gift Shop opens in the Zocolo. Vir receives upsetting news from homeworld. Kosh gives Sheridan lessons in self understanding, but the captain is distracted by an unprovoked attack by a Minbari.
037And Now for a Word (aNfaW, NfaW)Interstellar Network News hosts "36 hours on Babylon 5", in typical American news style.
038In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum (itSoZ, SoZ)Vir has a chat with Mr Morden. The Ministry of Peace hosts a seminar. Sheridan becomes obsessed with discovering the fate of the Icarus, the ship on which his wife died.
039KnivesSheridan investigates the "B5 Triangle", a place in downbelow where strange lights have been seen and people have disappeared. Centauri politics endanger an old friend of Londo's.
040Confessions and Lamentations (CaL, C&L)Markabs are dying mysteriously. Delenn and Lennier prepare a meal for Sheridan. Keffer's private excursions are curtailed.
041Divided Loyalties (DL)Talia and Ivanova are finally being friendly. Lyta Alexander returns to B5 with a warning carried from Mars.
042The Long, Twilight Struggle (tLTS, LTS)Londo returns to Centauri Prime at Lord Refa's request. Draal contacts B5. G'Kar confers with his uncle, G'Sten.
043Comes the Inquisitor (CtI)Kosh summons an Inquisitor. G'Kar starts buying equipment, but his authority is questioned by the other Narn.
044The Fall of Night (tFoN, FoN)The Drazi and Pak'ma'ra have disturbing news. Two people high in the Ministry of Peace visit the station. Keffer hears about a ghost. A Narn warleader asks for sanctuary.

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Season 3

#Episode Title
045Matters of Honor (MoH)
047A Day in the Strife (aDitS, DitS)
048Passing Through Gethsemane (PTG)
049Voices of Authority (VoA)
050Dust to Dust (DtD)
052Messages from Earth (MfE)
053Point of No Return (PoNR)
054Severed Dreams (SD)
055Ceremonies of Light and Dark (CoLaD, CoL&D)
056Sic Transit Vir (STV)
057A Late Delivery from Avalon (aLDfA, LDfA)
058Ship of Tears (SoT)
059Interludes and Examinations (IaE, I&E)
060War Without End, Part I (WWE)
061War Without End, Part II (WWE)
063Grey 17 is Missing (G17iM)
064And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place (atRCONHP, RCONHP)
065Shadow Dancing (SD)

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Links to Other Episode Guides

Brief plot summaries (these will contain spoilers):

The Lurker's Guide also contains much more extensive information on each episode. Follow the links in the Lurker’s Guide "Episodes" page, or those given in the episode lists above.


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The HTML code for this page was written by BrendanO'Dea.

This page is maintained by Alys and was last updated on 18 February, 1998.