The Series
                                                                  Episode Five
                                              Could there be a Black Hole Universe

After the black guardian left his impression on Diana and Jesse, they sat in stunned silence thinking about this monster being able to effect their TIME and SPACE, Jesse couldn't understand Diana's fascination for the weak yellow star.
It always brought memories to Diana of her TEST, when she'd turned sixteen, and when the ONE had sent her to EARTH as a STAR to observe the changes she had brought with her emotional outpouring, what she'd put into place and how she might stop the suffering.
Allowing this creature to turn the nine planet system into a nuclear furnace was unthinkable, it proved to DIANA there was no place that couldn't be manipulated by the black guardian.
Diana spoke sadly.
"Jesse on passing your TEST you excelled in nuclear math, could you find how long it will take the Guardian to effect this solar system?"
"Diana I've already done this, in EARTH TIME it'll take five hundred years, in OUR TIME we have only a few minutes, I suggest we use bi-polarized black light, beaming it into the nearest BLACK HOLE should stop the Guardian from carrying out his terrible threat."
"Jesse have you examined the consequences flowing from this line of action?"
"I haven't had time Diana, should we examine them before we ALTER the TIME FRAMES?."
"Jesse I'm worried about the threat by the Guardian, I'll take responsibility for any fallout, go ahead with your plan while we still have TIME."
Jesse GAZES into the WALL, manipulating it's complex thought controls, Diana goes to the APERTURE and GAZES into it, in the APERTURE appears a whirlpool of density, the swirling mass comes closer as Jesse joins Diana.
They face the BLACK HOLE and a concentrated beam of light emanates from their RUBY STUDDED BELTS passing through the APERTURE into the maelstrom.
Then they turn their attention back to the WALL exploring the nine planet system with the weak yellow star, on EARTH scientists were making calculations telling them there were unusual activities on the SUN'S surface, then the EARTH underwent a terrible shock from pole to pole, the poles were changing polarity, to the amazement of scientists they quickly change back again, THEN THE EARTH BECAME FLOODED BY TIDAL WAVES, PEOPLE THOUGHT THIS MIGHT BE THE END TIMES AS MANY PROPHETS HAD FORETOLD IN THE PAST.
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