
Welcome to my personal homepage!

(: I'm just learning the basics of HTML. Please take that into consideration! A lot of this page is also still under construction! :)

The Basics About Me!!!

Name: Sarah E. Nelson (the E. stands for Elaine, after my maternal grandmother.)

Birthday: August 9. I've made it to 21!! :-)

Home Base: Twin Cities Metro Area (MPLS-ST. PAUL), Minnesota

School: I graduated from Mount Mary College in Milwaukee, WI in December 1998 with a Bachelor's of Science in Occupational Therapy. After finishing my clinical internships in late August,I get to get a REAL job (horror of horrors!) Eventually, I hope to work in pediatrics, specializing in Sensory Integration Therapy. I will take my OT Registration exam in March, 2000.

My Faith: I am a Christian. I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior in fourth grade, while at camp. My relationship with Him didn't start to grow and mature until junior high and high school, with the loving help and support of my youth pastor, Gordon Gathright. I still have a long way to go, especially in learning about patience, perseverance, and discerning His voice and trusting Him. I have difficulty spending time in His Word, and an even harder time praying. But isn't growing better than getting stuck in a rut? Some of my favorite  verses  are here.  Feel free to take a look! I'll be adding more as I go along. FYI: I am an evangelical fundamentalist Christian, if you must apply a label to me. Evangelical meaning I do my best to share my faith with others, Fundamentalist meaning I believe the Bible IS the Word of God, and the truth by which I try to live my life. Denominationally speaking, I was baptized Lutheran, confirmed United Methodist and currently attend Elmbrook, a non-denominational church. I attended CYC, Methodist and Baptist camps when I was young. See why denominationality isn't really a big deal for me? Anyway, if you'd like to know more about how you can have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, to find our how you can have eternal life through Him, just  Email me!

Relationships: Click here There is someone very special, and very close to my heart and spirit, and he knows who he is. He's proven his love time and time again, when I've been miserable, in pain, lonesome. He's been there for me, helping me heal. I'm grateful for being able to be there for him, loving him, "just being" with him. I thank God for his love and tenderness daily, and I look forward to being with him in the only place we can be.... In late February, my heart lost its other half, when Tim and I lost contact. It's hard to keep going when you're pulled in so many different directions by people you care about... when you want to hang onto a dream, and the most intense love you've ever felt for someone, but you can only pray they're still alive and still loving you. True Love

Things I've Done: This is going to stick out like a sore thumb on this totally informal and otherwise fun page. *l* So short and sweet-- here's my online  resume (not done yet)   and here's my biomedical ethics research paper (as a sample of my formal research style). Warning... the latter is quite heavy stuff.

My Hobbies: Well, I'd definitely have to place chatting/RPing high on the list. Reading, listening to music, watching movies also rank high. In fact, I have one of the largest collections of a british school series ("The Chalet School", by Elinor M. Brent-Dyer) in the United States, having managed to addict my mom, too. Here are some Reading Recommendations. But most of all, (and I tend to burst out with this at the most inopportune moments) I always have music in my mind. I love to both listen and sing. My favorite types of music include Contemporary Christian, Christian Rock, Oldies, Folk and 80's. Quite a mix, huh? For a listing of my favorite artists and songs, click Music. If you'd like to hear me sing, Email me! and I will send you a file over EM or ICQ. I also enjoy art projects, and have experimented with ceramics, needlework and knitting. I also used to write poetry, so I've included a some of it here: Sarah's Poetry, Click here for more poetry.

My Friends: I'm going to start out with naming a few IRL friends who likely won't be familiar to most people reading this page. First of all, my best friend Karin, whom I've known since we first sat together on the schoolbus on the way home from Kindergarden. Next, my dear friend Chad, who was a constant joy to me during high school and afterwards. Thirdly, my friend Karen at school. I remember the day we met, and comiserated, and all the time we were practically inseparable. Josh, you know how special you are to me. I still can't believe I put that ad up during my sophomore year on the Net, and I was lucky enough to meet you. Thank you for hanging through everything with me, and bolstering me up when I have been at my lowest. Best of luck at school! Next, my "friends without faces", as someone wisely put it. I may not know where you live, not know what you look like, but somehow that just doesn't matter to me. And those of you I've met or talked to... I feel as close as if I have known you all my life. I'll list under best known Nexus handle, of course. Thanks for always being there for me, in my bad times.... I'm glad to return the favor whenever needed. Rob Manchester, Miles O'Brien, Gib Manchester, Claire Manchester, Beth Hunter, Erik Hunter, Clarrisse Moné, Gredin Ashcroft, Rae Majors, Katerina Penny, Daniel Marcus, Nancy Stewart, Keronn Tharash, Victoria Powers, Clio Zandar, Rora Manchester, Hunter Wilson, Reesa Reston, Gediman, Charlie Naylor,Matthew Naylor, Marisa se Ranor, Eshi se Ranor, Amy Kaye, WorfDL, Mithy, Vicki Manchester, Zeras, Tavell Manchester, Willy, Nikki Hunter, Brad Epson, Katy Fox, David Fox, DorMock, Herby McWarren, Anne Felter, Laura Hamiltons, Eric Davidson, Sean Mackenzie, Kathy Janeway Karra Paris, Rachel se Ranor, CSB, TKO, Phalen Aris, Laura Hamilton, Ellen Ripleyxxi, Maria Cosequella, Lauren Snyder, Ian,Relaana, Ktaria, Wade Wilson, Samaria Clement, Mike Boyer, Blade, Lazzetor, Tommy Jameson, Mauk Stele, Starr Blaster, Zack Hamilton, Andrea Jones-Celchu, Javelyn, Craig Manchester and SO many more.... I'd like to thank my fellow support group members. You know who you are.

My Handles: If you really want to know, go back to the Sarah's C's section. *L* Can we say multiple handle disorder? *lol* Mind you, not all of these are used frequently. If I did that, I think I would truly go insane! (I would have more, but I lost my bookmarks from the great Handle Grab of '98, and because of the *grumbles* Go! network incursion...)

****important note**** You can ICQ me UIN#14579831 if you want! :)

Sarah Nelson