CatsSarah's CharactersBorders

    I met Sarah Role playing in a Place Called the Nexus bar, in WBS. She is a well accomplished RPer in there, as well as a friend to many of the people that visit there regulary, and allways has a kind word for the non regulars, or "newbies"

Anyways, Sarah has many characters she role plays in the nexus, here are a few (click the name, if highlighted, for a short bio):


 Gillian Tyler (ne้ Renlar) 

Zandar Family: Anthea Zandar  Lori Temple Zandar, Emily Jane Hamilton-Zandar.

Manchester Family: Jeanne Wilson (Manchester), Lorraine Manchester, Gwen Manchester (Op Owen), Gwen Manchester (MU), Rebecca Re'nee Manchester, Lynne Manchester (ne้ Clifton), Gladys Manchester.

Gemma Jones 

Computer Programs: Engineering Assistance Hologram (EAH), Academy Rec Station Malyn

Clim Candlesnuffer

Vera Smithers

Trelissa Mason

Dora Reed

Patricia Prescott-Myles

Elaina Smith

Sydney Naylor

Karen Lerner

Rachel Stewart-Glacier

Jandaria Whitesands

Sheba the Siamese


Tera Lyons (Ogilvie)

Lady Lwaxana Troi

Amberlinne Donovan

Amy K`Tessa McWarren (Kamyss)




Heather Valentine

Kathryn (Kate) Halaska

Odette McWarren (Bertoni)

Margaret (Meg) White

Dr. Melissa Wilcox

Satiyrah Tralin

Sharliss Voriss

Cecile Genet



Anya Conlon

Latrisse Hammond

Mira Daedrei

Clarissa Saunders

Shannon Casein

Trissa Lane

Rhylana Valkyrie

Deira Kennedy

Felicity Markham

Gina Kalan

Faranth, Gwen's dragon

Tamara Draman

Stacia Mouldder

Never/rarely used handles:Uhura, Mrs. Tiggywinkle, Jessica R. Miller, The Swedish Chef, Maureen Johnson Smith

Dead/In Limbo handles: Corrine Swift, One Of the Shadows, Victoria Eaton, Shandar Felter-Hamilton, Dani Steele, Jean Holloway, Linde Baumann

There'll be more tomorrow! *lol*

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