"do you love your god?

your guns?

your government?

fuck you.

vote nader in 2000"


A picture I took of Robert

(I C&P the grin into the pic.  It's not real.)

Classic Questions:

Name: robert watkins

Alias: slunk, el slunko, fuckgod, orgasm in a can.

Age: 18

Birthdate: 6-5-82

Location: the rectal fistula of texas.

Occupation: i sell videogames and pokemon.


Cartoon: many. anime-vampire princess miyu, lodoss war, ninja saga,

darkstalkers/vampire hunter, tenchi muyo, rurouni kenshin, grave of

fireflies; also southpark and the simpsons

TV Show: prolly sabrina the teenage witch. i'd like to give her something

to curse about.

Movie: braveheart, ironman tetsuo, silence of the lambs, fight club,

various concert videos, and bill hick's revelation.

Music: smashing pumpkins, marilyn manson, and music by my punk band

"mellotron placed firmly betwixt the busom of the dead virgin mary on queen

elizabeth's union jack colored pantyhose"

Books: jeanne kalogradis vampire series, shinju and all its sequels by that

one woman. you know her name, emily. (Laura Joh Rowland)

Hobbies: research, experimentation, homosexual rape.

Animal: reptiles and dogs

Stuffed Animal: this one little dolphin i've got.

Color: blue, black

Toy: the ff8 gaurdian forces! and the movie maniacs Jason voorhees and

freddy krueger 18" dolls.

Drink: a&w cream soda, gatorade.

Appendix 2000: (Questions suggested by other people ;D)

Most annoying habit: eating small children and talking like a scot.

Last criminal act: either theft or statchutory rape.

Quickest way to tell you're grumpy: if my eyes are very dark, and fire is

coming out of my mouth when i talk.

Your weirdest trait: the fact that when i start yelling at some one, i

start talking like a scot.

Describe a recurring dream: if you've ever seen nine inch nails' broken

shortfilm, you'll know the dream and why i have it.

Last job held before your current one (or just your last job, if you're

unemployed.): secretation

Sadist or Masochist? both, depending on my mood

TV/Movie Character you most want to be: the masturbating gorilla in History

of the World Part I

TV/Movie Character you're most like: see above question

Jack Van Impe or Rexella? (If you don't know who these people are,

consider yourself very lucky.) well, i'd rather punch jack's face in with my fist until

it broke, but i'd rather pimp crack rexella with my cane. you know the one.


fuck prolife, fuck prochoice, I'm pro-abortion! --Bill Hicks, 1993

we humans are a virus with feet --me, last week sometime

i'd like you better if we slept together --Billy Corgan, XYU 10-31-98

fred durst is like the skinny white guy with the snaggle tooth in

highschool that gets popular and doesn't know what to do with

himself --Marilyn Manson

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