Support Fibromyalgia Research

What is it?

Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal pain and fatigue disorder (muscles, ligaments, and tendons) with an unknown cause and no cure. It's main aspects are painful tender points over various areas of the body, and physical exertion can cause widespread fatigue. Associated problems are a stage 4 sleep disorder (the restorative part of sleep), chronic fatigue (Viral Encephalopathy), depression, anxiety, irritable bowel and bladder, chronic headaches, TMJ Disfunction Syndrome, dry eyes and mouth, impaired memory and cognition, a wobbly gait, restless leg, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and bruxism (teeth grinding).

What is being done about it?

Various studies are being conducted in the US and throughout the world, the possibility of a viral cause is being extensively examined (the Influenza A virus). Other studies are looking into spinal cord compression or compression of the cerebellar tonsils. The national Institutes of Health spends millions of dollars on FMS and CFS research, but more money is needed if we hope to conquer this disease. Please refer to the links below for up-to-date research info and the latest studies being conducted.

How can I help?

If you have a friend or relative suffering from FMS or CFS (Viral Encephalopathy), the most important thing you can do initially is to provide your love and support and lend an ear or a helping hand if they are having a bad day. Just because they may appear healthy on the outside doesn't mean they aren't suffering. Some days are better than others, and the bad days can be very debilitating. Don't be quick to judge, we aren't lazy, and the depression we suffer is greatly due to our inability to perform tasks or think clearly like we were once able to do in the past. Join us in an advocacy and public awareness effort, help us find doctors that will listen to us and properly treat us, but most of all JUST BE THERE. The value of a loving and caring friend will do us more good than probably any drug on the market used in the treatment of FMS. You may also show your support by purchasing a Fibromyalgia Awareness Pin through the National Fibromyalgia Research Association (see link below).

Helpful Links:

National Fibromyalgia Research Association


Fibromyalgia Network


Main Page
